Issue 2, 2016

Organocatalysis by an aprotic imidazolium zwitterion: regioselective ring-opening of aziridines and applicable to gram scale synthesis


An imidazole-based zwitterionic-salt, 4-(3-methylimidazolium)butane sulfonate (MBS), has been found to be an efficient organocatalyst for aziridine ring-opening regioselectively by various nucleophiles like indoles, pyrroles, methanol, ethanol, acetic acid and di-iso-propylamine. The reactions are highly regioselective and they always afford the products resulting from benzylic attack. The present methodology is applicable to gram scale synthesis.

Graphical abstract: Organocatalysis by an aprotic imidazolium zwitterion: regioselective ring-opening of aziridines and applicable to gram scale synthesis

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Article information

Article type
15 Jun 2015
22 Aug 2015
First published
24 Aug 2015

Green Chem., 2016,18, 565-574

Author version available

Organocatalysis by an aprotic imidazolium zwitterion: regioselective ring-opening of aziridines and applicable to gram scale synthesis

N. Chakraborty Ghosal, S. Santra, S. Das, A. Hajra, G. V. Zyryanov and A. Majee, Green Chem., 2016, 18, 565 DOI: 10.1039/C5GC01323B

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