Department of Physics, University of Oviedo, c/Gonzalo Gutiérrez Quirós, Campus de Mieres, 33600 Mieres, Spain. E-mail: bordel@uniovi.es
First published on 2nd December 2016
The determination of fluorine in solid samples using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is a challenging task due to the low excitation efficiency of this element. Recently, the use of molecular CaF bands was demonstrated to improve the analytical capabilities of LIBS fluorine detection in Ca-containing samples. In this work, a novel approach has been developed to extend this methodology for fluorine quantification in calcium-free samples. In particular, the on-line nebulization of a Ca-containing solution on the surface of a fluorine containing sample has been successfully evaluated to obtain the desired CaF molecular emission. Nebulization parameters have been optimized in order to maximize the molecular emission. A linear relationship between the CaF molecular emission signal and the amount of F in the solid samples has been obtained. The calculated limit of detection for fluorine (about 50 μg g−1) is in the same order of magnitude as that obtained for Ca-containing samples. This novel approach for fluorine quantification opens new ways for the analysis of halogens in solid samples.
The presence of molecular emission bands in the laser-induced plasma spectra has been observed since the early stages of the LIBS technique,11 and it could be attributed to the recombination process of the plasma species when the plasma cools down. Recently it was probed that the use of CaF molecular emission is a good alternative to the use of a helium atmosphere for fluorine quantitative studies in Ca containing samples,12–14 especially in the low μg g−1 fluorine concentration range.15 This strategy was originally proposed during the first half of the 20th century to be used in arc spectroscopy as an alternative to the direct measurement of F emission lines.16–18
In this context, the fluorine quantification of calcium-free samples is a challenging task. Therefore, in this work, a novel approach to achieve CaF emission based on the online external spraying of a calcium solution on the surface of fluorine-containing samples is investigated. In particular, a fast, easy and versatile methodology, based on the use of a total consumption nebulizer is developed and optimized to determine traces of fluorine via CaF molecular emission in Ca-free samples.
The samples employed in this work were prepared by mixing NaF (purity > 99.5%) and Cu powder (purity > 99.7%). These samples were selected in order to use the same type of samples employed in a previous study,15 but in the present study the samples do not contain Ca. A pre-homogenization step was performed by mixing the powdered samples with methanol, shaking and drying. The mixed powdered samples were then deposited and distributed over a double-sided tape, fixed on a glass microscope slide.
A raster pattern composed of fourteen lines, with a length of 15 mm and a separation of 1 mm, was measured in each powder sample. After each raster line, a LIBS spectrum is obtained by accumulating 10 single shot emission spectra. Then the fourteen spectra are averaged to obtain the final spectrum. Additionally, three replicates were measured using this protocol for each sample. Data treatment was carried out using the “LA/LIBS data analysis software” by Applied Spectra, Inc. Fremont, CA, USA.
The calcium nebulization process was performed using a total consumption nebulizer (DS-5 Microflow Concentric Nebulizer; Teledyne CETAC Technologies, Omaha, 68144, USA), placed near the laser induced plasma. The Ca solution (calcium nitrite solution (30% w/w) in water (Sigma-Aldrich, Merk, Darmstadt, Germany)) was introduced using a syringe pump (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, USA), with a gas flow of 1 l min−1 of argon (introduced using a mass flow controller from MKS Instruments, Andover, USA). Fig. 1a and b show a schematic view of the experimental set-up and a photo of the nebulizer, including the sample stage and the objective arrangement. The nebulizer was placed at an angle of 50° with respect to the sample plane.
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Fig. 1 a) Schematic diagram of the LIBS experimental set-up; b) Picture of the nebulization process during the analysis. |
The formation of these CaF molecules in Ca-free samples during the nebulization of a Ca nitrite solution was investigated. In particular, a polytetrafluoroethylene sample (Teflon) was employed to evaluate this novel methodology. LIBS operating conditions were optimized for molecular detection (e.g. a delay time of 20 μs and a gate width of 50 μs). The intensity of the CaF molecular emission bands enhanced at increasing concentrations of calcium nitrite in the nebulized solution. In particular, a solution with 15% of calcium nitrite was employed, since higher concentrations start to produce the obstruction of the capillary tube in the nebulizer. Lower calcium nitrite concentrations might also be used but it would affect the sensitivity of the CaF analytical signal. The influence of the nebulization flow path was evaluated in order to obtain the maximum signal for the CaF molecular emission. Fig. 2 shows the LIBS emission spectra from a Teflon sample, obtained before and during the nebulization of the Ca solution on the sample surface. It is observed that the LIBS emission spectrum from the raw Teflon does not show any CaF molecular signal (only the presence of the C2 Swam system at 516 nm is observed in this spectral interval). However, when the Ca solution is nebulized towards the sample surface, an intense CaF molecular signal is detected. The emergence of the CaF molecular emission is attributed to the recombination of F ablated from the Teflon sample with Ca present at the sample surroundings and with Ca deposited on the sample surface and also ablated by the laser shot.
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Fig. 2 LIBS emission spectra from a Teflon sample, before Ca nebulization on the sample (blue line, right axis) and during nebulization (black line, left axis). |
In a previous study with similar samples, it was established that a minimum Ca:
F molar ratio of 20 was required to obtain an analytical response from the CaF molecular emission independent of the Ca content.15 In this work, the flow of the Ca solution in the total consumption nebulizer also needs to be optimized to achieve the proper formation of the CaF molecule. This nebulizer scatters small amounts of solution (a few μl min−1); however, the presence of small droplets of water over the sample surface is known to produce plasma quenching effects. Therefore, the influence of the Ca nebulization on the LIBS signal was investigated. Fig. 3 shows the emission spectra of a powdered Cu sample (mass content: 99.8% of Cu and 1500 μg g−1 of F) obtained with and without Ca nebulization. The formation of the CaF and CaO molecular bands is clearly observed when the nebulization process takes place. In addition, atomic and ionic Ca emission lines appear in this spectrum while the intensity of atomic Cu emission lines diminishes in comparison with those measured in the spectrum obtained with no nebulization. Spectra acquisition is carried out by moving the sample while consecutive laser impacts produce a raster pattern in the sample. Therefore, the direction of the sample translation, against the nebulization beam or in the same direction, can play an important role in the resulting spectra. Fig. 4 shows the LIBS emission spectra of the powdered Cu sample (with 1500 μg g−1 of F) detected during Ca nebulization, moving the sample along two opposite directions with respect to the nebulization flow. According to the schematic inset showed in Fig. 4, in each laser shot, the laser beam is focused at the edge of the area that is getting wet by the nebulization flow. Therefore, when the sample is moved in the same direction as the nebulization flow, the ablation is taking place in sample regions with a higher amount of water content than when the sample is moved in the opposite direction. From Fig. 4 it is inferred that the sample should be translated along the direction of the nebulization flow to avoid the ablation of highly humidified surface regions, where the emission signal is significantly attenuated.
The optimum amount of Ca-solution was also studied, considering the flow rate in the nebulizer and the sample displacement velocity. Fig. 5a shows the variation of the net signal from the CaF Green System emission bands (integrated between 528 and 543 nm) as a function of the Ca solution flow rate nebulized over the surface of the Cu powdered sample. It is observed that in the evaluated flow rate interval (between 3 and 11 μl min−1) the net emission signal shows a relative maximum around 4 μl min−1. It must be highlighted that a higher flow rate is related not only to a higher amount of Ca but also to humidity on the surface of the sample. Fig. 5b shows the variation of the net emission signal as a function of the displacement velocity of the sample along the axis of the nebulizer. It is noticed that in the investigated range (between 5 and 15 mm s−1) the displacement velocity does not show significant influence on the emission signal. Therefore, an average displacement velocity of 10 mm s−1 was selected for the further experiments.
This methodology has been successfully applied to the quantitative determination of fluorine in Cu powdered samples. A linear calibration curve was obtained using samples with a known fluorine mass content, resulting in a detection limit of 49 μg g−1 of fluorine mass-content. It is important to notice that the developed methodology has the potential to be used, not only in the case of fluorine analysis, but also in the analysis of other halogen elements, such as chlorine, whose molecular emission is found to be stronger than the atomic one.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |