Ana S.
Igor A.
Slavko V.
ab and
Natalia V.
aUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Studentski trg 12-16, 11158 Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail:; Fax: +381 11 2187 133; Tel: +381 11 3336 628
bSerbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Knez Mihajlova 35, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
cDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, 751 20 Uppsala, Sweden
dDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Brinellvägen 23, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
First published on 1st February 2016
In this contribution we inspect the adsorption of H, OH, Cl and Pt on oxidized graphene using DFT calculations. The introduction of epoxy and hydroxyl groups on the graphene basal plane significantly alters its chemisorption properties, which can be attributed to the deformation of the basal plane and the type and distribution of these groups. We show that a general scaling relation exists between the hydrogen binding energies and the binding energies of other investigated adsorbates, which allows for a simple probing of the reactivity of oxidized graphene with only one adsorbate. The electronic states of carbon atoms located within the 2 eV interval below the Fermi level are found to be responsible for the interaction of the basal plane with the chosen adsorbates. The number of electronic states situated in this energy interval is shown to correlate with hydrogen binding energies.
Epoxy and hydroxyl groups prefer to be located on the graphene basal plane rather than at its edges,16 causing the corrugation of the graphene sheet.9 The presence of oxygen surface groups alters the electronic structure of graphene and at high coverage can lead to band gap opening and conductivity reduction of the functionalized graphene.17 However, these groups can also induce other specific properties lacking in the case of pristine graphene (p-graphene). For example, oxygen groups can interact strongly with Li+ ions.13 Due to the presence of functional groups, an sp2 → sp3 re-hybridization takes place to the extent which depends on the C/O ratio. Considering a partial re-hybridization of the C states, one can anticipate the formation of surface dangling bonds, which can alter the reactivity of the basal plane itself.
In this contribution we investigate the reactivity of the basal plane of oxygen-functionalized graphene using Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. In particular, we analyze the adsorption of four technologically important species (H, OH, Cl, and Pt) on epoxy- and hydroxyl-functionalized graphene with a C/O ratio of 8/1 and search for similarities, differences and universalities in their interaction with the basal plane of the oxidized graphene. The primary aim of this work is to establish a link between the electronic structure of the oxidized graphene and its chemisorption properties. Such relationships are known for transition metal surfaces18–20 but are not yet established for graphene. However, it would be very important to have them for all types of surfaces as they allow us to better understand the reactivity of solid surfaces and to propose ways to advance their properties.
The interaction of chosen adsorbates with the p-graphene and ox-graphene surfaces was quantified in terms of binding energies (Eb), defined as
Eb(X) = Esubs+X − (Esubs + EX) | (1) |
Adsorbate | Adsorption site | d(X–C)/Å | E no spinb(X)/eV | E spinb(X)/eV | E literatureb(X)/eV |
a Ref. 28. b Ref. 29. c Ref. 30. d Ref. 31. e Ref. 32. f Ref. 33. g Ref. 34. h Ref. 23. i Ref. 35. j Ref. 36. | |||||
OH | C-top | 1.51 | −0.69 | −0.70 | −0.21c |
−0.54d | |||||
−0.70e | |||||
H | C-top | 1.13 | −0.84 | −0.89 | −0.79a |
−0.89b | |||||
Cl | C-top | 3.23 | −0.94 | −0.98 | −0.80f |
−1.13g | |||||
Pt | C–C bridge | 2.11 | −1.56 | −1.57 | −1.55h |
−1.57i | |||||
−2.04j |
Once we set the benchmarks for the reactivity of the p-graphene basal plane we proceed to the adsorption on the O-functionalized graphene.
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Fig. 1 H, OH, Cl and Pt binding energies at different sites of the three ox-graphene models, calculated within non-spin polarized formalism. Columns marked with 1, 2 and 3 stand for X binding energies on epoxy-graphene-1, epoxy-graphene-2 and hydroxyl-graphene models, respectively. Corresponding binding energies on the pristine graphene model are indicated by thicker, grey horizontal lines. The models of the oxidized graphene used in this work are given on the right. Graphical presentations were made using the VMD code.39 |
As a rule, we observed an enhanced H adsorption on ox-graphene compared to that on p-graphene. The strongest H adsorption, with the energy of −2.20 eV, is obtained for the hydroxyl-graphene model. H adsorption is the weakest for the epoxy-graphene-1 model, but it is still approx. 1 eV stronger compared to that on p-graphene. Comparing different adsorption sites for each model, the strongest H binding was found at the C sites adjacent to the O-functional groups. This is the trend for all the three ox-graphene models. These results suggest that the introduction of the oxygen functional groups enhances H adsorption on the graphene basal plane in such a way that it binds H as strongly as coinage metal surfaces.40
This also indicates a possibility of using O-functionalized graphene in the field of hydrogen storage as the enhanced H binding points to higher storage capacity. Graphene-based materials have indeed found applications in this field and are in the focus of further research.41
For the case of OH adsorption, which among the investigated adsorbates is the weakest on p-graphene, we see significant adsorption enhancement as compared to p-graphene, with Eb(OH) amounting to −1.46 eV, −1.83 eV and −1.80 eV for epoxy-graphene-1, epoxy-graphene-2 and hydroxyl-graphene, respectively (Fig. 1). Although there are adsorption sites on ox-graphene, which bind OH more weakly than p-graphene, most of the C atoms bind OH much more strongly. The strongest adsorption is on the C atoms, which are the first neighbors to the C atoms binding the O-functional groups, when OH adsorbs at the ortho position with respect to the O-functional groups on the surface. These observations match the results of Ghaderi and Peressi31 who have found a significant energy gain when different O functional groups (epoxy or hydroxyl) are adjacent to each other on the opposite sides of the graphene plane.
Halogenated graphene (fluoro- and chloro-graphene) is rather interesting in contemporary technologies as the tailoring of the electronic properties of graphene can be achieved through controlled halogenation.42,43 In our calculations the case of Cl adsorption is found to be somewhat different compared to the H and OH cases. A Cl atom attaches to the C-top site of the epoxy-graphene model surfaces, and the bonding is slightly enhanced at the C sites which are the closest to the oxygen functional groups (Fig. 1). The enhancement is rather small and amounts to 0.13 eV for the epoxy-graphene-2 model (Fig. 1). In fact, most of the C sites of the basal planes of the epoxy-graphene bind Cl more weakly than those of p-graphene. This is likely due to the high electronegativity of Cl and electron deficiency of the basal plane of ox-graphene. When attached to p-graphene, Cl withdraws 0.47 e, but ox-graphene is electron deficient as the O functional groups have already drawn charge from the C basal plane.24 As a rule, we observe that when adsorbed at the site of the weakest bonding, Cl takes only up to 0.03 e less from epoxy-graphene than from p-graphene. However, at the strongly binding sites of epoxy-graphene models Cl takes up to 0.27 e less compared to p-graphene. In this case the C–Cl bond is up to 41% shorter compared to the one on p-graphene. This clearly suggests that the contribution of covalent bonding to the unsaturated surface bond formed upon the functionalization of p-graphene is increased. Furthermore, in the majority of cases we observe an additional interaction between negatively charged Clads and positively charged H of the OH functional group on the hydroxyl-graphene model. This interaction is electrostatic in nature while some contribution by the hydrogen bond can also be expected. This additional attractive interaction is of long range nature and, when combined with the high mobility of Clads on the graphene basal plane,42 results in a stable configuration to which a large number of different starting adsorption geometries converged in our calculations. The contribution of this interaction to Eb(Cl) cannot be appropriately estimated but the instability of Cl adsorption at the basal plane sites of hydroxyl-graphene suggests reduced affinity of the basal plane for Cl as compared to that for p-graphene. The obtained results suggest that the oxidation of graphene might induce problems when it comes to the functionalization of graphene by Cl. Also, one might say that controlling the graphene oxidation level can be useful for tuning the affinity of graphene for Cl so that desirable amounts of Cl can be loaded onto the graphene basal plane.
In the case of platinum adsorption on ox-graphene models we observe a decrease of binding energy for all the three models compared to that on p-graphene (Fig. 1), suggesting that the affinity of the basal plane for Pt is enhanced by the presence of oxygen functional groups. This effect has previously been reported in the literature for the case of O-containing graphene where the model of O-saturated vacancy was considered.23 Such a behavior is of tremendous importance when it comes to the production of highly dispersed and stable supported Pt-based catalysts.44,45 While Pt prefers a bridge site on p-graphene, here we observe that in some cases Pt moves to the C-top sites, which indicates its direct interaction with the surface dangling bonds. Again, the C sites closest to the functional groups are the strongest binding sites for Ptads, suggesting that these sites could be the place for the initial nucleation of Pt nanoparticles during the deposition of Pt onto oxidized graphene. Also, in some cases Pt adsorption is augmented by the O functional group as described in ref. 46 but the interaction with the surface C atoms still largely remains. As in the case of Cl adsorption, some of the considered sites of the C basal plane were found to be unstable for Pt adsorption, as the Pt adatom migrated to the adjacent site where stable adsorption could be achieved. As a rule, the unstable sites mostly include the weakly bonding ones also for other adsorbates (OH, H, Cl).
The question is whether there are some universal relationships between the binding energies of different adsorbates. Revealing such a relationship could provide a simple tool for the assessment of surface reactivity towards various adsorbates using measurements with a single one. Such relations were observed for transition metal surfaces.47 To check this possibility, we correlated the binding energies of OH, Cl and Pt at the stable adsorption sites to the H binding energy at the same adsorption sites. For the cases of Pt adsorption at two-fold sites we used the average of H binding energies on the two C atoms forming that bridge site. We observed excellent correlations, with the coefficient of determination (R2) higher than 0.99 and relative slope errors below 4% in all three cases (Fig. 2). This suggests a simple rule of thumb regarding the adsorption of simple adsorbates on oxidized graphene: the stronger the H adsorption at a given site is, the stronger the adsorption of other adsorbates at this site will be, as well. The scaling relations we provide have physically reasonable properties: they all have zero intercept. Colloquially said, if hydrogen adsorption is not present then the given adsorption site will be inert for the adsorption of other species as well. Naturally, some scattering of the data points is observed and could be related to the effect of local geometries and the interaction of the adsorbate with the O functional groups of ox-graphene. In the case of Pt this is also related to different types of adsorption sites for Ptads and Hads (bridge vs. top).
The question is whether p-graphene also falls onto these lines. In the case of OH adsorption, the agreement is perfect (estimated OH binding energy is −0.69 eV). In the case of Pt adsorption the binding energy is underestimated by 0.44 eV. However, the largest error is seen in the case of Cl adsorption. Nevertheless, we believe that this is due to the fact that the nature of bonding of the investigated adsorbates is different on p-graphene and ox-graphene, which is also reflected in the change of the Pt adsorption site, as previously discussed. The observed scaling relations must have their origin in the electronic structure of the ox-graphene, so in the next section we turn to this issue.
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Fig. 3 A comparison of electronic structures of bare ox-graphene models (no adsorbate), and the most stable structures with Hads, considering Hads and the binding C atom. Corresponding optimized structures, presented using the XCrySDen code,48 are provided as insets. |
The inspection of PDOS of hydrogen and carbon atoms for the strongest binding sites on all the three ox-graphene models (Fig. 3) displays a strong chemical interaction between the H and C valence states. Without going into details for each particular case, we notice that the carbon p state depletion in the range −2 eV to 0 eV taking place upon adsorption is a general feature for all the studied systems (Fig. 3). This is a clear indication that precisely these states take an active role in the bonding of the graphene basal plane and all the investigated adsorbates, which are rather different in chemical terms.
The source of the enhanced reactivity of the basal plane C atoms must lie in the electronic structure of the bare ox-surface (i.e. without the adsorbate). A deeper look into the electronic structure of the ox-graphene models reveals that the p states of the C atoms which bind H more strongly show a higher number of electronic states very close to EF, while the s states show a more pronounced overlap with the p states at higher energies, suggesting higher sp2 → sp3 re-hybridization.
To visualize these states we performed the analysis of the Integrated Local Density of States (ILDOS) in the range −2 eV to 0 eV, which clearly showed that the C atoms which bind H more strongly possess a higher charge density in the specified energy window (Fig. 4, upper left panel). This means that upon the corrugation of the basal plane and electron redistribution due to the presence of oxygen functional groups the electronic states of some of the C atoms get “prepared” for bonding that ensures higher reactivity of oxidized graphene towards H compared to that of the p-graphene basal plane. As we have shown the binding energies of OH, Pt and Cl scale with respect to Eb(H) (Fig. 2) as well as with respect to each other. Obviously, the origin of the enhanced reactivity should be found in the electronic structure of the basal plane C atoms. The question is whether we can find a single electronic structure-based descriptor capable of predicting the adsorption trends on these types of surfaces. For transition metal surfaces such a descriptor, the d-band center (Ed-band), has been identified by Hammer and Nørskov.18,19 Based on the presented results, the number of states in the specified energy window right below EF seems to be a logical choice. The correlation between the H binding energy and the integrated number of states obtained for the four selected C atoms of the epoxy-graphene-1 model is shown in Fig. 4 (left).
Obviously, the correlation is not perfectly linear; however, at this point there is no reason to expect it should be like that, especially having in mind that the binding energy can be affected by the interaction between the adsorbate and the oxygen functional group. A rather good trend is observed indicating that the number of states located very close to the Fermi level determines the reactivity of a given C atom. The same correlation for all the three ox-graphene models and p-graphene is given in Fig. 4 (right). The scattering of the points is obvious but the overall trend is unambiguous. Of course, the choice of the energy widow or the integration of PDOS is, to a certain extent, arbitrary but it should include the states participating in the bonding. In fact, one can play with the integration window to maximize the correlation. Nonetheless, the main conclusion remains: the strength of the interaction between the basal plane of (modified) graphene and a given adsorbate is determined by the number of states just below the Fermi level. As an additional point, one should observe how sensitive Eb(H) is to the number of states below the Fermi level (Fig. 4, right) – the variation in the number of states of approx. 0.35 e corresponds to the binding energy change of almost 1.5 eV.
The final electronic structure and the charge state of a given C atom ultimately depend on the distribution and the type of oxygen functional groups.24 To separate the effect of geometrical distortion of the graphene basal plane from electron draining by the oxygen functional groups we performed calculations for the hypothetical structures of the corrugated graphene obtained by the removal of the oxygen functional groups from the optimized models of ox-graphene. For the case of H adsorption all the binding energies were found to be between −1.51 eV and −1.99 eV while the charge transfer was almost unaffected by the removal of the O functional groups. Somewhat weaker adsorption upon the removal of the O functional groups was observed only for the strongest binding sites adjacent to the O functional groups in the O-containing models. This suggests that the dominant source of the enhanced reactivity of the graphene basal plane is, in fact, the corrugation of the structure. Reactivity is additionally tuned by the charge redistribution induced by the O functional groups. This conclusion is in line with the results of Tozzini and Pellegrini49 who have tuned H-graphene binding just by the out-of-plane deformation of graphene without introducing any surface functional groups. This view is also supported by our calculations for the case of Cl adsorption. For the strongest binding sites we observed the additional strengthening of the C–Cl bond by approx. 0.3 eV while more charge is transferred to Clads. This is because the considered artificial structures have more electrons in the basal plane (i.e. the same amount as p-graphene) and also due to the appearance of dangling bonds induced by the deformation of the basal plane.
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2016 |