Ivy Sarkara,
H. Surya Prakash Rao*b,
Avinash Desaib and
Ashok Kumar Mishra*a
aDepartment of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai-600 036, India. E-mail: mishra@iitm.ac.in
bDepartment of Chemistry, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry-605 014, India
First published on 4th November 2015
A new fluorescent cholesterol molecular probe, 3-acetyl-7-(diethylamino)-2H-chromen-2-one attached cholesterol (Cum–Chl), has recently been introduced as a reporter of micro-heterogeneous media. The H-aggregate forming ability of Cum–Chl provides a useful fluorescence parameter, Imonomer/Iaggregate to understand the micro-polarity of anisotropic media. Pluronics are surfactant based polymeric anisotropic media having important applications in therapeutics. Being a sensitive indicator of pluronics micro-polarity Imonomer/Iaggregate can help in selecting pluronics for medicinal purposes. Additionally, temperature and concentration induced sol–gel transition of pluronics (P123, F127) have been successfully investigated by Cum–Chl using its Imonomer/Iaggregate value, along with other conventional fluorescence parameters. Finally, this molecular probe, Cum–Chl emerges as a good sensor of progressive polymeric association and micro-polarity of pluronics.
Conjugation of small fluorophores with different molecules of interest has increased the application of conventionally used fluorophores. Conjugated probes are important because of their low perturbation and site specificity.23 A coumarin–cholesterol conjugate, Cum–Chl (7-((diethylamino)-3-(3-cholesteryl)propanoyl)-2H-chromen-2-one) has recently been introduced by us as a new fluorescent molecular probe for micro-heterogeneous media.24 Conjugated probes are important for different domains of interest like biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology, drug delivery, imaging, sensing, analytical purposes etc.23–30 As a result, conjugated probes have become a point of interest for multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary researchers. Fig. 1 shows the molecular structure of parent fluorophore, Cum and its cholesterol-conjugate, Cum–Chl. Along with the monomer emission at 470 nm, Cum–Chl has a fairly red shifted H-aggregate emission at 566 nm in aqueous medium. For this molecule, it was established that the monomer to aggregate fluorescence intensity ratio, Imonomer/Iaggregate can be used as a faithful parameter in addition to the usual unimolecular photophysical fluorescence sensitivity parameters (e.g. intensity, shift of emission maxima, anisotropy, lifetime etc.) in micro-heterogeneous lipid bilayer and bile salt media.24 The immense industrial application of pluronics and the modulation in the behavior of PPO and PEO units with temperature have increased its popularity in scientific research. Pluronics with medium PPO block length and reasonably hydrophobic structure are found to be suitable for drug delivery.8 This needs a proper choice of pluronics on basis of their micro-polarity. In this article, we have used characteristic fluorescence feature of Cum–Chl, Imonomer/Iaggregate to monitor the micro-polarity of different pluronics. Moreover, micro-environmental changes of pluronics as a function of temperature and concentration have also been looked into.
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Fig. 1 Molecular structure of 3-acetyl-7-(diethylamino)-2H-chromen-2-one (Cum) and its cholesterol conjugate, 7-((diethylamino)-3-(3-cholesteryl)propanoyl)-2H-chromen-2-one, (Cum–Chl). |
The main objective of this paper is to monitor the micro-polarity difference of two pluronics (P123, F127) using Imonomer/Iaggregate parameter of Cum–Chl. The progressive polymeric association of pluronics as a function of temperature and concentration has also been monitored by the Imonomer/Iaggregate value along with other fluorescence parameters. Non-interfering small parent molecular probe, Cum has been considered as a reference for this purpose.
Fluorescence measurements were carried out with Fluoromax 4 (Horiba Jobin Yvon) spectrofluorimeter having 150 W xenon lamp as source of excitation. 2/2 slit width has been used for all experiments. Steady state fluorescence anisotropy (rSS) was determined using the following equation.31
Data acquisition was done by Horiba Jobin Yvon TCSPC lifetime instrument in time-correlated single-photon counting arrangement. Nano-LED of 444 nm was used as excitation source. The pulse repetition rate was set at 1 MHz. Instrumental full width at half-maxima of the 444 nm LED, including the detector response was measured to be ∼1.2 ns. The instrument response function was collected using scattered medium, LUDOX AS40 colloidal silica. IBH software was used for the decay analysis. Decays were fitted to get a symmetric distribution keeping χ2 value in the range of 0.99 ≤ χ2 ≤ 1.4. Average fluorescence lifetime (τaverage) was calculated using the following equation31 where τi is the lifetime of i-th component with amplitude βi, where n signifies number of component present.
Ethanolic stock solution of Cum and Cum–Chl were used for all experiments and finally diluted with water. Ethanol contamination was kept less than 1% to avoid interference. Final probe concentration was maintained at 2.5 μM for all experiments. The desired temperature was controlled using water circulation through jacketed cuvette holder from a refrigerated bath (Julabo, Germany).
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Fig. 2 Differential scanning calorimetric thermograms of pluronics, (a) 10% P123 and (b) 10% F127 in absence and presence of Cum–Chl. |
Fig. 3c and d show the variation of Imonomer/Iaggregate with sol–gel transition in two pluronics media. It shows marked change during sol–gel transition (Fig. 3c and d) which is 15 °C and 21 °C for 10% P123 and F127 media, respectively. This shows Imonomer/Iaggregate value of Cum–Chl is sensitive towards the sol–gel transition of pluronics. Along with that, during sol–gel transition monomer emission of Cum–Chl in 10% P123 has been found to undergo a hypsochromic shift of 10 nm (ESI Fig. S1a†). During sol–gel transition, with increasing temperature highly hydrated pluronic micelles are known to undergo progressive dehydration.34–36 This enhances hydrophobicity of pluronic micro-environment with increasing temperature, resulting in the blue shift of emission maxima. As a result, increase in the Imonomer/Iaggregate value (Fig. 3c and d) also signifies the progressive dehydration of pluronics. Steady state fluorescence anisotropy (rSS) of Cum–Chl monomer has also been found to increase with increasing temperature in 10% P123 media (ESI Fig. S2†). The sharp increase of fluorescence anisotropy up to the sol–gel transition temperature followed by labeling effect originally reflects the increase in micro-viscosity of P123 media with increasing temperature. The slower solvation dynamics in interfacial region than in the bulk water also supports this observation.37
Along with the change in polarity during sol–gel transition of pluronics viscosity of the medium also change appreciably.1–4 So, it is necessary to verify the effect of medium viscosity on the fluorescence properties. Glycerol and ethylene glycol have been chosen which are known to undergo change in viscosity with change in temperature to verify the viscosity effect on fluorescence. As for example, viscosity of glycerol changes from 12070 cP (0 °C) to 612 cP (30 °C) with increasing temperature with no change in polarity.38 Fig. 4a and b show the fluorescence spectra of Cum–Chl in glycerol and ethylene glycol, respectively, at different temperatures. The characteristic aggregate emission at 566 nm does not appear with increase in viscosity. Thus it appears that the formation of aggregates in water is essentially polarity induced. The only observation of the increase in monomeric fluorescence at 485 nm with increasing viscosity is likely due to the suppression of the non-radiative decay rates as expected.
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Fig. 4 Fluorescence spectra of Cum–Chl in (a) glycerol and (b) ethylene glycol at two different temperatures; at λex 440 nm. |
Fig. 5a and b give the excitation spectra of Cum–Chl at λem 566 nm in 10% P123 and F127 media, respectively, with increasing temperature. It shows in polymeric media of P123, H-aggregate band at ∼370 nm decreases significantly as compared to that in water (inset of Fig. 5a). This is because of the redistribution of monomeric and aggregate form in this media. But, in 10% F127 media there is hardly any change in the aggregate band intensity (∼370 nm) (Fig. 5b). This also justifies our previously described model.
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Fig. 5 Excitation spectra of Cum–Chl in presence of 10% (a) P123 and (b) F127 with increasing temperature, inset shows excitation spectra of Cum–Chl in water; at λem 566 nm. |
Fluorescence lifetime of Cum–Chl has been found to change in 10% P123 media but remain unaltered in 10% F127 media. Fig. 6a and b show the fluorescence lifetime decay profiles of Cum–Chl monomer and aggregate form, respectively, in 10% P123 as a function of temperature. Inset of Fig. 6a and b show the variation of respective τaverage values with increasing temperature. The onset of the increase in monomer lifetime and decrease in aggregate lifetime (inset of Fig. 6a and b) follow the sol–gel transition of 10% P123. Table S2 (ESI†) summarizes the fluorescence lifetime data of Cum–Chl monomer and aggregate in 10% P123 media with increasing temperature. Residue distribution plots of the same have been given in ESI Fig. S3.†
The above mentioned distinct fluorescence behavior of Cum–Chl in different pluronics is not observed with the parent fluorophore, Cum. Fig. 7a and b depict the fluorescence spectra of Cum in 10% P123 and F127, respectively, as a function of temperature, at λex 440 nm. For both the pluronics fluorescence intensity has been found to increase in similar order of magnitude along with ∼20 nm blue shift of emission maxima (normalized spectra, ESI Fig. S4†). Fig. 7c and d show the intensity variation of Cum in 10% P123 and F127 media, respectively, as a function of temperature where the onsets have been found at the sol–gel transition temperature of the respective pluronics. Fig. 7e and f show fluorescence lifetime decay profiles of Cum in 10% P123 and F127 media, respectively, with temperature. Average fluorescence lifetime values have been found to increase during sol–gel transition. The onsets of the increase in the average fluorescence lifetimes of Cum follow the sol–gel transition of 10% P123 and F127 media, inset of Fig. 7e and f, respectively. The increase in the steady state fluorescence intensity has correspondence with increase in average fluorescence lifetime (τaverage) value. Tables S3 and S4 (ESI†) summarize the fluorescence lifetime data of Cum in 10% P123 and F127 media, respectively, with increasing temperature. Residue distribution plots of the same have been given in ESI Fig. S5 and S6,† respectively.
Being a small molecule, Cum is expected to behave like a distributive probe located randomly inside the pluronic micelles.14 Unlike Cum, Cum–Chl is a highly non-polar molecule with a large steroidal cholesterol moiety. As a result, it is located preferentially inside the hydrophobic core of spherical micelle. This specific location of Cum–Chl can be supported from the study by George et al. where they have shown the presence of HUF, a long tailed molecule, inside the core region.14 Likewise, we can assume the hydrophobic cholesterol moiety of Cum–Chl to be buried inside the hydrophobic core region keeping the fluorophore, coumarin near the PPO/PEO interface.14,32 Additionally, it has been confirmed that the intrinsic fluorescence of P123 and F127 don't contaminate the fluorescence of the probe molecules (ESI, Fig. S7†). Moreover, the intrinsic fluorescence of pluronics does not change with increasing temperature, unlike the probes in pluronic media.34
Poor disaggregation of Cum–Chl H-aggregates with increasing concentration of F127 is also evident from the excitation spectra (ESI Fig. S9a and b†). In P123 media, there is clear cross-over of two bands (370 nm band for H-aggregates and 440 nm band for monomer) with increasing concentration (inset of ESI Fig. S9a†). But, in F127 media these two bands are almost overlapping with each other although the concentration has been varied from 0% to 24% (inset of ESI Fig. S9b†). In addition, nonbonding association of Cum–Chl H-aggregates with F127 is evident from the broadening of excitation spectra (ESI Fig. S9c†), at lower temperature. But this broadening effect is not found at higher temperature (ESI Fig. S9d†) possibly due to the breaking of this weak association.
As seen in the temperature study section, Cum unlike Cum–Chl is not capable of distinguishing the pluronics on basis of their HLB index. Fig. 9a and b show the concentration dependent spectral change of Cum in P123 media at, 10 °C and 35 °C, respectively. And Fig. 9c and d show the concentration dependent spectral change of Cum in F127 media at, 10 °C and 35 °C, respectively. Form these two sets of spectra it is evident that there is almost similar kind of intensity enhancement with increasing concentration of two polymers. A hypsochromic shift of ∼20 nm has been found at the higher temperature but not at lower temperature (ESI Fig. S10†). Fig. 9e and f show the comparative intensity variation of Cum at two different temperatures, in P123 and F127 media, respectively. At lower temperature (10 °C) fluorescence intensity increases as a function of polymer concentration, but no labeling effect has been found. But, at higher temperature (35 °C) intensity increase is much higher in order followed by saturating effect (Fig. 9e and f). This indicates better partitioning of the probe into the micelle at higher temperature.11 The onsets of fluorescence intensity at 1% P123 and F127 indicate the concentration induced phase transition of pluronics at that particular temperature (35 °C).
Cum–Chl has been used to monitor both the temperature and concentration induced changes of pluronics. In both the studies, Imonomer/Iaggregate indicates differentiating effect towards pluronics of different micro-polarity. Polarity sensing ability of Imonomer/Iaggregate makes Cum–Chl a better reporter of micro-heterogeneous media than Cum. Increase in the Imonomer/Iaggregate value during sol–gel transition also indicates progressive dehydration as removal of water increase non-polarity of micelles. Moreover, temperature and concentration induced modulation of pluronics have been monitored by both Cum–Chl and Cum.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Few important parameters of P123 and F127, normalized fluorescence spectra of Cum–Chl in presence of 10% (a) P123 and (b) F127 with increasing temperature; at λex 440 nm, variation of steady state fluorescence anisotropy (rSS) of Cum–Chl monomer in presence of 10% P123 with increasing temperature; at λex 440 nm, fluorescence lifetime data of Cum–Chl monomer and aggregate form in presence of 10% P123 with increasing temperature, (λex = 444 nm, λem = 470 nm for monomer and λex = 444 nm, λem = 566 nm for aggregate), residue distribution plots of Cum–Chl monomer and aggregate form in presence of 10% P123 with increasing temperature (corresponds to Table S2), normalized fluorescence spectra of Cum in presence of 10% (a) P123 and (b) F127 with increasing temperature; at λex 440 nm, fluorescence lifetime data of Cum in presence of 10% P123 with increasing temperature (λex = 444 nm, λem = 480 nm), residue distribution plots of Cum in presence of 10% P123 with increasing temperature (corresponds to Table S3), fluorescence lifetime data of Cum in presence of 10% F127 with increasing temperature (λex = 444 nm, λem = 480 nm), residue distribution plots of Cum in presence of 10% F127 with increasing temperature (corresponds to Table S4), intrinsic fluorescence of 10% P123 and F127, (a) emission spectra at λex 440 nm, (b) excitation spectra at λem 470 nm and (c) excitation spectra at λem 566 nm, normalized fluorescence spectra of Cum–Chl, with increasing % of P123 at (a) 10 °C and (b) 35 °C and with increasing % of F127 at (c) 10 °C and (d) 35 °C; at λex 440 nm, fluorescence excitation spectra of Cum–Chl (λem = 566 nm) in presence of (a) P123 and (b) F127 at 10 °C, inset shows normalized spectra, fluorescence excitation spectra of Cum–Chl (λem = 470 nm) in presence of F127 at (c) 10 °C and (d) 35 °C, normalized fluorescence spectra of Cum, with increasing % of P123 at (a) 10 °C and (b) 35 °C and with increasing % of F127 at (c) 10 °C and (d) 35 °C; at λex 440 nm. See DOI: 10.1039/c5ra16549k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |