Predicting H2S solubility in ionic liquids by the quantitative structure–property relationship method using Sσ-profile molecular descriptors

Yongsheng Zhaoab, Jubao Gaoa, Ying Huangc, Raja Muhammad Afzala, Xiangping Zhang*a and Suojiang Zhang*a
aBeijing Key Laboratory of Ionic Liquids Clean Process, State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Complex Systems, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China. E-mail:;; Fax: +86 01062558174; Tel: +86 01062558174
bSchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
cProcess Simulation Technology Department, China HuanQiu Contracting & Engineering Corporation, Beijing 100012, China

Received 14th June 2016 , Accepted 18th July 2016

First published on 19th July 2016


Predicting hydrogen sulfide (H2S) solubility in ionic liquids (ILs) is vital for industrial gas desulphurization. In this work, the qualitative analysis of the influence of cations and anions on the H2S solubility in ILs has been conducted. The results indicate that anions play an important role in determining the H2S solubility in ILs. Subsequently, two novel quantitative structure–property relationship (QSPR) models are developed based on charge distribution area (Sσ-profile) descriptors and an extreme learning machine (ELM) algorithm. To develop the QSPR models, a total of 1282 pieces of data belonging to 27 ILs are employed to validate the models. The average absolute relative deviation (AARD%) and coefficient of determination (R2) of the two QSPR models of the entire data set are 3.73% and 0.998, as well as 3.80% and 0.997, respectively. These results suggest that the proposed QSPR models can be useful for the prediction of H2S solubility in ILs.

1. Introduction

Ionic liquids (ILs) are gaining more and more attention in the field of gas absorption and separation because of their unique properties, such as negligible vapour pressure, high solubility as well as separation capacity, tunable properties and so on.1–7 Consequently, ILs have been extensively used in absorbing and separating gases e.g. CO2,8–11 NH3,12 SO2[thin space (1/6-em)]13 and so on. Unlike CO2 which has been widely studied using ILs as absorbents, using ILs to absorb hydrogen sulfide (H2S) only started in 2007 to the best of our knowledge.14,15 H2S, as a kind of toxic and caustic gas, must be removed from natural gas, synthesis gas, refinery gas, and hydrodesulphurization processes of crude oils.16 Although alkanolamine absorbents (e.g. monoethanolamine, diethanolamine, and methyldiethanolamine) are the commercial absorbents at present, they have some disadvantages, for example, high economic cost, high energy consumption, and caustic byproducts.17 Therefore, to circumvent the above mentioned problems, ILs have been used as the solvents to absorb H2S in the recent years. However, there are so many possible ILs can be synthesized in the lab due to their tunable property, and thus it is impossible to synthesize and measure the H2S solubility in all possible ILs through experimental techniques.18,19 Therefore, from the practical point of view, it is imperative to establish the predictive model for overcoming the shortcomings such as experimentally time consuming and expensive.

For the past few years, some models have been developed to predict the H2S solubility in ILs using the conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS) method,20 equation of state (EOS) and intelligence algorithms.21–24 The COSMO-RS method was proposed by Klamt and co-workers,25–28 which is a novel and an a priori predictive method. In contrast with other typical methods, the COSMO-RS only needs molecular structure as the input information and is independent of experimental data. However, from the quantitative point of view, this method often not sufficient to accurately predict the solubility of gases in ILs (summarized by Lei et al.20). For example, the average absolute relative deviation (AARD%) of H2S solubility in ILs is 38.64% and 38.14% for two different software versions (ADF combi2005 and ADF combi1998), respectively.20 Recently, as described by Ahmadi et al.,21 a set of specific parameters of the EOS models need to be fitted with experimental data, and these parameters are exclusively valid for a special systems but not suitable for others. Therefore, they employed artificial neural network (ANN) using the back propagation (BP) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) to build the model. The mean squared error (MSE) of the models is 0.00335 and 0.00025, respectively. Ahmadi et al.22,23 and Rahimpour et al.24 also established some models using intelligence algorithms including least square support vector machine (LSSVM), gene-expression programming (GEP), and ANN, respectively. The results are all more accurate than the EOS models. However, there are two aspects of the above mentioned studies that need to be improved. The first one is the experimental input parameters should be replaced with molecular structure information, which makes the new model being independent of experimental data. The second one is that the intelligence algorithms such as ANN and SVM should be substituted with more effective algorithm. Extreme learning machine (ELM) is a relatively new intelligence algorithm and was proposed by Huang et al.29–31 It can tend to reach a global optimum, and usually has faster speed than ANN and SVM. Therefore, the ELM algorithm is employed to predict the H2S solubility in ILs in this work.

New input parameter, namely, charge distribution area (Sσ-profile) which is calculated by the conductor-like screening model (COSMO), has been proved to be an effective descriptor (input parameter) for the quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSPR) model. Sσ-profile is an a priori quantum chemical descriptor, which can represent rich information such as electronic structure and molecular size of ILs. Several studies have successfully used Sσ-profile descriptor for predicting different properties of ILs, such as toxicity,32 density,33 viscosity,34 and heat capacity.35 Therefore, Sσ-profile will be employed as input parameter for establishing the QSPR model in this study.

This work aims to establish new QSPR models using the Sσ-profile descriptors and the ELM algorithm. Firstly, the qualitative analysis of the influence of the cations and anions on the H2S solubility in ILs has been performed. Subsequently, the Sσ-profile descriptors of 27 kinds of ILs are calculated by the quantum chemistry method. Thirdly, two QSPR models have been developed using the ELM algorithm based on the Sσ-profile descriptors. At last, the comparison of the two established QSPR models and previous studies was conducted in detail.

2. Methodology

2.1. Data set and molecular structures

The data set including 1282 pieces of data points belonging to 27 ILs was obtained from open ref. 14–17 and 36–46. As depicted in Fig. 1, the 27 kinds of ILs mainly based on cations including 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-3-methyl-imidazolium ([HEMIM]), methyldiethanolammonium (MEDAH), dimethylethanolammonium (DMEAH), 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium ([BMIM]), 1-octyl-3-methyl-imidazolium ([OMIM]), 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium ([EMIM]), 1-hexyl-3-methyl-imidazolium ([HMIM]), and different anions including methylsulfate ([MeSO4]), bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide ([Tf2N]), acetate (OAc), propionate (Pro), tetrafluoroborate ([BF4]), formate (For), hexafluorophosphate ([PF6]), tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate (TPTP), ethylsulfate ([EtSO4]), trifluoromethanesulfonate ([TfO]), bromide (Br) and lactate (Lac). Similar with open literature21,22,47 and our previous work,18,34,35,48 the whole data set are divided into the training set (1026 data points) and test set (256 data points) in proportion of 80% to 20%. The more detailed information of all the data points can be seen form Table 1 and ESI.
image file: c6ra15429h-f1.tif
Fig. 1 Optimized ILs structures with COSMO surfaces in this study. Red part represents positive COSMO charge density, and the blue part represents negative COSMO charge density.
Table 1 Temperature, pressure, and H2S solubility range as well as AARD% of the used ILs in this study
No. of ILs ILs T range (K) P range (bar) H2S solubility range (mole fraction) No. of data points AARDa% AARDb% Ref.
a QSPR1 model.b QSPR2 model.
1 [BMIM][PF6] 298.15–403.15 0.69–96.30 0.016–0.875 39 2.88 4.78 14
303.15–333.15 1.23–10.11 0.044–0.405 42 3.03 3.08 17
2 [BMIM][EtSO4] 303.15–353.15 1.14–12.70 0.012–0.118 36 3.26 3.53 37
3 [BMIM][MeSO4] 298.10 0.11–7.51 0.022–0.521 8 3.25 5.04 40
4 [BMIM][BF4] 303.15–343.15 0.61–8.36 0.03–0.354 42 2.64 1.97 17
5 [BMIM][Tf2N] 303.15–343.15 0.94–9.16 0.051–0.51 44 1.27 1.50 17
6 [EMIM][Tf2N] 303.15–353.15 1.08–16.86 0.049–0.609 42 0.64 1.04 38
7 [EMIM][PF6] 333.15–363.15 1.45–19.33 0.032–0.359 40 2.43 1.92 38
8 [OMIM][Tf2N] 303.15–353.15 0.94–19.12 0.063–0.7355 47 1.51 0.99 42
9 [OMIM][PF6] 303.15–353.15 0.85–19.58 0.0463–0.6972 48 1.32 1.19 45
10 [HMIM][Tf2N] 303.15–353.15 0.69–20.17 0.0368–0.7012 57 6.16 6.11 42
303.15–343.15 0.97–10.50 0.029–0.533 30 17.51 17.58 16
11 [HMIM][BF4] 303.15–343.15 1.11–11.0 0.06–0.499 33 1.77 1.21 16
12 [HMIM][PF6] 303.15–343.15 1.38–10.9 0.05–0.441 34 1.24 1.15 16
13 [HEMIM][BF4] 303.15–353.15 1.21–10.66 0.02–0.247 51 1.36 2.80 41
14 [HEMIM][PF6] 303.15–353.15 1.34–16.85 0.0347–0.4627 47 2.15 1.36 39
15 [HEMIM][Tf2N] 303.15–353.15 1.56–18.32 0.0576–0.5724 41 1.33 1.69 39
16 [HEMIM][TfO] 303.15–353.15 1.06–18.39 0.0357–0.5483 41 1.94 1.52 39
17 [EMIM][OAc] 293.15–333.15 0.014–3.248 0.0917–0.5103 64 5.96 5.94 43
18 [EMIM][Pro] 293.15–333.15 0.011–3.239 0.1206–0.5897 62 7.27 7.67 43
19 [EMIM][Lac] 293.15–333.15 0.044–3.216 0.0759–0.4898 57 2.54 2.29 43
20 [BMIM][OAc] 293.15–333.15 0.001–3.415 0.0740–0.5790 69 11.06 10.98 43
21 [HMIM][OAc] 293.15–333.15 0.003–3.309 0.0900–0.6094 66 7.04 7.01 43
22 [EMIM][TPTP] 303.15–353.15 0.582–19.415 0.0220–0.5926 79 1.52 1.45 44
23 [BMIM][Br] 299.15 1 0.03 1 0 0 46
24 [MEDAH][OAc] 303.2–333.2 0.097–1.396 0.0095–0.1618 35 0.93 1.99 36
25 [MEDAH][For] 303.2–333.2 0.079–1.242 0.0061–0.0807 33 2.53 5.51 36
26 [DMEAH][OAc] 303.2–333.2 0.031–1.111 0.0104–0.2085 53 2.23 1.34 36
27 [DMEAH][For] 303.2–333.2 0.058–1.153 0.0065–0.1189 41 3.14 2.01 36

All geometric optimizations of independent cations and anions of ILs were performed at the B3LYP/6-31++G** theoretical level in the ideal gas phase using the quantum-chemical Gaussian 09 B.01 version.49 Vibrational frequencies were calculated for each structure to ensure no negative frequency and confirm the existence of an energy minimum.

2.2. Calculation of the Sσ-profile descriptors

The COSMO files of cations and anions of ILs were calculated by the Gaussian 03[thin space (1/6-em)]50 package using the BVP86/TZVP/DGA1 level of theory. Optimized 27 ILs structures with COSMO surfaces were shown in Fig. 1. The red part represents positive COSMO charge density as well as the blue part represents negative charge density. Moreover, the darker the color (blue and red), means the stronger the polarity of the ILs. In order to obtain σ-profile, the 3D COSMO surfaces should be converted into a 2D surface composition function using the COSMOtherm program.51 After the σ-profile was obtained, one can quantify the relative number of surface Px(σ) with polarity σ. In this study, considering the computational cost and simplicity, the ILs were treated in two forms. The first is in the form of independent counterions, and the second is in the form of single σ-profile (simply combined the cation and anion into one single IL). As shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b), the σ-profiles of independent counterions (cations and anions) were both divided into 5 different regions respectively (SC/1–5 and SA/1–5, subscripts C and A mean cations and anions respectively) by integrating those segments over the σ, and thus there are 10 descriptors altogether. As depicted in Fig. 2(c), there are 6 descriptors (S1–6) of the single σ-profile of the combined ILs.
image file: c6ra15429h-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Solvent theoretical descriptors defined by COSMO σ-profile areas (σ-profile of representative cation [DMEAH] (a) and anion (b) [Lac] and ionic liquid [DMEAH][Lac] (c) are used for illustration) in this study.

2.3. Extreme learning machine (ELM) algorithm

ELM algorithm is one of the most popular algorithms, which was first proposed by Huang et al.29–31 The important features of ELM are that the weights and biases between input layer and hidden layer are randomly assigned and there is no bias between the hidden layer and output layer. These characteristics endow ELM with several excellent advantages: (1) the ELM is simpler than many algorithms such as ANN and SVM; (2) the learning speed is fairly fast; (3) the ELM has very good generalization ability; (4) the ELM works for all bounded nonconstant piecewise continuous activation functions; (5) the ELM can tend to reach the solutions straightforward compared traditional learning algorithms. Because the advantages mentioned above, the ELM has been extensively applied in many fields.29 The more detailed introduction of ELM can be found elsewhere.29–31

As can be seen from Fig. 3, the ELM structure in this study is made of three parts, which are the input, hidden, and output layers. The input parameters of input layer include temperature (T), pressure (P), and several Sσ-profile descriptors, and the output is the H2S solubility in ILs (mole fraction). The functions of f1 and f2 are the activation function and linear function respectively. As mentioned above, the biases and weights (w) between input and output layers are randomly generated, and thus, the weights (β) between hidden and output layers are the only parameters need to be learned. At last, the ELM model boils down to solving a linear system.

image file: c6ra15429h-f3.tif
Fig. 3 ELM network structure in this study for the prediction of H2S solubility in ILs.

2.4. Model validation and performance

To evaluate the effectiveness of the established ELM models, different statistical parameters were employed, namely, coefficient of determination (R2), relative deviation (RD%), AARD%, MSE, and root-mean-square error (RMSE). These statistical parameters are given as below:
image file: c6ra15429h-t1.tif(1)
RD (%) = 100 × (ycali/yexpi − 1.0) (2)
image file: c6ra15429h-t2.tif(3)
image file: c6ra15429h-t3.tif(4)
image file: c6ra15429h-t4.tif(5)

In which NP is the total number of the whole data set, y and ȳm denote the experimental H2S solubility in ILs and the average of the experimental data, and superscript “exp” and “cal” represent the experimental value and predicted value, respectively.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Qualitative analysis of the H2S solubility in ILs

As shown in Fig. 4, when the cation is same (e.g. [Bmim]), the anions embodied the following order, [EtSO4] < [PF6] < [BF4] < [Tf2N] < [OAc].14,17,37,43 It is obvious that the [OAc] shows higher H2S solubility than other anions. The reason maybe that the [OAc] has strong hydrogen-bond basicity,52 and thus can act as hydrogen-bond acceptor and form hydrogen-bond with H2S. As shown in Fig. 5, when the anion of ILs is kept as [OAc], the longer the alkyl chain the larger the H2S solubility in ILs ([HMIM]+ > [BMIM]+ > [EMIM]+).43 This situation may be explained that the ILs with long alkyl chain may have large free volume and strong van der Waals interaction compared with the ILs with short alkyl chain.
image file: c6ra15429h-f4.tif
Fig. 4 H2S solubility in ILs with different anions at 313.15 K.

image file: c6ra15429h-f5.tif
Fig. 5 H2S solubility in ILs with different cations at 313.15 K.

In order to inspect the importance of the descriptors, multiple linear regression (MLR) was used to build a simple linear model using the enter method (eqn (6)).

y = 0.017P − 0.003T + 14.463SA5 + 1.335SA3 − 341.251SC1 + 32.644SC4 + 2.452SA4 − 19.744SC3 + 2931.616SA1 − 66.287SC2 − 2.146SA2 + 5.576 (6)

(n = 1026, R2 = 0.716, AARD% = 123.1%)
where y is the H2S solubility in ILs, P is pressure, T is temperature, S is charge distribution area, and subscripts C and A mean cations and anions respectively. In eqn (6), the plus and minus before the descriptors represents positive and negative correlation, respectively. Moreover, the important of descriptors sort in descending order according to the t value, and thus, the most important descriptors is the headmost one. Hereby, two of the most important descriptors are P and T, and the plus and minus sign in front of them indicate that the H2S solubility in ILs increases with the increase of the P and the decrease of the T. Besides of the P and T, two of the most important molecular structure descriptors are the SA5 and SA3 which belong to anions. This indicates that anions play more important role than cations, and the H2S solubility in ILs will increase with the increase of the SA5 and SA3. In addition, the descriptor SA5 belongs to the strong hydrogen-bond basicity anions, namely, [OAc], [Pro], [For], and [Lac]. These results are consistent with the aforementioned speculation, that is, strong hydrogen-bond basicity anions will form strong hydrogen-bond, and thus, will have high H2S solubility. Although eqn (6) can give qualitative rules, the predictive results are poor from the quantitative point of view. The AARD% of the training set and whole data set are 123.1% and 122.4% respectively, which indicates that the H2S solubility in ILs not only just follows a simple linear rule. Therefore, a nonlinear model is required to obtain accurate quantitative results.

3.2. Results of the ELM model based on independent counterions σ-profile

In this part, the training set and test set are in proportion of 80% to 20%. The input descriptors were the T, P, SC1–5 of cations and SA1–5 of anions, respectively. As mentioned above, the weights and biases between input and hidden layers were randomly assigned, and thus, we only need to confirm the f1 function as well as the weights (β) between hidden and output layers. The f1 function employed in this study was the sine function. After the f1 function was confirmed, the only thing we need to do is to optimize the number of neurons between input and hidden layers and regress the β at the same time. As shown in Fig. 6, when the neurons exceeded 400, the AARD% of the test set began to increase and the R2 of the test set began to decrease. Therefore, 400 were determined as the best number of neurons for the model (here called QSPR1) in the hidden layer. As can be seen from Fig. 7, the calculated H2S solubility values (dotted line) were close to the experimental H2S solubility values (solid line), which indicates the QSPR1 model has a satisfying results. As demonstrated in Fig. 8, 83.6% data points of the QSPR1 model were estimated within 5% AARD%, and only 3.1% data points exceeded 20% AARD%. The detailed information for each of the ILs and data points can be found in Table 1 and ESI respectively. As shown in Table 1, although most kinds of the ILs have good predictive results, [HMIM][Tf2N] and [BMIM][OAc] have relative large deviations. The reason may be that the absorption mechanism of [BMIM][OAc] (chemical absorption) differs from most of other kinds of ILs (physical absorption). As for the [HMIM][Tf2N], although the experimental data were collected from the same group' work, still there existed some errors between the two different references, which can be seen from Fig. 9. The experimental data of [HMIM][Tf2N] in ref. 16 (large predictive deviations) obviously has lower H2S solubility at a certain pressure such as ≈8 bar at 303.15 K and higher H2S solubility at pressure > 8 bar than the ref. 42. Therefore, we can reasonably assume that the experimental data of [HMIM][Tf2N] in ref. 16 perhaps not so accurate, and thus should be carefully treated. A summary of the statistical parameters for QSPR1 was presented in Table 2, it was shown that the QSPR1 model could predict the H2S solubility in ILs with high accuracy and wide applicability by taking into account of the R2, AARD%, MSE and RMSE. Moreover, the required time of QSPR1 model having 400 neurons was only 1.5057 seconds on an Intel 2.93 GHz desktop computer with 2 GB of RAM.
image file: c6ra15429h-f6.tif
Fig. 6 AARD% and R2 of the QSPR1 model versus the number of neurons for the training and test sets.

image file: c6ra15429h-f7.tif
Fig. 7 Calculated versus experimental H2S solubility in ILs of the QSPR1 model.

image file: c6ra15429h-f8.tif
Fig. 8 Percent of value in different deviation range of the QSPR1 model. 44.1% of the H2S solubilities in ILs are estimated within 0–1% (relative deviation range%); 39.5% within 1–5%, 8.4% within 5–10%, 3.2% within 10–15%, 1.7% within 15–20%, and 3.1% over 20%.

image file: c6ra15429h-f9.tif
Fig. 9 H2S solubility in [HMIM][Tf2N] with different references.
Table 2 The statistical parameters for QSPR1
Data set No. R2 AARD% MSE RMSE
Training set 1026 0.999 3.32 1.03 × 10−4 0.0101
Test set 256 0.996 5.35 3.91 × 10−4 0.0198
Total set 1282 0.998 3.73 1.61 × 10−4 0.0075

3.3. Results of the ELM model based on single σ-profile

Based on the training set and test set used above, a new model (here called QSPR2) was established using the S1–6 (six descriptors), T and P as the input descriptors. The optimum number of neurons was 400, which was also obtained on the basis of R2 and AARD%. As demonstrated in Fig. 10, the calculated values (dot line) overlay the experimental values (solid line) and close to each other very well. This means that, the QSPR2 model using six structure descriptors can also estimate the H2S solubility in various ILs at high precision. The detailed information for each of the ILs and data points can be found in Table 1 and ESI respectively. From the Table 1, it can be seen that as with the QSPR1 model, the two largest relative deviations of QSPR2 model also belonged to the [HMIM][Tf2N] and [BMIM][OAc] (17.58% and 10.98% respectively). The AARD% of the entire data set was shown in Fig. 11. It can be seen that, 83.9% data pints of the whole dataset were in the range of 5% deviations (AARD%), 7.6% were in the range of 5–10%, and only 3.3% were over than 20%. The statistical parameters for QSPR2 including R2, AARD%, MSE, and RMSE were listed in Table 3. In light of these results, the QSPR2 model established in this study showed good ability to predict the H2S solubility in ILs over wide temperature and pressure ranges. Moreover, the required time of QSPR2 model having 400 neurons was only 1.3363 seconds on an Intel 2.93 GHz desktop computer with 2 GB of RAM.
image file: c6ra15429h-f10.tif
Fig. 10 Calculated versus experimental H2S solubility in ILs of the QSPR2 model.

image file: c6ra15429h-f11.tif
Fig. 11 Percent of value in different deviation range of the QSPR2 model. 44.9% of the H2S solubilities in ILs are estimated within 0–1% (relative deviation range%); 39.0% within 1–5%, 7.6% within 5–10%, 3.4% within 10–15%, 1.8% within 15–20%, and 3.3% over 20%.
Table 3 The statistical parameters for QSPR2 model
Data set No. R2 AARD% MSE RMSE
Training set 1026 0.999 3.37 1.04 × 10−4 0.0102
Test set 256 0.989 5.55 1.00 × 10−3 0.0316
Total set 1282 0.997 3.80 2.84 × 10−4 0.0169

3.4. Comparison between this work and previous studies

The above discussions have demonstrated the performance of the QSPR1 and QSPR2 models. For the sake of comparison, a comprehensive statistics of different models including the COSMO-RS (ADF combi2005 and ADF combi1998 versions), EOS (PR and SRK), intelligence algorithms (ANN, GEP and LSSVM) and QSPR was summarized in Table 4. In generally, the models developed by intelligence algorithms have higher accuracy (low AARD%) than the EOS and COSMO-RS, and the models established by ELM algorithm have better performance. The results indicated that the ELM algorithm can more comprehensively represent the nonlinear structure of this work (H2S solubility in ILs) than other algorithms. Therefore, the QSPR models established in this study based on ELM algorithm and Sσ-profile descriptors could be suitable for predicting H2S solubility in ILs over wide temperature and pressure ranges. The detailed deviation information for each of the ILs and data points can be found in Table 1 and ESI respectively.
Table 4 The comparison of different models for H2S solubility in ILsa
Method NP NIL AARD% Reference
a NP is the number of parameters, NIL is the number of ILs.b Is that the interaction parameters (ki,j) is not considered.c Means that the ki,j is considered.d Means that the number should be 16.
ANN 465 11 4.58 21
PR EOSb 465 11 38.95 22 and 23
SRK EOSb 465 11 36.43 22 and 23
PR EOSc 465 11 4.90 22 and 23
SRK EOSc 465 11 4.87 22 and 23
LSSVM 465 11 2.28 22
GEP 465 11 4.38 23
PR EOSb 664 14 196.76 24
PR EOSc 664 14 8.35 24
Empirical model 664 14 5.03 24
ANN 664 14 2.07 24
COSMO-RS (ADF 2005) 722 15d 38.64 20
COSMO-RS (ADF 1998) 722 15d 38.14 20
QSPR1 1282 27 3.73 This work
QSPR2 1282 27 3.80 This work

4. Conclusions

In this study, firstly, the qualitative analysis of the influence of cations and anions on the H2S solubility in ILs has been made. In general, anions play more important role than cations, and strong hydrogen-bond basicity anions (such as [OAc]) may form strong hydrogen-bond with H2S and thus have higher H2S solubility. Then, two new QSPR models were proposed to predict the H2S solubility in ILs using the Sσ-profile descriptors and ELM algorithm. The two QSPR models (QSPR1 and QSPR2) both have high coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.998 and 0.997 respectively) as well as low average absolute relative deviation (AARD% = 3.73% and 3.80% respectively). The statistics indicate that the two QSPR models both have good predictive performance and could be used for predicting H2S solubility in ILs. Finally, the two QSPR models have been compared with other previous models, and the two QSPR models have better results. In the two QSPR models, the Sσ-profile descriptors can present more molecular microstructure information and also can be independent of experimental descriptors (used by other works). In addition, the required time of the two QSPR models was only 1.5057 and 1.3363 seconds on an Intel 2.93 GHz desktop computer with 2 GB of RAM. Therefore, the proposed two QSPR models could be suitable for predicting the H2S solubility in ILs.


This work was financially supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2015CB251403), the National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No. 21425625), the key program of Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation (No. 2141003) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21506219).


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