Hyperbranched polyethylenimine-based sensor of multiple metal ions (Cu2+, Co2+ and Fe2+): colorimetric sensing via coordination or AgNP formation

V. Vinod Kumar, M. K. Thenmozhi, Asaithampi Ganesan, S. Selva Ganesan and Savarimuthu Philip Anthony*
School of Chemical & Biotechnology, SASTRA University, Thanjavur-613401, Tamil Nadu, India. E-mail: philip@biotech.sastra.edu; Tel: +91 4362264101

Received 14th July 2015 , Accepted 30th September 2015

First published on 2nd October 2015


Hyperbranched polyethylenimine (HPEI), an amine rich polymer, has been used as a colorimetric probe for selective sensing of multiple metal ions (Cu2+, Co2+ and Fe2+) with clearly distinguishable color in aqueous solution. The selective coordination of Cu2+ with the chelating amines of HPEI induced a visible color change from colorless to blue across a wide pH range (pH 4.0 to 10.0). Other metal ions did not show any significant color change. Interestingly, the addition of Co2+ and Fe2+ into HPEI in the presence of silver ions (Ag+) leads to the formation of strong yellow and brown colors, respectively. The control studies suggest that Co2+ and Fe2+ undergo oxidation and reduce the silver ions into silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The strong surface plasmon resonance (SPR) vibration of the AgNPs was responsible for the yellow/brown color. UV-visible studies showed a strong absorption peak at 400 nm for Co2+ and a broad absorption with λmax at 420 nm for Fe2+. HR-TEM studies confirmed more uniform spherical AgNPs for Co2+ with HPEI–Ag+ and polydisperse AgNP aggregates for Fe2+. The limit of detection of the HPEI probe for Cu2+ is 0.25 μg L−1 and those of the HPEI–Ag+ probe for Co2+ and Fe2+ are 40 and 30 μg L−1, respectively. The practical application of the HPEI probe for selective sensing of multiple metal ions with distinguishable colors has been demonstrated on Whatman filter paper. Thus, simple commercially available HPEI has been successfully used for the selective colorimetric sensing of biologically important Cu2+, Co2+ and Fe2+ metal ions in aqueous medium.


Cobalt (Co2+), iron (Fe2+) and copper (Cu2+) are important transition metal ions that play significant roles in human health, animals and plants. Co2+ is an essential micronutrient for animals and plants, and an important component of vitamin B12 and other biological compounds.1 However, deficiency of Co2+ can cause anaemia, slower growth and loss of appetite.2 Also, higher contamination of Co2+ in environmental water can have severe effects on both humans and animals.3 At higher concentration, Co2+ is highly toxic to humans and can induce several diseases and disabilities that include asthma, decreased cardiac output, cardiac enlargement, heart disease, lung disease, dermatitis and vasodilation.4 Fe2+, the most abundant metal ion in plants and the human body, plays an important role in metabolism, catalysis, oxygen transport and as a cofactor in many enzymatic reactions.5 The imbalance of Fe2+ can induce several diseases, including anaemia, heart disease, liver damage and diabetes.6–8 Similarly, copper (Cu2+) is the third essential transition metal ion for human health after zinc and iron and is an important cofactor for many enzymes in biological processes.9–11 However, it is highly toxic for many organisms at higher concentrations because it may promote the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).12 ROS strongly interfere with cellular signalling processes and cause damage to cell structures or provoke apoptosis.13–16 Further, a high concentration of Cu2+ may also induce gastrointestinal disorders, as well as damage the liver and kidney.17 An increase in Cu2+ concentration in the neuronal cytoplasm might produce several other diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.18,19 The selective binding of Cu2+ with the histidine-rich regions of the prion protein lead to mis-folding and protein fibrilization.20 According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the limit for the level of Cu2+ ions in drinking water is 1.3 mg L−1, which is approximately 20 μM.21 The increased use of copper in electronic device manufacturing and industrial and agricultural processes makes Cu2+ contamination in environmental water a serious problem.22 Thus, developing methods for the continuous monitoring and detection of the concentration levels of Co2+, Fe2+, and Cu2+ in environmental water samples is imperative for the benefit of human health.

Traditional detection methods, such as inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, atomic absorption spectroscopy and electrochemical methods, require sophisticated instrumentation, tedious sample preparation and high cost.23–26 In contrast, colorimetric sensors that offer a naked-eye detectable visible color change upon interaction with metal ions have several advantages such as simple operation, cost-effectiveness, robustness and enabling of on-site monitoring.27–32 Several Schiff base and naphthalimide-based chemosensors have been synthesized for selective colorimetric sensing of Cu2+ ions.33–37 Surface functionalized noble silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with specific organic linkers have also been reported as Cu2+ colorimetric sensors.38–41 Molecular materials, predominantly Schiff bases, and rarely surface-functionalized noble nanoparticle-based optical sensors have been reported for Fe2+/Fe3+.42–48 However, colorimetric sensors for Co2+ metal ions are rarely reported. A coumarin-conjugated thiocarbanohydrazone colorimetric sensor was developed by Debabrata Maity et al.49 The Cheal Kim group reported a Schiff base colorimetric sensor for Co2+.50 Triazole-carboxyl functionalized AgNPs and glutathione-functionalized Ag nanorods have also been reported for the selective sensing of Co2+ ions.51,52 Recently, we have developed phenolic chelating ligand-functionalized AgNPs for the selective sensing of Co2+ ions in water.53 Nevertheless, single probes that can detect more than two metal ions are scarcely reported.43,54–56 Thus, developing a single colorimetric probe that can exhibit sensing of multiple metal ions in aqueous solution is highly challenging.

Herein, we have demonstrated highly selective colorimetric sensing of Cu2+, Fe2+ and Co2+ ions using commercially available hyperbranched polyethylenimine (HPEI) in aqueous medium. Addition of Cu2+ into the HPEI solution produced a visible color change (colorless to blue color) via selective coordination with chelating amine functionalities. The selective colorimetric change for Cu2+ ions can be observed clearly across a wide pH range (pH 4 to 10). Other metal ions did not show significant color change. Addition of Co2+ and Fe2+ ions into the HPEI polymer in the presence of Ag+ converted the colorless solution into yellow and dark brown colors, respectively. The mechanistic studies indicate that oxidation of Co2+ and Fe2+ reduces silver ions into AgNPs selectively and produces the yellow/brown color due to strong surface plasmon resonance (SPR). Absorption studies showed a strong absorption peak at 400 nm for Co2+ and a slightly broad absorption with λmax at 420 nm for Fe2+. Importantly, both solution colours and absorptions are clearly distinguishable. HR-TEM studies confirmed the formation of more uniformly sized AgNPs for Co2+ and polydisperse AgNP aggregates for Fe2+. The concentration dependent studies showed a linear enhancement of absorption intensity with increasing Cu2+, Co2+ and Fe2+ concentration. To demonstrate the practical applicability of the HPEI probe, selective colorimetric sensing of Cu2+, Co2+ and Fe2+ has been performed on Whatman filter paper, which also exhibited clear distinguishable colors for the three metal ions. Thus, a simple HPEI colorimetric probe exhibited selective sensing of multiple metal ions with clearly distinguishable colors via coordination or oxidation-induced AgNP formation.

Experimental section

Poly(ethylenimine), branched ethylenediamine (hyperbranched polyethylenimine) (number average molecular weight, Mn = 600, weight average molecular weight, Mw = 800), poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), and poly(acrylic acid) sodium salt (PAA) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used as received. Metal salts (Cr2(SO4)3, Al(NO3)3, FeSO4, CoCl2, NiCl2, Cu(OAc)2, Zn(OAc)2, Ca(NO3)2, Mg(OAc)2, Cd(OAc)2, HgCl2, Pb(NO3)2, AgNO3) were obtained from Ranbaxy India. The aqueous metal salt solutions (10−3 M) for colorimetric sensing studies were prepared using Milli-Q water.

HPEI colorimetric sensor studies

An aqueous solution of HPEI polymer was prepared by dissolving 0.25 g of HPEI in 100 mL of water. Each aqueous solution of metal ions (10−3 M) was added into 2 mL of HPEI polymer solution and the absorption and visible color change were monitored.

HPEI–Ag+ colorimetric sensor studies

To the above prepared HPEI polymer solution (20 mL), silver nitrate (10−3 M, 2 mL) was added and stirred at room temperature. This solution was kept in the dark as a stock solution. The colorimetric sensor studies for various metal ions were performed by adding each aqueous solution of metal salt (10−3 M) into the HPEI solution (1 mL) and monitoring the visible color change. The absorption spectra were recorded to support the color change.


The UV-visible measurements of HPEI and HPEI–Ag+ with different metal ions were performed in a Perkin Elmer model Lambda 1050. The size and morphology of the AgNPs were investigated using high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM). Samples for TEM measurements were prepared by placing a drop of NP solution on the graphite grid and drying it under vacuum. Transmission electron micrographs were taken using a JEOL JEM-2100F operated at an acceleration voltage of 200 kV with an ultra high-resolution pole piece. The detection limit was calculated on the basis of absorption titration. To obtain the slope, the change of absorption intensity (640 nm for Cu2+, 400 nm for Co2+ and 418 nm for Fe2+) was plotted against the concentration of metal ions.

Result and discussion

Colorimetric sensor studies using HPEI

HPEI is an amine-rich polyamine–imine polymer with a metal-chelating structure (Scheme 1). The good coordination character of amines coupled with the chelating structure might promote coordination with transition metal ions. HPEI (0.25 g) was dissolved in water (100 mL). The pH of the as-prepared aqueous solution was 10.0. To investigate the colorimetric sensing, aqueous solutions of different metal ions (10−3 M) were added into the HPEI solution and the absorption and visible color change were monitored. Interestingly, Cu2+ addition into the HPEI solution selectively changed the colorless solution to a clear blue color (Fig. 1a). Addition of other metal ions into the HPEI solution did not result in any significant color change. Absorption studies of HPEI with Cu2+ showed a broad absorption peak around 650 nm (Fig. 1a). The appearance of a longer wavelength absorption was responsible for the formation of the blue color. It is noted that the HPEI solution is colorless and did not show any absorption in the visible region. Other metal ions with HPEI also did not exhibit any absorption in the visible region. The concentration dependence studies of Cu2+ with HPEI are shown in Fig. 1b. Addition of Cu2+ (10−4 M) clearly leads to the appearance of a longer wavelength absorption. The increasing concentration of Cu2+ resulted in a linear increase in absorption intensity. The interference studies of HPEI sensing of Cu2+ (μM) in the presence of different metal ions (10−3 M) confirmed the good selectivity (Fig. S1). Cu2+ addition into HPEI in the presence of other metal ions also produced the longer wavelength absorption, which indicates other metal ions did not show significant interference in the Cu2+ colorimetric sensing.
image file: c5ra13797g-s1.tif
Scheme 1 HPEI chemical structure and possible coordination with metal ions.

image file: c5ra13797g-f1.tif
Fig. 1 (a) Digital image showing color change and absorption spectra of HPEI with different metal ions (10−3 M) and (b) HPEI absorption vs. concentration of Cu2+ (pH = 10).

The pH of the HPEI polymer solution was gradually decreased (8, 6, 4 and 2) by adding dilute HNO3 to explore the colorimetric sensing of HPEI over a wide physiological range. Interestingly, addition of Cu2+ to the HPEI solution at pH 8.0 also clearly exhibited a blue color (Fig. S2). Similarly, pH 6.0 and 4.0 solutions also showed clear formation of a blue color by adding Cu2+ ions. The absorption spectra of HPEI with Cu2+ at pH 8.0, 6.0 and 4.0 also showed longer wavelength absorption (Fig. 2 and S2). However, the pH 2.0 polymer solution did not show any color change with Cu2+. It was observed that the pH 4.0 polymer showed a slightly reduced intensity of blue color for Cu2+ relative to pH 8.0 and 10.0. This could be due to the protonation of the free amine groups of HPEI at low pH, which might reduce their ability to coordinate strongly with Cu2+ ions. At pH 2.0, most of the amines might be protonated and hence could not form any coordination complexes with Cu2+ ions.

image file: c5ra13797g-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Digital image showing color change and absorption spectra of HPEI with different metal ions at pH (a) 4.0 and (b) 6.0.

The addition of silver ions (Ag+) into the HPEI solution at pH 10.0 did not result in any color formation (Fig. 1a). However, formation of a light yellow to clear yellow color was observed in the presence of Ag+ upon reducing the pH of the HPEI solution from 10.0 to 6.0 (Fig. 2 and S2). Further acidification (pH 4.0 and 2.0) produced only a very light yellow color. The appearance of the clear yellow color at pH 6.0 could be due to the formation of AgNPs. Absorption studies of HPEI with silver ions at different pH values showed a clear absorption peak at 400 nm for the pH 6.0 sample (Fig. 2b). A weak, slightly broad absorption was observed around 400 nm for the pH 4.0 and 8.0 samples. HPEI–Ag+ at pH 10.0 did not show any absorption in the visible region. The strong absorption at 400 nm suggests the formation of AgNPs. Noble metal nanoparticles such as silver (Ag) and gold (Au) are known to exhibit strong absorption in the visible region due to surface plasmon resonance (SPR) vibration.57 AgNPs with a spherical shape generally exhibit an absorption peak between 390–440 nm. HR-TEM studies of Ag+ added to the HPEI sample at pH 6.0 clearly confirmed the formation of poly-disperse spherical AgNPs with a size range between 8 and 25 nm (Fig. 3a). HPEI–Ag+ at pH 10.0 did not show any AgNP formation which supports the absorption studies (Fig. 3b). It has been reported that polyethylenimine can reduce silver ions into AgNPs under acidic conditions whereas they remain as silver ions under basic conditions and formaldehyde reduction produced silver nanoclusters (AgNCs).58,59

image file: c5ra13797g-f3.tif
Fig. 3 HR-TEM images of HPEI–Ag+ at pH (a) 6.0 and (b) 10.0.

Colorimetric sensing of Co2+ and Fe2+ by HPEI–Ag+

The addition of Co2+ and Fe2+ into the HPEI polymer solution did not result in any significant color change across basic to acidic conditions. The absorption spectra also did not show any characteristic absorption peaks in the visible region (Fig. 1). However, the addition of Co2+ and Fe2+ into HPEI in the presence of Ag+ under ambient conditions (air equilibrated solution) produced clear yellow and dark brown colors from a colorless solution, respectively (pH = 10.0, Fig. 4). The light yellow color of the HPEI–Ag+ solution at pH 8.0 has also been converted to intense yellow and dark brown colors by Co2+ and Fe2+ addition (Fig. 4). Addition of other metal ions into HPEI–Ag+ did not result in any significant color change. The clear yellow color of HPEI–Ag+ at pH 6.0 was further intensified with Co2+ whereas Fe2+ addition again produced a dark brown color (Fig. 4). However, addition of Co2+/Fe2+ into HPEI–Ag+ at pH 2.0 and 4.0 did not result in any color change. Further, it was observed that the strong yellow color formed by Co2+ addition into HPEI–Ag+ at different pH values (6.0 to 10.0) was quite stable (for more than two weeks). The dark brown color of HPEI–Ag+ obtained by Fe2+ addition settled down slowly depending on the pH of the medium. At pH 10.0, the dark brown color settled down within 5 minutes, whereas it was stable for 30 minutes at pH 8.0. The dark brown color of the pH 6.0 sample was stable for 1 h and then slowly settled down. Thus, the AgNPs produced from HPEI–Ag+ with Co2+ and Fe2+ metal ions not only showed different colors but also showed different stabilities.
image file: c5ra13797g-f4.tif
Fig. 4 Digital images of HPEI–Ag+ color changes upon addition of Co2+ and Fe2+ at different pH values.

The absorption studies of HPEI–Ag+ (pH = 8.0) with different metal ions also showed different absorption with Co2+ and Fe2+ (Fig. 5). Co2+ addition resulted in strong absorption at 400 nm, whereas Fe2+ addition to HPEI–Ag+ gave a broad absorption with λmax at 420 nm. At pH 10.0, HPEI–Ag+ with Co2+ exhibited a clear absorption peak at 400 nm, whereas Fe2+ showed broad absorption without a clear peak (Fig. S3). The broad absorption without a clear peak could be due to the faster settlement of the formed AgNPs. HPEI–Ag+ with Co2+ at pH 6.0 also exhibited a clear strong absorption at 400 nm (Fig. S4). Co2+ addition strongly enhanced the absorption intensity without altering the λmax. Fe2+ addition again resulted in broad absorption with λmax at 418 nm. The strong yellow or brown color with clear absorption in the range between 400 to 440 nm indicates the formation of AgNPs. HR-TEM studies of HPEI–Ag+ (pH = 10), which is a colorless solution, did not show any AgNP formation (Fig. 3). Co2+ addition to HPEI–Ag+ (pH = 10.0) led to the formation of spherical AgNPs in the size range between 10 and 25 nm (Fig. 6). HR-TEM studies further indicate that Co2+ ions could coordinate with the HPEI amines and form spherical micron-sized particles (Fig. S5). The presence of smaller AgNPs has also clearly been seen on the HPEI-Co2+ polymer microspheres. Fe2+ addition to HPEI–Ag+ (pH = 10.0), which produced a dark brownish color, showed the formation of polydisperse AgNP aggregates with different shapes (Fig. 6c and d and S6). Spherical, nanorod and other morphologies of AgNPs with 10–40 nm size could be observed. Further, the HR-TEM suggests that the AgNPs are completely trapped in the polymer matrix. The formation of AgNPs with different sizes, shapes and aggregates was responsible for the different colors with Co2+ and Fe2+. HPEI–Ag+ at pH 6.0 showed the formation of poly-disperse spherical AgNPs (Fig. 3). However, addition of Co2+ induced the formation of nearly uniformly sized spherical AgNPs (5–10 nm) that strongly enhanced the absorption intensity (Fig. 6b). Hence, the HR-TEM studies indicate that HPEI in the presence of Ag+ facilitates the oxidation of Co2+ and Fe2+ and the reduction of silver ions into AgNPs.

image file: c5ra13797g-f5.tif
Fig. 5 Absorption spectra of HPEI–Ag+ with different metal ions (10−3 M) at pH 8.0.

image file: c5ra13797g-f6.tif
Fig. 6 HR-TEM images of HPEI–Ag+ after the addition of Co2+ at pH (a) 6.0 and (b) 10.0 and Fe2+ addition at pH 10.0 (c and d).

HPEI–Ag+ at pH 8.0 was chosen as a representative example to perform the concentration dependence studies. The concentration dependence studies of Co2+ and Fe2+ with HPEI–Ag+ are shown in Fig. S7. HPEI–Ag+ showed a very weak, broad absorption around 400 nm. Addition of Co2+ (10−4 M) immediately leads to the formation of a strong absorption peak at 400 nm. Further addition resulted in a linear increase of absorption intensity without changing the λmax with increasing concentration of Co2+. Addition of Fe2+ into HPEI did not result in an immediate increase of absorption intensity (Fig. S7b). However, subsequent addition resulted in an enhancement of intensity with a red shift of the absorption peak to 418 nm. The limit of detection calculation indicates that the HPEI–Ag+ probe can detect Co2+ and Fe2+ in aqueous solution up to 40 and 30 μg L−1, respectively. The interference studies of HPEI–Ag+ sensing of Co2+ and Fe2+ (μM) in the presence of different metal ions (10−3 M) demonstrate the high selectivity (Fig. 7, S8 and S9). Addition of Co2+ to HPEI–Ag+ in the presence of other metal ions clearly produced a strong yellow color and absorption at 400 nm. Similarly, addition of Fe2+ to HPEI–Ag+ also produced a brownish color in the presence of other metal ions. It is noted that the color was lightened in the presence of other metal ions but a clear brown color was still produced. The interference studies indicate that HPEI–Ag+ has strong selectivity for Fe2+ in the presence other metal ions (Fig. S9). Addition of Fe2+ (0.3 equivalent to Co2+) to HPEI–Ag+ with Co2+ increased the intensity with a small red shift; however, an equal amount of Co2+ (1[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]1 to Fe2+) was required to induce a small blue shift in the absorption. Interestingly, HPEI–Ag+ produced a strong reddish solution in the presence of both Fe2+ and Co2+ that is different from Fe2+ addition to HPEI–Ag+ or Co2+ addition to HPEI–Ag+. Further, the absorption spectra also showed a small red (400 to 412 nm for Fe2+ addition) or blue shift (420 to 410 nm) in the λmax with peak broadening (red shift of λcut-off). Hence, although HPEI–Ag+ exhibits high selectivity for Fe2+, it can also be used as a colorimetric probe for detecting Co2+ metal ions.

image file: c5ra13797g-f7.tif
Fig. 7 Selectivity studies of HPEI-Ag+ for (a) Co2+ (μM) and (b) Fe2+ (μM) in the presence of different metal ions (mM).

To get insight into the mechanism of Co2+ and Fe2+ colorimetric sensing by HPEI–Ag+, control studies were performed. It is noted that Co2+ and Fe2+ addition to the HPEI polymer alone did not result in any visible color or absorption in the visible region. However, Co2+/Fe2+ addition into HPEI in the presence of Ag+ under ambient conditions led to the appearance of a clear yellow/dark brown color due to the formation of AgNPs, which was confirmed by absorption and HR-TEM studies. The same experiment was performed under N2 atmosphere. Interestingly, Co2+ and Fe2+ addition under inert conditions did not produce any color, which indicates that the Ag+ ions have not been reduced into AgNPs (Fig. S10). However, removing the N2 atmosphere and bringing the reaction medium into normal conditions resulted in the formation of yellow and dark brown colors immediately. Further, it was observed that Co3+ or Fe3+ addition to HPEI–Ag+ did not produce any color. Similarly, the direct addition of Co2+ or Fe2+ to Ag+ (10−4 or 10−3 M) without HPEI polymer under ambient conditions also did not result in characteristic color formation. Interestingly, addition of the HPEI polymer into the solution of Co2+/Fe2+ with Ag+ leads to the formation of a yellow/dark brownish color. Other water soluble polymers, such as poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP), were used to confirm the significance the HPEI polymer. Addition of Co2+/Fe2+ into aqueous solutions of PVA–Ag+ or PVP–Ag+ did not produce any significant color, which indicates the importance of the amine-rich HPEI polymer for the reduction of Ag+ to AgNPs (Fig. S11). These studies indicate that Co2+/Fe2+ undergo oxidation in the presence of the HPEI polymer, Ag+ and oxygen in the air, which reduces the silver ions into AgNPs (Scheme 2). However, to induce Co2+/Fe2+ oxidation, Ag+, HPEI and oxygen are required. It appears that it might be a synergistic effect of all three components (Ag+, HPEI and air) resulting in the oxidation of Co2+/Fe2+ and reduction of Ag+ into AgNPs. It is noted that Co2+/Fe2+ oxidation will lead to the formation another stable oxidation state of these metal ions (Co3+/Fe3+). Importantly, both Co2+ and Fe2+ induced AgNPs showed distinguishable colors with different absorptions, which suggests that the HPEI–Ag+ probe can be used to detect Co2+ and Fe2+ ions in aqueous solution.

image file: c5ra13797g-s2.tif
Scheme 2 Proposed mechanism of Co2+ and Fe2+ colorimetric sensing of HPEI–Ag+ via oxidation-induced AgNP formation.

The practical application of the HPEI probe for selective colorimetric sensing of Cu2+, Co2+ and Fe2+ in aqueous solution has been demonstrated using Whatman filter paper (Fig. 8). A droplet of aqueous solution of HPEI was placed on a small piece of filter paper. The addition of different concentrations of Cu2+ clearly produced a blue color in the filter paper. Similarly, addition of Co2+ and Fe2+ to HPEI–Ag+ soaked filter paper led to the formation of yellow and dark brown colors, respectively. The increasing Cu2+, Co2+ and Fe2+ concentrations led to higher intensities of color.

image file: c5ra13797g-f8.tif
Fig. 8 Digital images of colorimetric sensing of Cu2+, Co2+ and Fe2+ by the HPEI probe using Whatman filter paper.


In conclusion, we have demonstrated a highly selective colorimetric sensing of multiple metal ions (Cu2+, Co2+ and Fe2+) using commercially available HPEI polymer in aqueous medium. HPEI showed selective appearance of a blue color upon addition of Cu2+ ions via coordination with amine functionalities of the polymer. Interestingly, the color change for Cu2+ could be observed across a wide pH range (pH 4.0 to 10.0). Other metal ions did not show any characteristic color change with HPEI. Addition of Co2+ and Fe2+ into the HPEI solution in the presence of Ag+ under ambient conditions produced strong yellow and dark brown colors, respectively. The control studies indicate that Co2+ and Fe2+ undergo oxidation under ambient conditions in the presence of Ag+ and HPEI polymer and reduce the silver ions into AgNPs. The strong SPR phenomena of the AgNPs produced the color. The formation of AgNPs was confirmed by absorption and HR-TEM studies. The different colors for Co2+ and Fe2+ were due to the change in size, shape and aggregation of the AgNPs. The limit of detection of the HPEI probe for Cu2+ is 0.25 μg L−1 and those of the HPEI–Ag+ probe for Co2+ and Fe2+ are 40 and 30 μg L−1, respectively. Interference studies confirm the high selectivity of the HPEI colorimetric probe for Cu2+, Co2+ and Fe2+. Importantly, all three metal ions produced completely different and distinguishable colors. The practical applicability of HPEI for the selective colorimetric sensing of Cu2+, Co2+ and Fe2+ has been demonstrated using Whatman filter paper.


Financial support from the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India (DST Fast Track scheme no. SR/FT/CS-03/2011(G) and SR/FT/CS-09/2011) is acknowledged with gratitude. We thank CRF, SASTRA University for the UV-Visible spectrophotometer.

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Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Absorption spectra, interference studies, digital images and HR-TEM images are included. See DOI: 10.1039/c5ra13797g

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015