Direct epitaxial CVD synthesis of tungsten disulfide on epitaxial and CVD graphene

G. V. Bianco*a, M. Losurdoa, M. M. Giangregorioa, A. Sacchettia, P. Preteb, N. Loverginec, P. Capezzutoa and G. Brunoa
aInstitute of Nanotechnology, CNR-NANOTEC, Department of Chemistry, University of Bari, Via Orabona 4, 70126 Bari, Italy. E-mail:
bInstitute for Microelectronic and Microsystems, National Research Council, UOS Lecce, Via Monteroni, I-73100 Lecce, Italy
cDepartment of Innovation Engineering, University of Salento, Via Monteroni, I-73100 Lecce, Italy

Received 23rd September 2015 , Accepted 2nd November 2015

First published on 3rd November 2015


The direct chemical vapor deposition of WS2 by W(CO)6 and elemental sulfur as precursors onto epitaxial-graphene on SiC and CVD-graphene transferred on SiO2/Si substrate is presented. This methodology allows the epitaxial growth of continuous WS2 films with a homogeneous and narrow photoluminescence peak without inducing stress or structural defects in the graphene substrates. The control of the WS2 growth dynamics for providing the localized sulfide deposition by tuning the surface energy of the graphene substrates is also demonstrated. This growth methodology opens the way towards the direct bottom up fabrication of devices based on TMDCs/graphene van der Waals heterostructures.


Whereas the “hype” on graphene seems to be weakening, a renewed interest in families of different layered materials such as dichalcogenides (e.g., MoS2, and WS2), nitrides (e.g., h-BN), and even oxides (e.g., TiO2) is emerging.1–4 Indeed, the quality of graphene continues to improve and its integration into heterostructures with other 2D materials represents an attractive technological perspective.3 In particular, monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) such as MoS2 and WS2 have recently caught great interest as materials with properties complementary to those of graphene. In contrast to graphene, whose zero energy gap represents a limit for applications in logic electronics and field-effect transistors, monolayers of MoS2 and WS2 are semiconductors with a direct energy gap in the visible spectrum and, consequently, with a strong photoluminescence.5–10 Therefore, their combination into heterostructures held together by van der Waals interactions (often referred as “van der Waals heterostructures”) provides a great potential for the development of 2D electronic and optoelectronic devices.3,11–14

Currently, many physical and chemical methodologies15–28 are employed to prepare TMDCs and, among these, the direct growth of TMDC on other bidimensional materials represents a promising approach for the fabrication of van der Waals heterostructures.27–31 This approach can provide cleaner and more defined interfaces if compared to the staking of 2D materials by transfer methods which often result in impurities trapped at the heterojunction interface.20,32 In fact, the interface quality has a fundamental role in defining the properties of TDMCs, as well as of atomic-layered materials in general, since substrate roughness and charged impurities can act as scattering centers strongly affecting their transport and optical properties. The important role of the interface quality on the properties of a TMDC has been highlighted by Okada et al. for the deposition of WS2 on hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN).27 They demonstrated an intense and narrow (fwhm of 26 meV) photoluminescence (PL) emission peak for WS2 when deposited on a hexagonal and atomically flat surface. Similar results have been reported by Kobayashi et al. for the growth of WS2 on graphite, where micrometer WS2 2D crystals presented a narrower PL peak rather than that shown by WS2 grown on Al2O3 or SiO2/Si.33 Such PL responses are indicative of an improved structural quality that derives from the absence of dangling bonds on h-BN or graphite surfaces as well as on the face of a TMDC layer which allows the WS2 growth by van der Waals epitaxy: the two van der Waals surfaces facing each other result in a heterostructure with an atomic order thickness and a very abrupt interface by drastically relaxing the lattice matching condition between the two materials.34 Nevertheless, although van der Waals epitaxy has been demonstrated as effective for providing micrometer-sized WS2 crystals with high structural quality, TMDCs application into van der Waals heterostructures needs the controlled growth of layered materials as a continuous film with homogeneous optical properties.

In this contribution, we report on the direct growth of WS2 onto both epitaxial graphene (epi-G) and CVD graphene (CVD-G). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that shows how to deposit atomic layers of WS2 using elemental sulfur (S) and tungsten hexacarbonyl (W(CO)6) as precursors. Compared with the commonly used WO3 powder,21,33 such a metal organic W precursor can provide a more precise control over the gas-phase chemistry for deposition on large areas (as previously demonstrated for the WSe2 growth).29,35 Moreover, the WS2 deposition by direct reaction of gaseous precursors on the substrate surface, rather than by substrate metallization and subsequent sulfidization,10,17 offers important advantages in terms of process scalability. We also demonstrate the flexibility of this new chemistry for providing controlled WS2 growth from isolated triangular crystals, to continuous few layer films, up to quasi-unidimensional nanostructures. The photoluminescence responses of deposited WS2 films as a function of their morphologies are investigated. Moreover, SEM analysis is performed for defining the WS2 growth dynamics in order to achieve the controlled and localized, WS2 growth with homogenous thickness, and hence, optical properties.

Results and discussion

The WS2 film growth is carried out by the thermal decomposition of W(CO)6 in presence of sulfur vapor according to the following reaction:
W(CO)6 + S2 → WS2 + 6CO (1)

The scheme of the CVD system used for the growth of WS2 is reported in Fig. 1a. The quartz reaction tube for thermal CVD has two heated zones for the sulfur-powder boat and for the growth susceptor where the graphene substrate is loaded. After the evaporation of the solid tungsten precursor (W(CO)6) at 50 °C (T1), it is mixed with helium carrier gas and passed through the quartz tube system where the small capsule with elemental sulfur is heated at 170 °C (T2). Then, the S2 vapor is also mixed into the gas flow that reaches the graphene substrate heated at 600 °C (T3).

image file: c5ra19698a-f1.tif
Fig. 1 (a) Schematic illustration of the CVD system used for the growth of WS2. (b) EDS spectrum of synthesized WS2 on epi-G/SiC. Photos of epi-G/SiC substrates in the quartz tube reactor before and after WS2 growth are shown in the inset of b.

When epi-G/SiC is used as substrate, the WS2 growth is evidenced by the colour changes of the transparent sample which becomes grey/blue in colour (insets of Fig. 1b), and confirmed by the elemental composition obtained from the EDS-SEM microanalysis (Fig. 1b).

Fig. 2 reports the real (〈ε1〉) and imaginary parts (〈ε2〉) of the pseudodielectric function of WS2 grown on epi-G/SiC. As the epi-G/SiC substrate is almost transparent in the energy range from 1.5 to 3.2 eV, the pseudodielectric function (〈ε〉 = 〈ε1〉 + i〈ε2〉) of the TMDC/graphene based heterostructures is dominated by the WS2 contribution and the energies of the A, B, C, and D absorption peaks of WS2 can be easily evidenced:36,37 A and B (around 2.00 and 2.45 eV, respectively) correspond to the excitonic transitions at the K point between the split valence band and the conduction band; C (≈2.85 eV) and D (≈3.11 eV) are associated with transitions away from the K point and between high density of states regions. The energies of these transitions are affected by interlayer interactions and show a consistent blue shift with decreasing layer numbers. In particular, a C transition located above 2.75 eV has been typically correlated to the WS2 monolayer.9,37

image file: c5ra19698a-f2.tif
Fig. 2 SE spectra of the real (ε1) and imaginary (ε2) parts of the pseudodielectric function (ε = 〈ε1〉 + i〈ε2〉) of WS2 grown on epi-G/SiC (deposition time of 10 min).

The achieved WS2 growth can be also attested by the comparison between the Raman spectra of epitaxial graphene on SiC before and after the deposition process (Fig. 3). In the range 1200–2000 cm−1, the spectra present the Raman peaks of the SiC substrate overlapping the characteristic D and G peaks of graphene (approximately at 1350 and 1590 cm−1, respectively). Conversely, the graphene 2D is clearly visualized at 2733 cm−1. This peak can be fitted to a single Lorentzian function (see the inset in Fig. 3) indicating the monolayer nature of the sample.38 The WS2 growth is inferred by a slight attenuation of the SiC Raman features and of the graphene 2D peak, as well as by the appearance of the two WS2 characteristic peaks at 355 and 417 cm−1. The former is the E12g mode, which involves the in-plane displacement of W and S atoms, and the latter is the A1g mode, which involves the out-of-plane displacement of S atoms.39 The decrease in intensity of the SiC and graphene Raman features is attributed to interference effects and the absorption of WS2.32 It is noteworthy that the spectrum shape does not change (except for the signal attenuation) in the region around 1350 cm−1 where the graphene D peak is expected. This demonstrates that the growth process does not affect the graphene structural quality, since the occurrence of any damage would increase the intensity of the D peak.

image file: c5ra19698a-f3.tif
Fig. 3 Raman spectra of epi-G on SiC before and after WS2 growth (10 min of deposition time). Inset shows a magnification of the 2D peak of epi-G.

Raman analysis can also be used to identify and quantify the interfacial strain on the fabricated TMDC/G heterostructures.32 The following equation correlates the graphene strain (ε) induced by the WS2 deposition to the shift in wavenumber of the 2D Raman mode (ωω0, where ω0 is the initial wavenumber):

ε = (ωω0)/2γω0 (2)
where γ is the Gruneisen parameter, which uniquely depends on the material. Considering a 2D shift of 3 cm−1, an initial position of 2733 cm−1, and γ2D of 2.6,32 we have estimated a negligible compressive strain of about 0.02%. This result confirms the potential of van der Waals epitaxy in relaxing the interface between two materials.

The morphologies of WS2 film grown on epi-G for deposition times of 5, 10, 15 and 20 min are shown on the SEM images reported in Fig. 4a–e, respectively. For a deposition time of 5 min (Fig. 4a), the sample still shows the terraces due to the miscut of the silicon carbide wafer which characterizes the morphology of an epi-G sample (see Fig. S1 in ESI). No substantial differences can be found in the morphology of the substrate before and after WS2 growth except for the presence of nanometer sized clusters which are arranged in triangular geometries. These have been identified as sulfur, condensed at the surface of triangular-shaped crystals of WS2, whose presence is attested by both Raman and PL measurements (black spectra in Fig. 4f and g).40

image file: c5ra19698a-f4.tif
Fig. 4 (a–e) SEM images of WS2 films grown on epi-G/SiC substrate for 5 (a), 10 (b), 15 (c), and 20 min (d and e) of deposition times (scale bars are 200 nm). (f) Raman and (g) photoluminescence spectra of WS2 samples grown for different deposition times (legend in g). PL spectra are normalized to the intensity of the 2LA(M) Raman mode.

For longer deposition times, the complete coalescence of WS2 crystals into a continuous film occurs and the epi-G substrate loses its characteristic SiC terraced morphology (Fig. 4b). Over this continuous film, we can observe isolated triangles supporting further WS2 crystals which have nucleated in the proximity of their centers. Moreover, SEM images acquired by a second electron detector at the initial stage of WS2 growth (see Fig. S2a and S2b) indicate that the formation of such WS2 new layers starts before the complete coverage of the substrate by a monolayer. Specifically, the growth starts with a WS2 monolayer with hundred nanometer size. For longer growing times (>10 min), the continuous nucleation of new WS2 layers gives rise to the formation of multilayered pyramids touching each other (Fig. 4c) and evolving in a textured surface morphology (see background of Fig. 4d and e). The last also promotes a totally different WS2 growth mode leading to the formation of triangular quantum dots and nanowires (Fig. 4d and e). Such a transition to a quasi-unidimensional growth is indicative of a Stranski–Krastanov growth mode as reported also for the epitaxial growth of MoS2 on mica.41 The Stranski–Krastanov growth arises because strain energy in the deposited layers increases as the thickness increases, which is reflected by an increase in the interface energy between the preformed and new WS2 layer. Beyond a critical layer thickness, this leads to a switch in the growth mode that continues through the nucleation of the new WS2 layer rather than the lateral growth of preformed ones.

Raman and photoluminescence, PL, spectra provided by the different WS2 morphologies are reported in Fig. 4f and g. When a WS2 film is excited at 532 nm (almost in resonance with the B exciton transition), the Raman spectrum reveals a series of overtone and combination peaks not visible with a 473 nm laser source (see Fig. 3). The 2LA(M)–2 E22g(Γ) mode appears at lower wavenumber (297 cm−1), while the Raman feature around ≈350 cm−1 is the convolution of four peaks including the 2LA(M)–E22g(Γ), E12g(M), 2LA(M) and E12g(Γ) modes,42 which are pointed at 325, 345, 352 and 356 cm−1, respectively (values derived for the spectrum of the WS2 sample grown with a deposition time of 5 min). Similar to the case of MoS2, the Raman modes of WS2 exhibit a thickness dependence. Upon increasing the WS2 thickness from monolayer to bulk, several authors reported a gradual increase in the frequency difference between the A1g mode and the E12g(Γ) (or 2LA(M)), which stiffens and softens, respectively.10,20,39,42–44 When a 532 nm laser source is used, the 2LA(M) results are more prominent than the E12g(Γ) and, hence, the WS2 thickness is typically correlated to its frequency. Despite the consistent differences between the morphologies of WS2 films grown for 5 and 10 min (Fig. 4a and b), their Raman spectra are almost identical (black and red lines in Fig. 4f) with a 2LA(M) and A1g modes at 352 and 420 cm−1, respectively, and a frequency difference of 68 cm−1 that is consistent with the values previously reported for 2 layers of WS2.42,43 For longer deposition times, the WS2 Raman spectra present several changes. The increasing thickness is reflected by a gradual increase in the intensity of the A1g peak43,44 that also blue-shifts to 422 and 423 cm−1 for 15 and 20 min of deposition times, respectively, while the 2LA(M) modes are found at 352 and 350 cm−1. Thus, we find values of frequency differences of 70 and 73 cm−1 which have previously been reported for 3–4 layers of WS2 and WS2 bulk, respectively.43

A stronger dependence is found between the morphologies of WS2 films and their PL responses reported in Fig. 4g. The samples present a single PL peak originating from the excitonic transition A whose intensity decreases with the increasing of growing times, up to the complete disappearance (as expected for WS2 bulk). The isolated WS2 triangles in Fig. 4a present a PL peak located at 623 nm (1.99 eV) and a narrow fwhm of 27 meV. When the coalescence of WS2 crystals in a continuous film occurs (growing time of 10 min, SEM image in Fig. 4b), the sample shows a PL peak (red spectrum) slightly shifted toward longer wavelengths (625 nm at maximum) with an increased fwhm of 33 meV. The PL mapping of this sample (Fig. S3 in ESI) has also demonstrated an almost constant PL response over an area of 20 × 20 μm2: PL wavelength at a maximum of 625 ± 1 nm and a relative standard deviation below 20% on the PL intensity. For longer deposition times, the WS2 pyramidal textures on Fig. 4c–e present, respectively, a broad PL peak centered at 630 nm and the complete absence of a PL signal. It is probable that the PL signal collected by the laser spot size (∼700 nm in diameter) is the contribution of different WS2 domains. The PL analysis demonstrates that this growth methodology can lead to WS2 continuous films with a homogeneous PL response as required by applications based on van der Waals heterostructures.

The use of CVD graphene supported on Si/SiO2 as a WS2 substrate allows a better understanding of the sulfide growth mode. Since SEM analysis on the SiO2 substrate results in a better colour contrast for WS2 rather than that observed on epi-G, the study of the WS2 deposition also at the early stage of its growth is possible. The SEM image in Fig. 5a shows that the distribution density of WS2 crystals after 5 min of growth is not homogeneous over the substrate surface. Specifically, the density of WS2 crystals at graphene grain boundaries appears much higher than that inside the grains. This makes the polycrystalline structure of CVD graphene clearly visible. Such favoured WS2 nucleation derives from the higher concentration of structural defects at graphene grain boundaries. Vacancies and Stone–Wales defects are formed between two coalesced graphene grains in order to accomplish their in plane misorientations.45 These locally alter the chemical reactivity of graphene and, in our case, it results in a reduction of the WS2 nucleation energy barrier.

image file: c5ra19698a-f5.tif
Fig. 5 SEM (a–c) and SE2 (d) images of WS2 grown on CVD graphene supported on SiO2/Si substrate for 5 min of deposition time. The scale bars are 500 nm. Bare SiO2 substrate, twisted bilayer graphene (TBG), and Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (BBG) are indicated in (a).

A denser distribution of WS2 crystals is also found in the presence of a graphene bilayer. The two specular regions in the center of Fig. 5a correspond to bare SiO2 (on the left side) and twisted bilayer graphene, TBG, (on the right side) which derive from the detachment and folding of the graphene film. The absence of graphene prevents the WS2 growth on bare SiO2. Conversely, WS2 nucleation is strongly promoted on TBG as well as on Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (BBG) islands.46 These appear as darker grey regions inside graphene grains and derive from the nucleation and growth of a second graphene layer next to the substrate.46

The magnification in Fig. 5b shows that isolated WS2 triangles are not randomly oriented on the graphene surface. Inside a single graphene grain, we can distinguish equilateral triangles with only two different orientations related to each other by a rotation of 60°. Such a structured distribution of WS2 triangles is indicative of distinct crystallographic orientations between the deposited TMDC and the substrate as previously demonstrated by diffraction techniques for the epitaxial growth of, MoS2 on graphene30 or sapphire,47 WSe2 on graphene,29 and WS2 on hBN.27 Specifically, these works show how the orientation of TMDC crystals with perfect triangular shape, as defined uniquely by a zigzag sulfur edge structure, can be unequivocally identified with their lattice orientation. Thus, this can attest to an epitaxial relation also for WS2 on graphene and for the existence of substantial WS2/graphene interactions which can affect the growth of WS2 triangular crystals in order to find energetically favoured orientations.

Under continued growth, triangular crystals can merge to form a continuous WS2 layer. However, the properties of the resulting WS2 film will be strongly affected by its polycrystalline nature. The detrimental effects of grain boundaries on the optical and electrical properties of the film depend on the specific atomic structure of grain boundaries.47–49 The last is strictly correlated to the relative in plane crystallographic orientations of two merging TMDCs crystals.47–49 Previous studies on the large area growth of MoS2 film have demonstrated that two TMDCs triangles sharing the same in plane orientation and, hence, crystalline orientation can join without the appearance of any grain boundaries.47,48 Thus, the growth of WS2 triangles with only two distinctive in plane orientations offers a great potential for the deposition of polycrystalline large area film with a reduced density of grain boundaries. Conversely, if TMDC merging triangles are misaligned, the strong directional dependence of surface energies of their edges48 can result in strongly faceted grain boundaries (“tilted” grain boundaries) or into overlapping regions.47–49 Indeed, TMDC triangles with a relative in-plane rotation of 60° (as shown in Fig. 5b) provide the perfect alignment of their zigzag sulfur edges which results in a specific grain boundary atomic structure named as “mirror twin”.47,48 In contrast to “tilted” grain boundaries, the “mirror twin” ones have been experimentally demonstrated not to degrade the electrical properties of a polycrystalline TMDC film.47,48 However, the possibility of depositing WS2 continuous film with a reduced density of grain boundaries and with the favoured formation of “mirror twin” boundaries is confined to a single graphene grain. For larger areas, the polycrystalline nature of the substrate will also be reflected in the WS2 film.

The SEM image reported in Fig. 5c shows details of the edge alignment between two tilted merging triangles. The same image has been acquired also by using a secondary electron, SE2, detector (Fig. 5d) since it provides a sharper thickness-dependent contrast for 2D materials on insulating substrates.50 The image attests to the absence of an overlapped junction between merging WS2 triangles and highlights the presence of supplementary WS2 triangular layers already formed over them. Thus, when WS2 nuclei are formed, their lateral growth is in competition with the growth of new WS2 layers starting from the same nucleation seeds. Such a growth mode is consistent with a Volmer–Weber one and leads to the formation of multilayered WS2 islands rather than a continuous film with uniform thickness (defined layers number) as desired for applications in devices based on van der Waals heterostructures. Considering only thermodynamic criterions, the Volmer–Weber growth is indicative of a weaker interaction between WS2 and graphene than between WS2 layers. In terms of surface energies (y), the islands growth mode occurs when yWS2 > ygraphene + y*, where y* is the graphene/WS2 interface energy. The main issue relies on the extremely low surface energy of monolayer CVD graphene (ygraphene ≈ 70 mJ m−2) in comparison to the WS2 one (yWS2 ≈ 260 mJ m−2).51 This limits the WS2 nucleation as well as the attachment of sulfur and tungsten adatoms to the edges of the WS2 monolayer.

Conversely, the favoured WS2 nucleation on TBG and BBG (Fig. 4a) derives from the (25%) higher surface energy value of the bilayer graphene compared to that of the monolayer one.52 Fig. 6 demonstrates that the high density of nucleation sites on BBG can provide the localized deposition of a WS2 film on the bilayer graphene island with almost no sulfide deposition inside monolayer graphene grains. The high structural quality and few layer nature of WS2 film grown on BBG is attested by a frequency difference between 2LA(M) and A1g(Γ) Raman modes of 66 cm−1 and a PL peak with a maximum at 610 nm (2.03 eV) and an intensity five times higher than the Raman features at ≈350 cm−1.

image file: c5ra19698a-f6.tif
Fig. 6 (a) SEM image of the localized growth of WS2 (deposition time of 2 min) on a bilayer graphene island. Scale bar is 2 μm. (b) Raman and PL spectra of WS2 film grown on BBG. The graphs have the same intensity scale.


We have reported the successful van der Waals epitaxy of WS2 on epi-G and CVD-G by direct CVD growth with W(CO)6 and elemental sulfur as precursors. The Raman analysis on WS2/epi-G has highlighted the absence of strain at the heterostructure interface as well as the absence of graphene defects induced by the deposition process. The PL analysis has demonstrated that this synthetic route can provide continuous WS2 films with a homogeneous PL response. Moreover, SEM analysis has shown the occurrence of an epitaxial growth leading to specific in plane orientations which provides a great potential for the growth of large area continuous film. Finally, the possibility of tuning the WS2 growth dynamic and localizing WS2 deposition by tailoring the graphene surface energy has been demonstrated. The proposed growth methodology opens the way towards the direct bottom up fabrication of a huge variety of TMDCs/graphene devices that are based on van der Waals heterostructures integrating 2D materials.


The epi-G substrates were fabricated by the thermal annealing of hydrogen-plasma cleaned 6H–SiC substrates at 1500 °C for 2 min at 10−8 mbar. CVD-G was grown on 25 μm thick copper foil at 1000 °C using CH4/H2 as precursors. The prepared graphene was then transferred onto 300 nm SiO2/Si substrates using a thermal release tape and a water solution of ammonium persulfate (0.1 M) as a copper etchant. The methodology for the growth of WS2 is reported in the main text.

WS2 Raman and PL spectra were collected using a LabRAM HR Horiba-JobinYvon spectrometer with 473 and 532 nm excitation laser sources, and a 100× objective.

Ellipsometric spectra were acquired using a phase-modulated spectroscopic ellipsometer (UVISEL, Horiba JobinYvon) in the 1.5–3.25 eV spectral range with 0.01 eV resolution.

The sample morphology was studied through field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) observations, using a Carl Zeiss Sigma microscope, equipped with a high resolution FE-SEM Gemini electron column, an in-lens detector (SE) placed inside the electron column, and an external Everhart–Thornley detector (SE2) placed outside the column. A primary electron beam acceleration voltage ranging between 1 and 5 kV and a working distance of around 3 mm were employed.


The authors acknowledge funding from the European Community's FP7 under Grant Agreement no. 314578 MEM4WIN and from the National Laboratory Sens&Micro LAB Project (POFESR 2007–2013, code number 15) funded by Apulia Region. The authors wish to acknowledge F. Marzo for FE-SEM observations.


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Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: SEM image of epi-G on SiC substrate; Raman and PL mapping of WS2 film. See DOI: 10.1039/c5ra19698a

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