Anu Kadyan,
Kamalakanta Behera and
Siddharth Pandey*
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. E-mail:; Fax: +91-11-26581102; Tel: +91-11-26596503
First published on 14th March 2016
Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have emerged as easy-to-prepare inexpensive environmentally benign media with the potential for applications in various areas of chemistry. A judiciously selected cosolvent can modify the properties of a DES in a favorable manner. Tetraethylene glycol (TEG)-modified DES composed of choline chloride and urea in a 1:2 molar ratio, named Reline, is investigated over the complete composition regime within 298–358 K for its properties. The empirical solvent polarity parameter, ENT, obtained using the solvatochromic absorbance probe response of a betaine dye, along with Kamlet–Taft parameters, dipolarity/polarizability (π*), H-bond donating acidity (α), and H-bond accepting basicity (β) suggest the presence of interactions, mainly H-bonded, between TEG and the components of Reline. The H-bond accepting basicity (β) of TEG-modified Reline is found to be unusually high. Responses from dipolarity as well as intramolecular charge-transfer fluorescence probes further support these outcomes, suggesting that a small amount of TEG can effectively alter the properties of Reline. Negative molar excess volumes and positive excess logarithmic viscosities estimated from density and dynamic viscosity measurements, respectively, at all compositions and temperatures for (Reline + TEG) mixtures indicate the presence of stronger inter-species H-bonding interactions between Reline–TEG as compared to the intra-species H-bonding interactions between Reline–Reline and between TEG–TEG. FTIR absorbance and Raman spectral measurements indicate unusually high H-bond accepting basicity (β) of the (Reline + TEG) mixture to be due to the decreased involvement of urea functionalities in H-bonding with choline chloride, with possible increase in H-bonding between the adequate functionalities of TEG with those of choline chloride.
The appropriate combination of the constituents of DESs turns them into solvent milieu of anomalous behavior that is remarkably different from the common molecular solvents or aqueous/organic electrolytes.2–5 Apart from using different combinations of salt and hydrogen bond donor to prepare a DES with modified features, the physicochemical properties of DESs may also be effectively modified by simple addition of a cosolvent. In this context, in order to prepare nonaqueous solubilizing milieu composed of DES as a constituent, an environmentally-benign cosolvent, tetraethylene glycol (TEG), turns out to be a logical and interesting choice as it is constituted of termini hydroxyl as well as ethoxy functionalities that can offer both H-bond donating and H-bond accepting possibilities. Thus, TEG as a cosolvent has potential to impart favorable and unusual properties to DESs as solubilizing milieu. Further, the TEG is not only inexpensive, easily available, and easy to handle, it also shows appreciable miscibility with some of the common and popular DESs. TEG also shows several industrial applications especially as an intermediate and/or ingredient in polyester resins, as component of antifreezes/coolants, as plasticizers for nitrocellulose finishes, as humectants in tobacco and textiles, as lubricant for rubber, as heat transfer fluids, and in gas dehydration and treatment.8,9 Due to its attractive properties and applications combined with H-bond donating/accepting capabilities, TEG clearly has potential to form a hybrid system with DES possessing attractive physicochemical properties.
In this work, we have observed that TEG can alter/modify properties of a typical and common DES, named Reline, prepared my mixing choline chloride and urea, both solids under ambient conditions, in 1:2 mole ratio. Several physical properties as well as solute solvation behavior of the colorless transparent liquid Reline under ambient conditions have been recently reported.10–14 Apart from physical properties, solute solvation is of utmost importance as far as characterizing a complex solubilizing milieu is concerned. Information regarding the dependence of the solvation process on molecular architecture and functionalities of the solute is essential to establish any milieu as acceptable solubilizing medium in chemical sciences. Solvatochromic solutes (or probes), in this respect, may provide systematic information regarding the properties (e.g., dipolarity, hydrogen bonding ability, etc.) of a complex solubilizing milieu.15–18 Apart from the obvious solute–solvent interactions, solvent–solvent interactions due to alteration/modification in the medium may also get reflected in a solvatochromic probe response. Our investigation reported here reveals that addition of small amount of TEG modifies properties of Reline in a significant manner affording a new hybrid green nonaqueous media.
A Perkin-Elmer Lambda 35 double beam spectrophotometer with variable bandwidth and Peltier-temperature controller is used for acquisition of the UV-vis molecular absorbance data. Steady-state fluorescence spectra were acquired on a Jobin-Yvon Fluorolog-3 (model FL-3-11) modular spectrofluorometer equipped with a 450 W Xe arc lamp as the excitation source and single-grating monochromators as wavelength selection devices with photomultiplier tube as the detector. The temperature was controlled with a Thermo NESLAB RTE7 circulating chiller bath having a stability of ±0.01 °C. All absorbance and fluorescence data were acquired using 1 cm2 quartz cuvettes. All fluorescence probes used were found to have adequate fluorescence quantum yields within the mixtures under investigation. Attenuated and reflectance-Fourier-transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) absorbance data were acquired from 4000 to 400 cm−1 on an Agilent Technologies Cary 660 ATR double-beam spectrophotometer. The liquid samples were evenly spread on KBr pellets to record the FTIR absorbance spectra. Raman spectra were acquired with 532 nm excitation using a model no. X/01/220 XploRA PLUS Confocal Raman spectrometer. Densities (ρ) of the mixtures were measured using a Mettler Toledo, DE45 delta range density meter. The density measurement with the above mentioned density meter was based on electromagnetically-induced oscillations of a U-shaped glass tube. The standard deviations associated with the density measurement are ≤0.00005 g cm−3. The measurements were performed at 15 K intervals in the temperature range of 298.15 K to 358.15 K. The dynamic viscosities (η) were measured with a Peltier-based (resolution of 0.01 K and accuracy < 0.05 K) automated Anton Paar microviscometer (model AMVn) having calibrated glass capillaries of different diameters (1.6, 1.8, 3.0, and 4.0 mm). This instrument is based on the rolling-ball principle, where the steel ball rolls down the inside of inclined, sample-filled calibrated glass capillaries. The deviation in η was ≤0.5%.
All measurements were performed at least in triplicate starting from the sample preparation and the results were averaged. All spectra were duly corrected by measuring the spectral responses from suitable blanks prior to data analysis and statistical treatment.
ET(30) = 0.9953(±0.0287)ET(33) − 8.1132(±1.6546) | (1) |
R = 0.9926, standard error of estimate = 0.8320, n = 20 |
(2) |
π* = 8.649 − 0.314DENA | (3) |
The α was determined from ET(30) and π* using:22–24
(4) |
β = −0.357NA − 1.176π* + 11.12 | (5) |
ENT along with π*, α, and β were estimated from the absorbance band maxima of betaine dye 33, DENA, and NA using eqn (1)–(5) for (Reline + TEG) mixtures at several different mixture compositions in the temperatures range 298–358 K at 15 K interval. While the numerical values of ENT, π*, α, and β are reported in Table S1;† the representative absorbance spectra of betaine dye 33, DENA, and NA are presented in Fig. 1 and the plots of ENT, π*, α, and β as a function of TEG mole fraction (xTEG) are presented in Fig. 2. The parameters obtained for neat Reline and neat TEG are in good agreement with those reported earlier in literature.13,27
It is interesting to note that, irrespective of the temperature, ENT, π*, and α in neat Reline are all higher than their corresponding values in neat TEG. A careful examination of the data reveals this difference to be more for π* and less for α with ENT, as expected, representing the net effect [see eqn (3) and (4)]. The fact that Reline is partly constituted of ions may be the reason for the relatively higher dipolarity/polarizability of this DES as compared to TEG. Although the presence of termini hydroxyl functionalities impart appreciable HBD acidity to TEG, urea and the hydroxyl group on choline cation both act as H-bond donors in Reline resulting in a slightly higher overall HBD acidity of Reline over TEG. The combination of termini hydroxyl along with the presence of the ethoxy functionalities of TEG, however, does result in significantly higher HBA basicity for neat TEG as compared to neat Reline irrespective of the temperature.
As expected, addition of TEG to Reline results in decrease in ENT, π*, and α, and increase in β within the temperature range investigated. A careful examination of the plots in Fig. 2 reveals that as small amounts of TEG is added to Reline, ENT decrease considerably and are found to be less than those predicted from ideal-additive behavior (shown using dashed/dotted lines) in the Reline-rich region. Whereas in TEG-rich region, experimental ENT are slightly higher than the predicted ideal-additive value. Mixture of (Reline + TEG) around equimolar composition shows ideal additive behavior. The trend of decrease in π* and α, respectively, suggest that the lower than expected ENT in Reline-rich region is due to the significantly reduced HBD acidity (α) as TEG is added to Reline. It is already established that α contributes ∼68% towards ENT.21,28,29 The higher than expected ENT in TEG-rich region is also due to the unusually higher α in this region. The experimental dipolarity/polarizability (π*) are more-or-less close to their ideal-additive values irrespective of the mixture composition and the temperature. It is interesting to note that while α are observed to be lower and higher than their expected values in Reline-rich and TEG-rich compositions, respectively, the HBA basicity (β) are found to be considerably higher than those predicted from the ideal-additive behavior irrespective of mixture composition and temperature. While TEG shows higher β as compared to Reline, surprisingly, for the mixture composition 0.4 ≤ xTEG ≤ 0.6, HBA basicity (β) are found to be even higher than those observed in neat TEG. The unusually high HBA basicity associated to the (Reline + TEG) mixture is rare and a consequence of extensive changes in the H-bonding network when Reline and TEG are mixed. This is in complete contrast to the TEG mixture of several common ionic liquids constituted of imidazolium family HBD cations, where HBD acidity (α) was, in general, found to be unusually higher within the mixture; HBA basicity (β) never showed this so-called ‘hyper-effect’ or ‘synergism’.17,27 It is clear that the mixing of Reline with TEG is rendering one or more of the NH2/CO of urea, OH/Cl− of choline chloride, and OH/OCH2 of TEG better H-bond accepting basicity especially closer to the equimolar region.
For a given composition of the (Reline + TEG) mixture, ENT is found to decrease with increasing temperature in the temperature range 298 to 358 K (Table S1†). A decrease in ENT implies a decrease in the dipolarity/polarizability and/or the HBD acidity of the medium. In general, ‘polarity’ is suggested to usually decrease with increasing temperature due in major part to the increased average thermal reorientation of the dipoles.13,30,31 This results in a decrease in dielectric constant with increasing temperature of polar liquids due partly to the destruction of the cooperative effect. For example, static dielectric constant of water is observed to decrease as the temperature is increased to 373 K.32,33 It is interesting to note that the decrease in ENT is twice in neat TEG as compared to that in neat Reline in the investigated temperature range. This is a direct consequence of the fact that while the decrease in α with increasing temperature is similar for Reline, TEG, and their mixture, π* of neat Reline does not change with temperature at all; it decreases significantly for neat TEG. Subsequently, the mixture shows decrease in π* with increasing temperature that is less than that observed for neat TEG. Similarly, β for neat Reline also does not change with increasing temperature whereas for neat TEG it does decrease. The fact that Reline resists decrease in dipolarity/polarizability as well as HBA basicity as temperature of the medium is increased is manifested to some extent in the (Reline + TEG) mixtures where the decrease in these parameters is to a lesser extent as compared to TEG or other aqueous/nonaqueous solvents.
Experimentally obtained Py I1/I3 along with the ideal additive values (shown as dashed curves) estimated using eqn (6) proposed by Acree and coworkers37 are presented in Fig. 3A.
(6) |
In fluid medium, fluorescence from pyrene-1-carboxaldehyde (PyCHO) can originate from either or both of the two closely lying excited singlet states, n–π* and π–π*. The π–π* is more stabilized and is brought below the n–π* on increasing the polarity of the surrounding thus rending π–π* the emitting state in more polar media. The emission from π–π* is manifested by a broad, reasonably intense emission that red shifts with increasing solvent dielectric.38
We found the fluorescence band representing emission from π–π* state to be very sensitive to the temperature for (Reline + TEG) system. While the lowest energy fluorescence emission band is readily observed at 298 K, at higher temperatures as the medium dipolarity is decreased instead of a band a shoulder appears rendering estimation of lowest energy fluorescence band maxima difficult (inset of Fig. 3B). Nonetheless, experimentally obtained lowest energy fluorescence emission maxima (λFlumax) of PyCHO at 298 K along with the ideal additive values obtained using
(λFlumax,calc)−1 = [(λFlumax,Reline)−1 × xReline] + [(λFlumax,TEG)−1 × xTEG] | (7) |
The response of PyCHO within (Reline + TEG) mixture at 298 K nicely corroborates that of pyrene and Reichardt's dye. As expected, the probe cybotactic region experiences significantly higher dipolarity in neat Reline as compared to that in neat TEG; PyCHO λFlumax decreases 15 nm. However, as small amount of the cosolvent TEG (xTEG = 0.05) is added to Reline the dipolarity as indicated by PyCHO decreases dramatically (decrease is 9 nm). Further addition of TEG results in very gradual decrease in the dipolarity of the medium. These outcomes are indicative of the fact that the probes PyCHO, due to its nonpolar character, may be preferentially solvated by TEG: the more nonpolar of the constituents in the mixture. However, as hypothesized earlier, changes in the H-bonding capabilities of the mixture due to the mixing of Reline and TEG resulting in unusually higher HBD basicity may be the key contributor to this. The overall dipolarity around PyCHO cybotactic region decreases markedly as a result of TEG over-crowding the probe and decreased polarity of the medium due to solvent–solvent interactions altering H-bond within the mixture. This lowering in the dipolarity combined with the lowering of the polarity of the medium due to temperature increase results in disappearance of the PyCHO fluorescence band representing emission from π–π* state.
The λFlumax of TNS and ANS, respectively, obtained experimentally in (Reline + TEG) mixture along with the ideal additive values estimated using eqn (7) at different temperatures in the range 298–358 K are presented in Fig. 4. As expected, both TNS and ANS cybotactic regions are also more polar in Reline as compared to that in TEG. However, TNS appears to be more sensitive to the changes in the dipolarity of the (Reline + TEG) mixture as, irrespective of the medium temperature, the slope of λFlumax versus xTEG for TNS is higher than that of ANS. It is convenient to learn that as TEG is added to Reline in the Reline-rich region, responses of both TNS and ANS are suggestive of the negative deviation from ideal additive behavior as also manifested through the responses of Reichardt's dye, pyrene, and PyCHO discussed earlier. At Reline-rich compositions, either TNS and ANS are preferentially solvated by TEG or the changes in H-bonding due to mixture formation thus reducing the mixture polarity further than that expected or a combination of the two is again proposed to be the reason for these observations. We suspect the latter to be the dominant cause as preferential solvation of ionic probes by the nonpolar constituent TEG as opposed to the polar-ionic constituent Reline is difficult to comprehend.
The response of another similar neutral probe coumarin-153 (C-153) also corroborates the observations from Reichardt's dye, pyrene, PyCHO, ANS, TNS, and PRODAN. The λFlumax of C-153 within neat TEG is also lower than that observed within neat Reline, and the λFlumax are lower than that expected from ideal additive behavior for initial addition of TEG to Reline (xTEG < 0.4) (Fig. 4). The C-153 behavior further supports the proposition of preferential solvation of the probe by TEG and/or the presence of Reline–TEG interactions resulting in altered dipolarity of the mixture.
Density of Reline, TEG, and their mixtures are measured in the temperature range 298–358 K in 15 deg interval (Table S2†). Irrespective of the temperature, density of neat Reline is found to be higher than that of neat TEG (our densities are in good agreement with those reported earlier for neat Reline and neat TEG44), and the density of Reline decreases monotonically as TEG is added. In order to afford the extent of interactions within (Reline + TEG) mixtures, we estimated excess molar volume (VE) from experimental density data using the relationship
(8) |
MReline = xcholine chlorideMcholine chloride + xureaMurea | (9) |
Molar volumes of neat TEG and neat Reline are 173.33 cm3 mol−1 and 72.48 cm3 mol−1, respectively, at 298 K. The VE at each temperature for (Reline + TEG) mixtures are presented as a function of xTEG in Fig. 5A. It is clear that VE are negative and are significant at each temperature throughout the entire composition range for all (Reline + TEG) mixtures (the absolute VE for Reline mixtures with TEG are significantly more than those with water10). Interestingly, as the TEG is added to Reline, the VE decreases sharply and reaches its minima value at xTEG ∼ 0.2; the maximum absolute VE for (Reline + TEG) mixture is observed in the range 0.2 ≤ xTEG ≤ 0.6. The temperature dependence of VE, however, is not very significant. Probe responses from (Reline + TEG) mixtures discussed in the last two sections are also observed to be not too dependent on the temperature. The VE were fitted to the Redlich–Kister type polynomial expressions.45 According to combined nearly ideal binary solvent/Redlich–Kister (CNIBS/R–K) model, the VE in a binary solvent mixture at a constant temperature can be expressed as:
(10) |
The negative VE generally points to contraction in volume upon mixing. The negative VE of (Reline + TEG) mixtures at all compositions hints at presence of relatively stronger inter-component H-bonding between Reline–TEG as compared to intra-component H-bonding between Reline–Reline and TEG–TEG. This would result in contraction in volume as the two components Reline and TEG are mixed. Facile interstitial accommodation of choline chloride and/or urea within H-bonded network of TEG or vice versa will also result in negative VE. It is interesting to note, however, that the absolute value of VE does not change appreciably as the temperature is increased. As the system temperature is increased, we believe the reduction in inter-component H-bonding strength (which should result in decrease in absolute value of VE) is partly offset by the increase in interstitial accommodation (which may result in increase in absolute value of VE).
Dynamic viscosities (η) of (Reline + TEG) mixtures were experimentally measured over complete composition range at 15 K interval in the temperature range 298–358 K. As expected, monotonic decrease in dynamic viscosity is observed as the temperature is increased for a given composition of (Reline + TEG) mixture. In order to assess the interactions within (Reline + TEG) mixtures, excess logarithmic viscosities, (lnη)E, are estimated from the equation,46
(lnη)E = lnηm − [xRelinelnηReline + xTEGlnηTEG] | (11) |
Fig. 6 presents FTIR absorbance spectra of CO/NH2 region (1300–1800 cm−1, panel A) and of NH/OH region (3000–3800 cm−1, panel B) for (Reline + TEG) mixtures of different compositions under ambient conditions (solid curves show experimental spectra whereas the dotted curves represent ideal-additive behavior). Our neat Reline FTIR absorbance bands are in good agreement with those reported in the literature.50 A careful examination of the data reveals interesting features. The Reline band at 1607 and 1660 cm−1 in CO/NH2 region and 3194 and 3326 cm−1 in NH/OH region shifts considerably to higher energies as TEG is added to Reline – 1607 cm−1 band shifts hypsochromically by 11 cm−1 and 1660 cm−1 band by 6 cm−1, whereas 3194 cm−1 band shifts hypsochromically by 13 cm−1 and 3326 cm−1 band by 16 cm−1 upon addition of 0.6 mole fraction TEG. Interestingly, as indicated by the dotted spectra, these shifts are not predicted by the ideal-additive behavior (ideal-additive behavior predicts almost no shifts in these IR bands). For Reline, 1607 and 1660 cm−1 bands are assigned to asymmetric and symmetric bending of NH2 (i.e., δasNH2 and δsNH2), respectively, and 3194 and 3326 cm−1 to NH2 symmetric bending/CO stretching (δsNH2/νCO) and NH2 symmetric stretching (νsNH2), respectively. It is noted that the 3194 cm−1 band is a combination band and not a mixed vibrational character. In support to the FTIR absorbance band shifts to the higher energy, Raman band at 3368 cm−1 corresponding to NH2 stretching also shifts hypsochromically by 27 cm−1 to 3395 cm−1 as 0.6 mole fraction of TEG is added to Reline (Fig. 7).
Fig. 6 FTIR absorbance spectra of (Reline + TEG) mixtures under ambient conditions: CO/NH2 region (panel A) and NH/OH region (panel B). Solid vertical lines illustrate the spectral shifts. |
Fig. 7 Raman spectra (λexcitation = 532 nm) of (Reline + TEG) mixtures under ambient conditions. Solid vertical line illustrates the spectral shift. |
The hypsochromic shifts of different vibrational modes of NH2 and/or CO hint at weakening of the H-bonding involving these functionalities on Reline. These functionalities are present only on the urea part of the Reline. This observation gets further support from the probe behavior, especially the unusually high HBA basicity (β) observed for the (Reline + TEG) mixtures, which is probably due to lone pairs on nitrogen and/or oxygen of urea becoming more available to accept H-bonding. The chloride anion and the –OH functionality of choline chloride, on the other hand, appear to be involved in strong H-bonding interactions with hydroxyl termini and –O– of the ethoxy functionalities of TEG that results in negative excess molar volume and positive excess logarithmic viscosities (Scheme 2).
Scheme 2 Proposed representation of changes in H-bonding interactions upon formation of (Reline + TEG) mixtures. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c6ra03726g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |