Issue 74, 2016, Issue in Progress

Surface passivation of boron emitters on n-type c-Si solar cells using silicon dioxide and a PECVD silicon oxynitride stack


Recombination of charge carriers is a significant loss mechanism in solar cells. To achieve high efficiency, recombination losses should be minimized. The surface passivation technique is used to minimize recombination losses. Also, surface passivation is essential to achieve high conversion efficiency, especially for thin crystalline-Si (c-Si) wafers. We have investigated the passivation properties of a silicon oxynitride (SiOxNy)/silicon dioxide (SiO2) stack for boron doped emitters. SiOxNy single layer properties were optimized using various gases (N2O, NH3 and SiH4) and gas flow ratios. Optimized SiOxNy films resulted in low refractive indices ranging from 1.49 to 1.64. FTIR spectroscopy was used to analyze the chemical composition of the SiOxNy films. As the gas flow ratio increases, the absorbance peaks shift towards higher wave numbers due to an increase in oxygen concentration in the film with a decrease in refractive index. After optimization, SiOxNy film was capped over with a 10 nm thermal SiO2 layer. The effective lifetime of the SiOxNy/SiO2 stack was found to be 0.690 ms. Light IV results showed an efficiency of 19.58% with Voc, Jsc and fill factor of 644 mV, 37 mA cm−2 and 82.3%, respectively. The role of SiOxNy/SiO2 stack passivation for the improvement of solar cell efficiency is discussed.

Graphical abstract: Surface passivation of boron emitters on n-type c-Si solar cells using silicon dioxide and a PECVD silicon oxynitride stack

Article information

Article type
28 Apr 2016
17 Jul 2016
First published
19 Jul 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 70040-70045

Surface passivation of boron emitters on n-type c-Si solar cells using silicon dioxide and a PECVD silicon oxynitride stack

N. Balaji, S. Lee, C. Park, J. Raja, H. T. Thanh Nguyen, S. Chatterjee, K. Nikesh, R. Jeyakumar and J. Yi, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 70040 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA11043F

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