Mahasin Alam
b and
aBioengineering Program, School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 70 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637457. E-mail:
bDivision of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, 21 Nanyang Link, Singapore 637371
cInstitute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), 3 Research Link, Singapore 117602
First published on 3rd April 2015
Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) are emerging zero-dimensional materials promising a wide spectrum of applications, particularly, as superior fluorescent reporters for bio-imaging and optical sensing. Heteroatom doping can endow GQDs with new or improved photoluminescence properties. Here, we demonstrate a simple strategy for the synthesis of nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped GQDs from a single biomolecule precursor (adenosine triphosphate – ATP). Such ATP-GQDs exhibit high fluorescence quantum yield, strong two-photon upconversion, small molecular weight, high photostability, and good biocompatibility. Furthermore, transferrin conjugated ATP-GQDs have been used for imaging and real-time tracking of transferrin receptors in live cells.
Herein, we report a simple and cost-effective method for the synthesis of GQDs co-doped with nitrogen, and phosphorus by carbonization and subsequent chemical exfoliation of a single precursor molecule – adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (Scheme 1, also see the Experimental section). The dually doped GQDs show high quantum yield (∼27.5%) and strong two-photon excitation with a two-photon absorption cross-section (20000 GM). Carbonaceous micro-sheets resulting from ATP carbonization exhibit good catalytic properties towards oxygen reduction, and heteroatom-doped GQDs conjugated with transferrin have been employed to image and track transferrin receptors in live cells.
Subsequently, cATP is exfoliated by refluxing in nitric acid. As revealed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), carbon nanosheets ∼2.06 nm (±0.69, n = 161) in diameter have been produced (Fig. 2a and b). The high-resolution TEM image shows the lattice spacing of 0.24 nm corresponding to the d1120 plane of graphene (Fig. 2a inset). Gel electrophoresis also indicates that the obtained nanosheets have a narrow size-distribution and small molecular weight (≪10 kDa) (Fig. 2c). Atomic force microscopy (AFM) reveals that the average thickness of these carbon particles is ∼1.26 nm (±0.66, n = 231) corresponding to 1–3 layers of graphitic carbon (Fig. 2d and e). These observations demonstrate that cATP exfoliation yields a nearly homogeneous dispersion of GQDs.
The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum of ATP-GQD shows the characteristic peaks for CO (1722 cm−1), C
C (1629 cm−1), OH (3414 cm−1), –COOH (1388 cm−1), P–O (966 cm−1) and CH2 (2922 cm−1) (Fig. 3a). On further characterization by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), the high resolution C1s spectrum of GQDs can be well-fitted with the characteristic peaks for C
C bonds (284.2 eV),31 C–N/C–P
O (285.1 eV),19,32 C–O (286.3 eV)33 and O–C
O (288.2 eV)19 (Fig. 3b). It correlates well with the FTIR results. The N1s spectrum consists of three peaks at 399.3, 400.5 and 405.1 eV, corresponding to the pyridinic,34 pyrrolic,34 and NO2 groups, respectively (Fig. 3c). The NO2 groups are likely introduced at the edges during the exfoliation with HNO3. Analysis of the P2p XPS spectrum gives two peaks at 132.6 eV and 133.5 eV (Fig. 3d), which can be assigned to P–O and P–C bonds.35,36 It is likely that these bonds belong to phosphonic acid groups (–PO3H2) at the edges because incorporation of P in the graphene lattice would introduce unstable structural distortion due to the longer length of the P–C bond than that of the C–C or C–N bond.37 As reported by XPS, the doping percentages of nitrogen and phosphorus are 6.2 (C/N ratio of 7.0) and 6.9 (C/P ratio of 6.3), respectively. Evidently, ATP-GQDs are doped with both N and P atoms. P-doped GQDs have yet to be synthesized, and this is the first demonstration of P-/N-co-doping. The N-doping level here is higher than the previously reported N-/B-co-doped GQDs.38 The interlayer spacing of ATP-GQDs analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) is ∼0.36 nm (Fig. S1a†), which is slightly larger than that of graphite (0.34 nm) due to the presence of chemical groups. The Raman spectrum of ATP-GQD is similar to that of cATP (Fig. S1b†).
ATP-GQDs appear brown under bright light and show green fluorescence on illumination with a 365 nm UV lamp (Fig. 4a, inset). From the UV-Vis spectrum, it can be seen that, when adsorption extends to the visible light region, ATP-GQDs can more efficiently absorb short-wavelengths due to π–π* transitions of the aromatic sp2 domains in the graphene lattice31 (Fig. 4a). The photoluminescence (PL) excitation spectrum shows a prominent peak at 460 nm and a shoulder peak at 360 nm which is due to the σ–π and π–π* transitions originated from the carbene-like triplet state of the zig-zag edges of GQDs (Fig. 4a).39
In contrast to most reported GQDs,40–42 the PL of ATP-GQDs only exhibits a slight excitation dependent emission with the maximum emission at 520 nm when excited at 460 nm (Fig. 4b and S2†). It suggests the good uniformity of size and chemical composition of our ATP-GQDs.17 The quantum yield (QY) is calculated to be ∼27.5% using rhodamine 6G (QY 96%) as the reference, which is much higher than the non-doped GQDs.40 The improved QY could be attributable to the interplay of the different dopants in the graphene lattice. It has been proposed that the coexistence of n- and p-dopants can increase QY due to formation of p–n type photochemical diodes.43 In ATP-GQD, pyridinic and pyrrolic N atoms are strongly electron withdrawing conferring p-type doping characteristics.44 The electron-withdrawing –PO3H2 groups impose p-doping effects.45 In addition, the presence of oxygenated groups at the edges also gives rise to either weak n- (e.g. –OH) or p- (e.g. –COOH) doping effects.43
It is known that oxygenated groups on GQDs compromise QY because of non-radiative recombination at these sites.46 Li et al. have demonstrated that greenish-yellow luminescent GQDs prepared via a microwave-assisted method become blue with a much improved QY (from 11.7 to 22.9%).47 Consistently, we have shown that chemical reduction of ATP-GQDs using NaBH4 can largely increase QY to 53%, and at the same time, blue shift the emission peak to ∼475 nm (Fig. S3a†). But the emission spectrum is broadened, presumably due to the increased chemical heterogeneity after reduction. From the FTIR spectrum (Fig. S3b†), it can be observed that the –COOH, CO, and P–O groups are eliminated by reduction while –OH groups are still present because of reduction of –COOH to –CH2OH. Clearly, the overall oxygen content is greatly decreased after chemical reduction. On the other hand, removing oxygenated groups makes GQDs more prone to aggregation and more difficult to be conjugated with biomolecules. Therefore, in the later bioimaging experiments, we have used the as-prepared ATP-GQDs without reduction.
Based on the chemical/element composition analyses and observed quantum dot size, we propose a hypothetical model for ATP-GQD (Fig. S4†) and theoretically investigate its PL properties using density-functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) calculations. The hypothetical ATP-GQD (∼2 nm) contains 3 pyridinic N atoms, 3 pyrrolic N atoms, and 3 –PO3H2 groups. As the synthesized ATP-GQDs have rich oxygen content and correlate with XPS characterization, 1 epoxy group is added onto the graphene lattice, 1 –NO2 and 2 –COOH are attached to pyridine rings. The TDDFT calculations suggest that ATP-GQD exhibits the maximum emission at 556 nm which is close to the experimentally measured value (520 nm) (Fig. S4a†). Furthermore, our calculations suggest that chemical reduction (removal of oxygenated groups) can cause either a red- or blue-shift (Fig. S4b–f†), probably accounting for the observed broadening of the emission spectrum. In addition, it is likely that the reduction pathway from Fig. S4a–f† dominates, giving an emission peak of 496.6 nm which is close to the experimental value of 475 nm. The molecular weight of the hypothetical ATP-GQD is ∼1.4 kDa, which is much smaller than green fluorescence protein (GFP, ∼27 kDa).
A major drawback of the currently used organic fluorophores (e.g., GFP and FITC) is their poor photostability, which makes long-term real-time imaging difficult. As shown in Fig. S5,† under the same confocal illumination, FITC photobleaches quickly whereas the PL of ATP-GQD remains stable. Because ATP molecules abundantly exist in cells, it is not surprising that ATP-GQDs show good biocompatibility at concentrations much higher than needed for bioimaging experiments (Fig. S6†).
Furthermore, we examined the two-photon absorption properties of ATP-GQDs as two-photon fluorescence microscopy has advantages over normal one-photon fluorescence microscopy in terms of a larger penetration depth amenable for tissue imaging, a higher spatial resolution and a lower background signal due to the highly non-linear and localized adsorption process.48 Interestingly, ATP-GQD also exhibits good two-photon excitation properties. Under the excitation at 800 nm, which is far away from the one-photon absorption regime of GQD, strong up-converted PL is observed with the emission maximum at ∼560 nm (Fig. 4c). The quadratic dependence of the PL signal on the excitation intensity confirms the non-linear two-photon absorption and emission process (Fig. 4d).49 The Z-scan technique is employed to determine the two-photon absorption cross-section (σ) of our ATP-GQDs (Fig. S7†). The nonlinear absorption signal of the ATP-GQDs can be well-fitted by using the Z-scan theory,49,50 giving a σ value as high as ∼20000 GM. This value is two orders of magnitude higher than organic fluorphores51 and comparable to much larger-sized CdSe quantum dots.52
Un-doped GQDs exhibit poor two-photon excitation properties due to the low absorption cross-section.53 It has been observed that the two-photon absorption cross-section of quadrupolar molecules increases due to the co-existence of electron withdrawing and donating groups which facilitates intramolecular charge transfer.54 A theoretical study also suggests that non-linear emission from GQDs could arise when electron-withdrawing NO2 and electron-donating NH2 groups at the edges form a donor-GQD-acceptor system.55 Liu et al. have demonstrated that dimethyl amine functionalized GQD shows strong two-photon absorption and attributed this to the electron-donating nature of the dimethyl amine groups.13 Hence conceivably, the co-existence of electron withdrawing and donating sites (which can form p–n type photochemical diodes) in heteroatom-doped ATP-GQD leads to its good two-photon upconversion properties.
ATP-GQD demonstrates excellent photostability under continuous one-photon or two-photon laser excitation (Fig. S8†). The lifetime measurements of ATP-GQDs under both one- (400 nm) and two-photon excitation show nearly identical PL decay dynamics (Fig. S9†), suggesting the common radiative recombination channels.50 The PL decay curves can be well-fitted by a double-exponential function: I(t) = A1exp
(−t/τ1) + A2
(−t/τ2), where τ1 and τ2 are the time constants of the two radiative decay channels; A1 and A2 are the corresponding amplitudes. From the best fit of the data, τ1 (A1) and τ2 (A2) are derived to be 320 ps (0.44) and 1.62 ns (0.56), respectively. The nanosecond-scale lifetime suggests that ATP-GQDs are suitable fluorescent probes for bio-imaging.9
ATP-GQD is desirable as a fluorescent tag for bioimaging because of its high QY, small molecular weight, excellent photostability and good biocompatibility. A number of studies have provided proof-of-concept demonstrations to show the potential of GQDs for bioimaging, through simple non-specific cell imaging of passively taken GQDs. However, for useful biological studies, GQDs should be bio-functionalized for specific and real-time molecular imaging in live cells. Here, we conjugated ATP-GQD with a transferrin molecule for imaging and real-time tracking of transferrin receptors in human cervical cancer (HeLa) cells. Many cancerous cells overexpress transferrin receptors, which are responsible for internalization and recycling of iron-bound transferrin molecules. The gel electrophoresis experiment indicates that the molecular weight of transferrin-conjugated GQD (Tr-GQD) is similar to that of a bare transferrin molecule (80 kDa) implying one-to-one pairing between ATP-GQD and transferrin (Fig. S10†). The successful conjugation of transferrin is evidenced by staining of Tr-GQD by transferrin-binding Coomassie blue (Fig. S10†).
Using confocal microscopy, it is found that ATP-GQDs can be readily and non-specifically taken up by HeLa cells (Fig. 5a). The internalized ATP-GQDs scatter in the cytoplasm. In comparison, the uptaken Tr-GQDs are segregated near the nucleus because of the specific binding of Tr-GQDs with transferrin receptors on the cell membrane triggers endocytosis and compartmentalization in the recycling endosomes (a network of tubular structures adjacent to the nucleus) as shown in Fig. 5b.56 When excess free transferrin molecules are introduced together with Tr-GQDs, fewer fluorescent puncta could be observed within the cells due to competitive inhibition, confirming the specific binding between Tr-GQDs and transferrin receptors (Fig. 5c). Furthermore, Tr-GQD staining is much weaker in human fibroblasts (ATCC) (Fig. 5d) because these non-cancerous cells have less transferrin receptors expressed. Using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) which evanescently illuminates only the thin plasmalemmal region (<200 nm thick), it is further observed that Tr-GQD/transferrin complexes on the cell membrane are quickly endocytosed and many endocytic events are observed within 3 min of imaging (Fig. 5e). Individual endocytic (Fig. 5e, right top) and exocytic events (Fig. 5e, right bottom) of the vesicles containing internalized complexes can also be resolved.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Supplementary figures related to characterization, computational studies and protein conjugation. See DOI: 10.1039/c5nr01519g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |