Issue 37, 2015

Shining a light on an adaptable photoinitiator: advances in photopolymerizations initiated by thioxanthones


Photochemistry plays a central role in synthetic polymer research. Aromatic ketones, examples of which include benzophenone, thioxanthone, camphorquinone, among others, are renowned for their excellent optical characteristics and have been extensively utilized for photochemical induction of polymerization processes. Of particular interest is thioxanthone due to its adaptability for bearing different functionalities and its applications in various modes of photopolymerization, in which it accomplishes photoinitiation in conjunction with other co-initiator compounds; a behavior that is referred to as bi-molecular photoinitiation. In this paper, we review the photochemistry of thioxanthone-based systems and their use in different modes of photoinitiated polymerizations. Citing examples from the literature, the development of various photoinitiating systems based on thioxanthones along with an understanding of their mechanistic behavior has been elucidated previously.

Graphical abstract: Shining a light on an adaptable photoinitiator: advances in photopolymerizations initiated by thioxanthones

Article information

Article type
Review Article
30 Jun 2015
22 Jul 2015
First published
24 Jul 2015

Polym. Chem., 2015,6, 6595-6615

Author version available

Shining a light on an adaptable photoinitiator: advances in photopolymerizations initiated by thioxanthones

S. Dadashi-Silab, C. Aydogan and Y. Yagci, Polym. Chem., 2015, 6, 6595 DOI: 10.1039/C5PY01004G

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