b and
aLaboratory of Thermodynamics in Emerging Technologies, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zürich, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland. E-mail: dpoulikakos@ethz.ch
bIBM Research Zurich, Säumerstrasse 4, 8803 Rüschlikon, Zürich, Switzerland
First published on 23rd February 2015
Enhancing mixing is of uttermost importance in many laminar microfluidic devices, aiming at overcoming the severe performance limitation of species transport by diffusion alone. Here we focus on the significant category of microscale co-laminar flows encountered in membraneless redox flow cells for power delivery. The grand challenge is to achieve simultaneously convective mixing within each individual reactant, to thin the reaction depletion boundary layers, while maintaining separation of the co-flowing reactants, despite the absence of a membrane. The concept presented here achieves this goal with the help of optimized herringbone flow promoting microstructures with an integrated separation zone. Our electrochemical experiments using a model redox couple show that symmetric flow promoter designs exhibit laminar to turbulent flow behavior, the latter at elevated flow rates. This change in flow regime is accompanied by a significant change in scaling of the Sherwood number with respect to the Reynolds number from Sh ~ Re0.29 to Sh ~ Re0.58. The stabilized continuous laminar flow zone along the centerline of the channel allows operation in a co-laminar flow regime up to Re ~325 as we demonstrate by micro laser-induced fluorescence (μLIF) measurements. Micro particle image velocimetry (μPIV) proves the maintenance of a stratified flow along the centerline, mitigating reactant cross-over effectively. The present work paves the way toward improved performance in membraneless microfluidic flow cells for electrochemical energy conversion.
The above necessitates overcoming the serious challenge of maintaining no transversal cross-over flow at the membraneless interface of the co-flowing reactants, while promoting convective mixing in each reactant region on both sides of this interface in order to improve mass transfer to the reactive boundaries.8 The latter is directly related to controlling the thickness of the depletion boundary layer above the reactive surface (cf. Fig. S1†),9,10 which is the result of reactant consumption at the reactive site and leads to concentration gradients, hindering the supply of reactants. Flow-through electrodes effectively reduce the overall mass transfer limitations due to higher available surface area and confinement of the flow in micron or sub-micron sized pores, but devices with the flow-through electrode configuration are limited by ohmic resistance.11–14 For devices with planar electrodes the most straight-forward solution is to increase the flow velocity and thereby decrease the thickness of the boundary layer to mitigate mass transfer limitations.10 Another approach is to segment the electrode in order to inhibit the continuous growth of the depletion boundary layer.15,16 Although the average current can be increased to a degree with such solutions, the device is still in a diffusion-limited operating regime.
Mitigating and thinning the depletion boundary layers in microfluidic devices using strategies to mix the individual reactants is promising, because it overcomes the limitations of pressure-driven laminar channel flow by inducing secondary flow patterns superposed on the main basic flow.17 Strategies to induce mixing in microfluidic devices by both active and passive means have been proposed.18 In the category of passive mixing the herringbone mixer consisting of herringbone-shaped grooves or ridges on the walls of microchannels has drawn significant attention.19 However, for co-laminar devices mixing strategies have to take into account the compulsory avoidance of advective cross-over between the two flowing streams.20 Here we aim toward achieving these two goals simultaneously: enhanced mass transfer to the reactive boundaries and a stable co-laminar flow profile with minimal cross-over at the interface of the two reactants.21
To achieve such a state of individual reactant mixing without intermixing, only mixer designs which are symmetric with respect to the centerline of the microchannel are viable. Mixing strategies have already been successfully applied in work related to microfluidic redox flow cells. Yoon et al. studied the conversion efficiency of a model redox system in microchannels with and without herringbone ridges. They found that the induced secondary flow patterns increased the conversion efficiency by up to 40%.22 Da Mota et al. integrated herringbone grooves within the channel of a membraneless fuel cell. Their data shows that the maximum power density doubled when integrating passive mixers consisting of grooves in a herringbone pattern.23 Recently, Ha and Ahn presented a microfluidic fuel cell in which ridges were patterned on the electrode surfaces. The results of their simulations revealed that flow promoters cause increased cross-over even though the design was still symmetric to the centerline along the main flow direction.24 These contributions prove that flow promotion is in general possible in co-laminar devices. However, the microfluidic community can benefit from a deeper understanding of how flow promoters need to be designed to optimize the intrinsic mixing of the reactants while suppressing transversal cross-over.
In the present paper, we systematically evaluate herringbone-inspired symmetric flow promoting structures to meet the goal of both effective mixing and low cross-over in co-laminar devices. We analyze the mass transfer for a surface-bound model redox reaction and transversal cross-over for Reynolds numbers spanning three orders of magnitude from Re = 6 to Re = 600. We increase the current response of the model redox system by inducing secondary flow patterns in the microchannel. Our electrochemical measurements reveal that such secondary flow patterns are only evoked efficiently if the Re number is sufficiently high. In fact, we find evidence that the scaling regime changes from a purely laminar regime to an entrance region turbulent regime with increasing Reynolds numbers. Moreover, our results provide general insight into the rational design of an important category of flow promoting structures which enhance mass transfer to the electrodes through rigorous mixing of each reactant to overcome the diffusion limitation, while simultaneously restricting cross-over at the co-laminar flow reactant interface.
[Fe(CN)6]4− ⇔![]() | (1) |
All solutions for electrochemical testing used 0.5 M potassium sulfate as supporting electrolyte. An equimolar model redox pair solution was prepared with 5 mM potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) (potassium ferricyanide, FI-CN) and 5 mM potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) trihydrate (potassium ferrocyanide, FO-CN). In addition, two biased solutions were prepared, each containing only one of the two aforementioned species at a concentration of 5 mM. Solutions were stored in amber glass bottles to prolong stability.27 For the flow experiments employing the equimolar solution, both inlets were fed with the same solution. In flow experiments employing the biased solutions, one chip inlet was fed with 5 mM FI-CN while the other chip inlet was fed with 5 mM FO-CN. The volume flow of the electrolytes was controlled with a syringe pump (cetoni neMESYS) equipped with two glass syringes (SGE Analytical Science). The Pt working and counter electrode were of the same size (5200 × 175 μm2) and faced each other with a gap of 50 μm as illustrated in Fig. 1a. A Pt quasi-reference was located in situ upstream of this pair of working and counter electrode.28Ex situ cyclic voltammograms in a plate cell (evaporated Pt film on Si as working electrode, platinum wire as counter electrode, and Hg/Hg2SO4/K2SO4 (sat.) reference electrode) were consistent with in situ electrochemical measurements. Ex situ we measured E1/2 = −0.16 V vs. Hg/Hg2SO4/K2SO4 (sat.) in the same electrolyte as used in the flow experiments. The Pt working electrodes were preconditioned by cycling three times at 50 mV s−1 between a working electrode potential of Ewe = 0.4 V and Ewe = −1 V vs. Pt quasi-reference electrode. At Ewe = −1 V no evidence of hydrogen evolution was observed preserving the physical integrity of the electrodes. The electrode activities were then checked by running 20 cycles at 50 mV s−1 with limits of +0.4/−0.4 V vs. Pt both before and after actual flow experiments to verify that no changes to electrode activity occurred during the flow experiment. In the actual flow experiments, the voltage was cycled between 0 and +0.4 V vs. Pt at 50 mV s−1 and the current at +0.4 V vs. Pt was taken as reference value for comparison of different flow promoter structures (cf. Fig. S4†).
The flow direction (with respect to the flow promoters), indicated in Fig. 1a, performed in preliminary tests better than the reverse direction, both in terms of enhancing mass transfer to the electrodes and maintaining reactant separation. In this flow direction, the grooves tend to direct the flow toward the side walls and then upwards. Thereby, the grooves guide the two fluids toward the respective electrodes which are located side-by-side on the top channel wall over the flow promoter structures (see Fig. 1a).
In the flow experiments employing identical equimolar solutions at each inlet, cross-over of redox reactants does not change the net distribution of species in the channel. Therefore the oxidation current at Ewe = 0.4 V vs. Pt is unaffected by any cross-over between the two flows. We observe a monotonic increase in the current at Ewe = 0.4 V vs. Pt with Reynolds number for all channel designs (see Fig. 1b), with the Reynolds number being defined with respect to the plain channel rectangular cross-section to ensure best comparability among the four different samples:
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The devices containing flow promoting structures (S2, S3, S4) perform better in comparison to the plain reference channel (S1), showing higher current values for the same Reynolds number due to increased mixing and therefore thinner depletion boundary layers. Interestingly, the scaling behavior of current with Reynolds number is remarkably different for the devices with flow promoters (S2, S3, S4) compared to the plain channel (S1). The current for the plain channel (S1) scales with Re0.29 as indicated in Fig. 1b. For the devices including flow promoters, the scaling behavior changes substantially over the plotted range of Reynolds numbers and approaches Re0.58. This change in scaling behavior with increasing Reynolds number is an important observation as it proves that the employed flow promoters require a much smaller volume flow rate to operate effectively (i.e. in the regime of Re0.58 scaling).
The scaling of Re0.29 for the plain channel is in close agreement with theory and therefore affirms the methodology applied in this work.38 According to Newman, the following correlation between the Sherwood number (Sh = hmLch/D, where hm is the mass transfer coefficient, Lch the characteristic length, and D the diffusivity, i.e. Sherwood number represents the ratio of convective to diffusive mass transport) and the Reynolds number holds in laminar flow between two parallel electrodes in a slit:39
Shavg ~ Re1/3Le−1/3, | (3) |
For the devices including flow promoters, with increasing Reynolds numbers the limiting current scales with Re0.58 for all flow promoting geometries S2, S3, and S4. This scaling is comparable to the scaling of Re2/3 reported by Da Mota et al. in a room-temperature fuel cell.23 Interestingly, a scaling to the power of 0.58 is also encountered in the mass transfer entry region in macroscopic turbulent flows. In this entry region the average Sherwood number correlates with the Reynolds number as:39
Shavg ~ Re0.58Le−1/3 | (4) |
Although the Reynolds numbers considered in this study are certainly below the threshold to turbulent flow, the flow promoters seem to induce fluctuations in the flow characteristic of a transition to an entry region turbulent flow regime. This flow regime results in a thinner depletion boundary layer at the electrodes and thereby enhances convective mass transfer. The finding that our flow promoters induce a similar scaling behavior of Re0.58 as in the entrance region of turbulence and not as in fully developed turbulent flow (where Shavg ~ Re0.8)39 is discussed in the remainder of this section.
First, we answer the question whether the test section in our experiments is longer than the expected hydrodynamic entry length Lentry. This length scale correlates with Re as:43
![]() | (5) |
According to the theory of the energy cascade of turbulence, eddies of various sizes contain the energy of turbulent flows and viscous dissipation occurs only on the smallest scales. This smallest length scale in turbulent flows is the Kolmogorov length η.44 In microfluidic flows the length scale of the channel constrains the size of the largest eddies. In fact, our microfluidic channel is not much larger than the Kolmogorov microscale. For this reason, any energy contained in turbulence is rapidly dissipated. This reasoning is supported by estimations of the Kolmogorov length scale in microfluidic flow situations reported by Liu and Garimella.45 They determined the length scale η = (ν3/ε)1/4, where ν is the kinematic viscosity, by calculating the rate of kinetic energy dissipation ε from the mean flow field. Their approximations show that depending on the channel dimensions and mean flow field, the Kolmogorov scale can be of similar size as the channel dimensions.45 From our experimental observations that in flow promoting devices (i.e. S2–S4) the scaling of Sherwood number correlates with Re0.58 (and not with Re0.8 as expected in fully developed turbulent flow) up to Re = 600, we deduce that the evoked eddies in this work are barely (if at all) in the energy-containing range, but instead more probably in a range of sizes close to the Kolmogorov length scale. According to the theory of the energy cascade of turbulence, viscosity would have little effect in the energy-containing range. Instead, our data indicates that the largest eddies already start in a size regime which transfers turbulent energy rapidly to the dissipation range. A classical cascade of turbulence is not generated because the integral scale of turbulence is not much larger than the Kolmogorov microscale, i.e. the creation and destruction of turbulence occurs on similar length scales.46 Any turbulent energy created by passing the flow over the flow promoters is quickly dissipated again by viscous effects and the eddies induced by the flow promoting structures are not sustained. For this reason we observe entry region scaling at higher Re numbers (Sh ~ Re0.58 and not Sh ~ Re0.8 as expected in fully developed turbulent flow). In this mass transfer entry region scaling regime eddies are created by the individual rows of flow promoters, yet also immediately dissipated again by viscosity. Therefore, the correlation in eqn (4) is successfully applied to describe the scaling behavior observed in our experiments.
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Fig. 2 Flow promotion induced cross over. (a) Current at Ewe = 0.4 V in biased experiments (two separate solutions of 5 mM FO-CN and 5 mM FI-CN are fed into the inlets, see inset). (b) Current at Ewe = 0.4 V in equimolar experiments (identical solutions of both 5 mM FO-CN and 5 mM FI-CN are fed into the inlets, see inset). Same data as in Fig. 1b but on linear scale for better comparability of experiments with equimolar and biased electrolytes. (b) Difference of the measured currents of both equimolar and biased electrolyte experiments, i.e. ΔI = (Iequimolar − Ibiased). The background shading indicates the two operational regimes. |
A different observation was made for the designs including flow promoters. Although the concentrations of the reactants were unchanged, the measured currents in the experiments with biased electrolytes remained distinctly lower than in the equimolar experiments for increased Reynolds numbers (see Fig. 2a, b). This is attributed to cross-over which effectively lowers the concentration of reactants in the case of biased electrolytes and thus reduces the current. In fact, the current finally levels off and approaches a plateau (Fig. 2a). For total intermixing of the two co-laminar flows, the effective concentration of each species (i.e. FO-CN and FI-CN) reduces to one half (2.5 mM) of the concentration at the respective inlet (5 mM). Therefore, the maximal current for high Re numbers in the biased electrolyte experiments (see Fig. 2a) levels off at values which equal about half the values reached previously in the equimolar electrolyte experiments (see Fig. 2b).
The Reynolds number at which the current saturates is a critical value because it represents the onset where cross-over by advection becomes more important than by diffusion. The penalty in reaction yield for the FO-CN oxidation due to cross-over can be quantified by simple subtraction of the oxidation current with cross-over effects, Ibiased (Fig. 2a), from the oxidation current without cross-over effects, Iequimolar (Fig. 2b), i.e. ΔI = Iequimolar − Ibiased. This difference is plotted in Fig. 2c. For the plain channel (S1) this difference remains relatively low, indicating that the cross-over is diffusion limited and does not significantly affect the reaction yield at the working electrode. On the other hand, for the flow promoter designs S2 and S4 convective cross-over dominates from Re ≈ 275 onward as can be seen from the sudden increase in ΔI. For S3, the rise is less sudden, which indicates that this geometry is less prone to cross-over due to transverse advective fluid motion. Interestingly, for S2 the difference ΔI exhibits a plateau at Reynolds numbers between ~100 and ~275 and shows the highest cross-over in this region in comparison to the other designs. Samples S3 and S4 differ from S2 by the presence of a continuous separation zone. For S3 this separation zone seems to be beneficial, whereas S4 shows a similar cross-over behavior as S2 at Reynolds numbers above 275. The aforementioned plateau for S2 from Re ≈ 100 to about 275 is attributed to imperfections stemming from the fabrication, e.g. a slight asymmetry due to misalignment errors, and flow pulsations introduced by the pump. Therefore, a design without a flow separation zone like S2 is most vulnerable to cross-over even at relatively low Reynolds numbers. We speculate that for similar reasons previous studies of co-laminar microfluidic fuel cells including flow promoting designs akin to our samples S2 and S4 were typically only operated in Reynolds number ranges well below Re = 100 where cross-over remained low.23,24
The above results from the electrochemical experiments are further supported by micro laser-induced fluorescence (μLIF) measurements, which were conducted separately from the electrochemical experiments. Using plain water at both inlets the solution at one inlet was dyed with Rhodamine B (see Fig. 3a). After passing 30 grooves of flow promoting structures, the occurrence of cross-over can be readily detected. Fig. 3a includes a typical post-processed image of a situation in which no advective cross-over occurred (here: for sample S1 at low Reynolds number), i.e. the dyed and colorless solutions remained clearly separated. The second image to the right shows the onset of transversal cross-over for sample S4 at elevated Reynolds number, where the dye started to emerge also on the left side. To obtain a measure of the degree of cross-over we calculated the ratio of the amount of dye on the left half of the microchannel (ccross-over) to the average amount of dye over the whole microchannel (ctotal). This ratio is plotted in Fig. 3b as a function of Reynolds number. A value of 0.5 indicates total transversal mixing.
Consistent with the previous electrochemical results (cf.Fig. 2c), the reference channel without flow promoters (S1) shows little to no cross-over, i.e. the ratio ccross-over/ctotal stays below 0.05. On the other hand, for samples S2–S4 with flow promoters, cross-over is clearly visible. Both S2 and S4 exhibit relatively high cross-over even below Re = 250. In difference to the electrochemical experiments, in which the electrodes were offset by 25 μm from the centerline, the μLIF measurements also capture any cross-over at the center of the channel. Thus, for samples S2 and S4 the μLIF measurements confirm the instability of the co-laminar regime and the cross-over appears more pronounced than the electrochemical approach (cf.Fig. 2c). However, sample S3, with the flow separation zone along the center-line, effectively pushes the onset of cross-over up to Reynolds numbers of ~325. It is especially worth noting that for S3, similar to S1, the ratio ccross-over/ctotal remains well below 0.05 for the entire measurement range up to Re ≈ 325. In this way, the μLIF measurements highlight the suitability of flow promoter design S3 to suppress transversal cross-over while promoting separate mixing of each co-laminar stream.
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Therefore, the 2D divergence maps at z = 50 μm highlight the regions of a rapid change in the gradient of the out-of-plane velocity component. Fig. 4a shows such plots for Re = 400. For the plain channel (S1) we indeed observe low values of the 2D divergence since the flow is highly laminar and the out-of-plane velocity component is negligible. On the other hand, for all devices containing flow promoting structures (S2–S4) the 2D divergence maps show zones of highly positive and negative gradients indicating how the flow promoters guide the fluid. Due to the minus sign in eqn (8), negative values (red) represent regions where the fluid flow is diverted toward the electrodes, whereas positive values (blue) highlight a sink-like flow in this area. For all flow promoting structures the 2D divergence maps are highly symmetric, indicating that flow promoters induce two parallel, counter-rotating flow regions within each side of the microchannel.51 The position and the extent of regions with high gradients, however, depend on the three flow promoter designs. For all flow promoter designs these zones of high out-of-plane velocity gradients are positioned both on the very edge of the microchannel as well as at the center. Sample S4 shows a similar behavior in terms of 2D divergence as S2. Sample S3, however, yields a distinctly different view: at the centerline there is an almost continuous strip of zero 2D divergence, which is surrounded by a zone of highly negative gradients. With the actual geometry of S3 in mind, which includes a continuous ridge at the centerline, this backbone-like flow structure further explains why S3 performs best in keeping the two fluids separated over a larger range of Reynolds numbers. Neutral 2D divergence values at the centerline indicate that the flow remains stratified at the interface, thus only little additional advective mixing occurs at this location.
Moreover, the 2D divergence proves to be a powerful tool in judging the mixing propensity of the flow promoter designs. The arithmetic mean of the absolute 2D divergence,
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Potential applications, which can benefit from such deeper understanding of microfluidic mixing, are analytical lab-on-chip devices, for which increased mass transfer rates could translate into a higher signal-to-noise ratio or a possible reduction of sampling volume. Another field is energy-related micro-devices such as redox flow batteries and fuel cells, for which higher rates of mass transfer would translate into increased power density and therefore further downscaling.8 The available potential for downscaling employing the herein demonstrated design concept is considerable. In the turbulent scaling regime we found Sh ~ Re0.58Le−1/3 instead of Sh ~ Re1/3Le−1/3 characteristic of purely laminar flow.39 As a consequence, a 10-fold increase in Reynolds number enables a shortening of electrode length to 1/55 of the original length, whereas for a device operating in the laminar regime this shortening factor is 1/10. This example underpins the utility of this work for future microfluidic devices, which can be drastically downscaled making use of a rational flow promoter design.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c5lc00045a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |