Y. Qiuac,
D. C. Yangb,
B. Yinac,
J. X. Leiac,
H. Q. Zhangac,
Z. Zhanga,
H. Chend,
Y. P. Lid,
J. M. Biana,
Y. H. Liua,
Y. Zhaoa and
L. Z. Hu*ac
aSchool of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, People's Republic of China. E-mail: lizhongh@dlut.edu.cn
bDepartment of Electronic Engineering, Dalian Neusoft University of Information, Dalian, 116024, People's Republic of China
cThe Key Laboratory for Micro/Nano Technology and System of Liaoning Province, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, People's Republic of China
dFaculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, People's Republic of China
First published on 5th December 2014
In this paper, branched ZnO nanotrees (NTs) have been synthesized on flexible fiber-paper substrates by introducing a multistep hydrothermal approach for realizing high-performance piezoelectric nanogenerators. With this method, a significant enhancement in output voltage of the NGs ranging from 14 mV to 0.1 V was achieved, with a nearly 20 times enhanced power density compared to the vertically grown ZnO NWs. This is the first demonstration of fabricating branched ZnO NTs-coated fiber paper for energy harvesting devices, which may provide guidelines for designing high-performance piezoelectric energy harvesting.
In recent years, the application of ZnO as piezoelectric materials in energy-harvesting devices has been explored extensively, primarily because of their coupled piezoelectric and semiconducting properties, easy availability, nontoxic, and abundant in nature. Besides, ZnO also can be tailored to various nanostructures,12–17 which might provide a promising means for optimizing the performance of the nanogenerators. As the nanogenerator evolves more aggressively, structural analysis becomes increasingly important. Recently, ZnO piezoelectric nanogenerators based on various 1D and 2D ZnO nanostructures have been demonstrated.13,18 For example, in 2009, Xi et al.19 first reported a piezoelectric NG based on ZnO nanotube arrays by using a low-temperature solution chemical method. This NG gave an output voltage up to 35 mV. Gupta et al.20 also demonstrated the synthesis of 2D vanadium-doped ZnO nanosheets and their application for high-performance flexible direct current power piezoelectric NGs. Recently, Saravanakumar et al.21 also reported the growth of 2D ZnO nanowall on both sides of the flexible substrate through hydrothermal method and their application toward energy harvesting devices. The fabricated nanowall NG produced the maximum output voltage and current of 2.5 V and 80 nA, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, there is no report on the growth of 3D branched ZnO nanotree (ZnO NT) structures on flexible fiber paper substrate as well as the fabrication of the NG using this kind of structure. In this report, we have developed multi-step hydrothermal process to grow ZnO NTs on the common fiber-paper substrates. The branches directly attached to the main ZnO nanowire (NW) backbones could highly improve piezoelectric power generation. The formation mechanism of the ZnO NTs and the role of the branched ZnO nanostructures in the energy-harvesting devices have been investigated.
Fig. 2 shows the corresponding XRD patterns of ZnO NWs (sample A) and branched NTs (sample B) synthesized on paper-fiber substrates. All the diffraction peaks can be easily assigned to hexagonal wurtzite phase of ZnO. For sample A, the peak intensity of (002) is much higher than that of NTs, indicating the NW with no branches has more intense orientation on (002) diffraction. For NTs, higher diffraction peaks of (100) and (101) planes are observed, which are associated with the ZnO branches existed on NWs. Besides of this, the mechanical stability of the as-grown samples was also investigated by bending test. And both samples can withstand dozens of bending cycles without any damage (Fig. S1, ESI†), which will benefit the stability of the flexible piezoelectric NGs.
Electrical measurement of output signals generated from both NGs are conducted using specially designed measuring setup, the schematic diagram of which is shown in the inset of Fig. 3. The fabricated NGs were fixed onto the plastic board (PB) with a length of 20 cm, a width of 1.2 cm and a thickness of 0.2 cm. The PB could be easily bent into different curvatures and circular arcs by adjusting the height of the gasket. Before the electromechanical measurements, we first measured the original I–V curves of both ZWNG and ZTNG, as shown in Fig. 3. It was found that both NGs had linear I–V behavior, indicating Ohmic contact formed between ZnO-paper pieces and Ag paste. The resistances of ZWNG and ZTNG were ∼200 and ∼10 MΩ, respectively.
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Fig. 3 I–V curves of ZWNG and ZTNG; inset is the schematic diagram of the measuring setup during electrical experiment. |
To test the electrical output performance of the NGs, a manually applied stress was periodically introduced to deform the PB, so that the NG experienced cycling stretching–releasing deformation process. Fig. 4 shows the output voltage and current of ZWNG and ZTNG being subjected to repeated cycles of fast stretched (FS) and fast released (FR). With the strain of 0.25% (gasket height = 2 cm), the output voltage and current of ZENG were measured to be ∼14 mV and ∼7 nA, respectively (power density: 0.306 nW cm−2), which is similar with the previous reported ZPNG.24 The piezoelectric output of ZTNG was fairly compared under the same experimental and measurement conditions. The measured voltage and current of ZTNG were measured to be ∼100 mV and ∼20 nA, respectively, corresponding to a power density of ∼6.25 nW cm−2, which was nearly 20 times higher than that of the ZWNG. Furthermore, in order to verify that the electric outputs resulted from the piezoelectric property of ZnO-paper rather than for other reasons, we fixed a similar piece of the fiber paper used as the substrate in our study on the PB and deposited the Ag paste electrodes on both ends of the paper to measure its electric output. The results showed that only noise existed in the output voltage and current signals (Fig. S2, ESI†), indicating that the electric outputs of the fabricated NGs were generated from the piezoelectric ZnO NWs on the paper rather than triboelectric effect or measuring system.
The energy conversion efficiency of the NG can be estimated as the ratio between generated electrical energy and applied mechanical energy. In our study, the output electrical energy generated by stretching and releasing the NG is calculated as:10,24
We = ∫VIdt |
Ws = πD2LoEε2/8 |
According to the previous paper,25 when the PB is bent downward, a deformation will take place in the ZnO NWs and cause them to rub against each other. Thus, the piezoelectric bound charges will generate inside the stressed NWs, leading to a piezoelectric potential gradient in the device. And when the PB is released, the generated piezoelectric bound charges will gradually diminish. In this process, the accumulated free charges flow back in the opposite released direction. Therefore, alternating positive and negative electric outputs can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 4. Furthermore, we find that compared to the ZWNG with vertically ZnO NWs, the ZTNG with branched ZnO NTs clearly have better piezoelectric performances. Here, we attribute this phenomenon to the branched structures formed in the secondary grown NWs.
In order to understand the effect of the branched NWs on the piezoelectric potentials, the simulations for both stressed ZnO NWs/NTs were performed by using finite element calculation (COMSOL) as shown in Fig. 5. We can clearly see that the minimum value of calculated piezoelectric potential at the same applied strains, are −10.6 mV for the NG with two NWs and ∼−36.5 mV for the one with two NTs. The obvious piezoelectric potential increase could be found in Fig. 5, indicating that branched NTs provide more effective structure for harvesting externally applied strains. In this case, when the ZTNG was stretched, besides the lateral bending of the backbone ZnO NWs as stated above, the piezoelectric charges would be also generated between the branched structures, which could also contribute to the electric output. What's more, most of these branches were more likely to suffer from vertical compression rather than lateral bending when the deformation was introduced in the branched ZnO NTs, as shown in Fig. 5. It has been confirmed experimentally and theoretically that vertical compression is better than lateral bending under the assumption of negligible free charges,26,27 which may account for the highly enhanced electric outputs of ZTNG. Here, the branches provide not only the possibility of suffering vertical compression but also faster electron transport pathways compared to the smooth ZnO NW. Simulated potential values could not exactly match with the experimental results, because the generated potential is highly influenced by material parameters and applied strain, which are difficult to be exactly defined.
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Fig. 5 The operation mechanism of the designed ZWNG and ZTNG. The dotted boxes are the corresponding simulations of the piezopotential distribution in the ZnO NWs (a) and in the ZnO NTs (b). |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c4ra09163a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |