f and
aDivision of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 3Q, 1090 Vienna, Austria. E-mail: rudolf.valenta@meduniwien.ac.at; Fax: +43 1 40400 51300; Tel: +43 1 40400 51080
bPhadia Austria GmbH, Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific ImmunoDiagnostics, Vienna, Austria
cDepartment of Laboratory Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
dDepartment of Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
eDepartment of Virology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
fAsthma, Allergy and Immune Dysfunction Clinic, Parirenyatwa University Teaching Hospital, Harare, Zimbabwe
First published on 19th January 2015
We used the microarray technology to develop chips containing a comprehensive set of proteins and peptides covering the proteome of HIV-1 clade C, which is the HIV-1 subtype that causes the majority of infections worldwide. We demonstrate that the HIV microarray allows simultaneous, sensitive and specific detection of antibody responses for the major immunoglobulin classes (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE) and subclasses (IgG1–4) with minute amounts of serum samples towards a large number of HIV antigens and peptides. Furthermore, we show that the HIV chip can be used for the monitoring of antibody responses during the course of the disease and during treatment. The HIV microarray should be useful to study antibody responses to multiple HIV antigens and epitopes in HIV-infected patients to explore pathomechanisms of the disease, for diagnosis and for monitoring of treatment and of vaccine trials.
In fact, multiplex immune assays based on micro-arrayed antigens and epitopes are currently revolutionizing the analysis of pathomechanisms as well as the diagnosis of several immunological diseases such as allergy, autoimmunity, infectious diseases and cancer.10–15 However, multiplex assays for the analysis of antibody responses against multiple HIV-proteins and peptides are not available. Therefore, the aim of this study was the development of an HIV microarray containing a large panel of HIV proteins and peptides for the mapping and characterization of HIV-specific antibody responses towards multiple viral antigens and epitopes with minimal amounts of sample and short assay-duration. For this purpose, we employed the microarray-chip technology which we originally had developed for the diagnosis of allergy (i.e., Immuno solid-phase allergen chip, ISAC).10 We prepared a set of HIV proteins and peptides derived from HIV-1 clade C, because this is the HIV-1 subtype that causes the majority of infections worldwide (48%). HIV-1 clade C is also the subtype that predominates in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the highest rates of infection are reported (4.7% infected adults) (UNAIDS global report 2013).16 We demonstrate that the HIV microarray allowed the measurement of isotypes and IgG subclasses against a comprehensive set of proteins and peptides covering the clade C proteome.
Anti-huIgG (Phadia-Thermo Fisher), α-huIgG1, α-huIgG2 and α-huIgA (Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ) and α-HSA antibodies (Sigma-Aldrich) were labelled with DyLight 650 (Pierce, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Rockford, IL, USA). α-huIgG3 (Sigma-Aldrich), α-huIgG4, α-huIgM (Becton Dickinson) and α-huIgE (Phadia-Thermo Fisher) were labelled with DyLight 550 (Pierce, Thermo Fisher Scientific).
Cleaning and coating of glass slides was performed as described by Harwanegg et al.,20 In brief, microscopy glass slides were sonicated in acetone and then in a 1% Alconox solution (Sigma-Aldrich) to clean the surface. The glass surface was then made reactive for primary amine groups using a silylation procedure,21 then the silane layer was heated, cooled and an amine-reactive complex organic polymer was added.20 Customized spotting was performed by slow pin mode printing, each spot containing 50–200 fg of microarray component, corresponding to 1–5 attomol (Phadia Austria GmbH). For standard spotting, microarray components were used at a concentration of 0.5 mg ml−1 in phosphate buffer pH 8.4 and spotted in triplicates. Optimization of spotting conditions was required for certain antigens and is described in the ESI.† Sequential dilutions of antibody controls (0.125, 0.062, 0.031, 0.016, 0.008, 0.004 mg ml−1) were obtained by mixing the antibodies with the corresponding amount of BSA in order to obtain a final spotting concentration of 0.25 mg ml−1 of total protein (component + BSA) in PBS pH 7.2. Two series of triplicates were spotted for gp120, gp41 and 120/15. Correct spotting of the negative control HSA was verified by detection with fluorescence labelled α-HSA antibody.
For data analysis, the background signal of each antigen was subtracted from the measured reactivity. The distribution of the reactivity of the detection antibodies towards spotted antibody controls was analysed with GraphPad Prism (La Jolla, CA, USA). For each HIV-derived component differences between IgG levels of HIV-positive samples and controls were analysed by Mann Whitney U tests; receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves (x-axes: 1-specificity; y-axes: sensitivity) were generated and the respective area under the curve (AUC) values were calculated (GraphPad Prism). Median antigen-specific IgG levels measured in African and European HIV-positive sera were calculated (GraphPad Prism). Differences between IgG reactivities of the two populations were analysed by Mann Whitney U tests (IBM SPSS-Statistics, Version 20.0, IBM Corp, Armonk, NY, USA).
Each HIV microarray was designed to contain proteins and peptides from HIV-1 clade C and control components (i.e. antigens from other sources for which calibration sera were available such as VP1 from human rhinovirus, allergens or antigens which served as positive controls such as purified antibody isotopes, subclass dilutions) (Fig. 1c, Tables 1–3). Among HIV components, two panels of synthetic overlapping peptides from the envelope proteins gp120 and gp41 were included to map linear epitopes of envelope-specific antibodies (Table 1; Fig. 1c, left). Recombinant folded glycosylated envelope proteins were included together with folded structural, functional and accessory proteins to characterize HIV-specific conformation-dependent antibody responses (Table 2, Fig. 1c, left). Additionally, to map linear epitopes of accessory proteins we included peptides derived from VIF, VPR, VPU and REV (Table 1; Fig. 1c, right).
Peptide | Amino acid sequence | Positiona | No. of amino acids | Molecular weight (dalton) | Calculated isoelectric pointb |
a Position of the peptides in HIV-1 clade C proteins, numbered according to the HXB2 numbering scheme (www.hiv.lanl.gov). b Based on the amino acid sequence, calculated with ProtParam, Expasy. | |||||
120/01 | RVRGILRNWPQWWIWGILGFWMIII | 2–28 | 25 | 3210.9 | 12.3 |
120/02 | WMIIICRGEENSWVTVYYGVPVWTE | 24b–47 | 25 | 3031.5 | 4.5 |
120/03 | PVWTEAKTTLFCASDAKAYEKEVHN | 43–67 | 25 | 2839.2 | 5.5 |
120/04 | KEVHNVWATHACVPTDPSPQELVLE | 63–87 | 25 | 2800.1 | 5.0 |
120/05 | ELVLENVTESFNMWENDMVDQMHED | 83–107 | 25 | 3055.3 | 3.8 |
120/06 | QMHEDIIGLWDESLKPCVKLTPLCV | 103–127 | 25 | 2868.4 | 4.7 |
120/07 | TPLCVTLNCNTTSHNNSSPSPMTNC | 123–157 | 25 | 2636.9 | 6.4 |
120/08 | PMTNCSFNATTELRDKTQKVNALFY | 153–177 | 25 | 2893.3 | 8.6 |
120/09 | NALFYRSDIVPLEKNSSEYILINCN | 173–197 | 25 | 2916.3 | 4.7 |
120/10 | LINCNTSTITQACPKVSFDPIPIHY | 193–217 | 25 | 2776.2 | 6.7 |
120/11 | IPIHYCAPAGYAILKCNNKTFNGTG | 213–237 | 25 | 2667.1 | 8.8 |
120/12 | FNGTGPCSNVSTVQCTHGIKPVVST | 233–257 | 25 | 2533.9 | 8.1 |
120/13 | PVVSTQLLLNGSLAEGEIIIRSENL | 253–277 | 25 | 2666.1 | 4.2 |
120/14 | RSENLTDNAKTIIVHLNKSVAIVCT | 273–297 | 25 | 2740.2 | 8.2 |
120/15 | AIVCTRPNNNTRKSIRIGPGQVFYT | 293–320 | 25 | 2806.2 | 10.9 |
120/16 | QVFYTNEIIGNIRQAHCNISRELWN | 315–339 | 25 | 3019.4 | 6.7 |
120/17 | RELWNNTLEQVKKKLKEHFQNKTIE | 334–360 | 25 | 3154.6 | 9.4 |
120/18 | NKTIEFQPPAGGDLEVTTHSFNCRG | 356–380 | 25 | 2719.0 | 5.4 |
120/19 | FNCRGEFFYCNTSNLFNITASNASD | 376–400 | 25 | 2836.1 | 4.7 |
120/20 | SNASDANNNTITLPCKIKQIINMWQ | 396–428 | 25 | 2818.2 | 7.9 |
120/21 | INMWQEVGRAMYAPPIAGNITCNSS | 424–448 | 25 | 2724.1 | 6.0 |
120/22 | TCNSSITGLLLTRDGGNNNDTGNNN | 444–465e | 25 | 2565.7 | 4.2 |
120/23 | TGNNNDTEIFRPGGGNMKDNWRSEL | 465a–483 | 25 | 2823.0 | 4.8 |
120/24 | WRSELYKYKVVEIKPLGIAPTKAKRRVVEREKR | 479–511 | 33 | 4027.8 | 10.4 |
41/01 | AVGLGAVLLGFLGTAGSTMGAASIT | 512–536 | 25 | 2235.6 | 5.6 |
41/02 | AASITLTVQARQLLSGIVQQQSNLL | 532–556 | 25 | 2653.1 | 9.8 |
41/03 | QSNLLRAIEAQQHMLQLTVWGIKQL | 552–576 | 25 | 2919.4 | 8.7 |
41/04 | GIKQLQARVLAIERYLKDQQLLGLW | 572–596 | 25 | 2953.5 | 9.7 |
41/05 | LLGLWGCSGKLICTTAVHWNSSWSN | 592–616 | 25 | 2734.1 | 8.1 |
41/06 | SSWSNKSQDYIWGNMTWMQWDREIN | 612–636 | 25 | 3163.4 | 4.6 |
41/07 | DREINNYTDIIYTLLEESQSQQEKN | 632–656 | 25 | 3044.2 | 4.1 |
41/08 | QQEKNEKDLLALDSWNNLWNWFSIT | 652–676 | 25 | 3093.4 | 4.3 |
41/09 | WFSITKWLWYIKIFIMIVGGLIGLR | 672–696 | 25 | 3054.8 | 10.3 |
41/10 | LIGLRIILGVLSIVKRVRQGYSPLS | 692–716 | 25 | 2751.4 | 11.7 |
41/11 | YSPLSFQTLPPNPRGPDRLRGIEEE | 712–736 | 25 | 2869.2 | 5.1 |
41/12 | GIEEEGGEQDKDRSIRLVSGFLALV | 732–756 | 25 | 2718.0 | 4.4 |
41/13 | FLALVWEDLRSLCLFSYHRLRDFIL | 752–776 | 25 | 3126.7 | 6.7 |
41/14 | RDFILIAGRAAELLGRSSLRGLQTG | 772–789 | 25 | 2671.1 | 11.5 |
41/15 | GLQTGWQALKYLGSLVQYWGLELKK | 787e–809 | 25 | 2880.4 | 9.4 |
41/16 | LELKKSAINLFDTTAIVVAEGTDRL | 805–829 | 25 | 2718.1 | 4.8 |
41/17 | GTDRLIEGLQGIGRAIYNIPRRIRQGFEAALL | 825–856 | 32 | 3568.1 | 10.6 |
VIF/01 | MENRWQVLIVWQVDRMRIRTWNSLVKHHMY | 1–30 | 30 | 3926.6 | 10.8 |
VIF/02 | KHHMYISKRASRWVYRHHYESRNPRISSEV | 26–55 | 30 | 3811.3 | 10.5 |
VIF/03 | ISSEVHIPLGEARLVIKTYWGLHTGERDWQ | 51–80 | 30 | 3491.9 | 6.0 |
VIF/04 | ERDWQLGHGVSIEWRLRRYSTQVDPGLADQ | 76–105 | 30 | 3568.9 | 5.5 |
VIF/05 | GLADQLIHMHYFDCFADSAIRKAILGQVVS | 101–130 | 30 | 3319.8 | 6.0 |
VIF/06 | GQVVSPRCDYQAGHNKVGSLQYLALTALIK | 126–155 | 30 | 3230.7 | 9.1 |
VIF/07 | TALIKPKRRKPPLPSVRKLVEDRWNNPQKI | 151–180 | 30 | 3579.3 | 11.6 |
VIF/08 | NPQKIRDRRGNHTMNGH | 176–192 | 17 | 2031.2 | 11.7 |
REV/01 | AGRSGDSDEALLQAVRIIKILYQSNPPPKP | 2–31 | 30 | 3234.7 | 8.5 |
REV/02 | LYQSNPPPKPEGTRQAQRNRRRRWRARQRQ | 22–51 | 30 | 3788.2 | 12.3 |
REV/03 | RRRWRARQRQIHSVSERILSTCLGRPAEPV | 42–71 | 30 | 3615.1 | 12.0 |
REV/04 | TCLGRPAEPVPLQLPPIERLHIDCRESSGT | 62–91 | 30 | 3285.7 | 5.5 |
REV/05 | HIDCRESSGTSGTQQSQGTTDRVASP | 82–107 | 26 | 2705.8 | 5.4 |
VPR/01 | EQPPEDQGPQREPYNEWALEILEELKQEAV | 2–31 | 30 | 3565.8 | 3.9 |
VPR/02 | ILEELKQEAVRHFPRPWLHNLGQYIYATYG | 22–51 | 30 | 3643.1 | 6.9 |
VPR/03 | LGQYIYATYGDTWTGVEALLRILQQLLFIH | 42–71 | 30 | 3497.0 | 5.3 |
VPU/01 | SFLYASVDYRLGVGALIIAL | 2–16 | 20 | 2141.5 | 5.5 |
VPU/02 | EYRKLLRQRKINKLIDRIRDREEDSGNESE | 29–58 | 30 | 3760.1 | 8.5 |
VPU/03 | REEDSGNESEGDIEELATMVDMGHLRLLDDNNL | 49–82 | 33 | 3717.9 | 3.9 |
Proteins | Calculated molecular weighta(kDa) | Calculated isoelectric pointa | Secondary structure determined by CD | Expression system | Final solvent |
a Based on the amino acid sequence, calculated with ProtParam, Expasy. Abbreviations: kDa, kilo Dalton; CD, circular dichroism; α, alpha-helical structure, β, beta-sheet structure; E. coli, Escherichia coli; β-met, β-mercaptoethanol; Na-phosphate, sodium phosphate. | |||||
gp120 | 54.8 | 8.2 | α, β | Human cells | PBS, 5% trehalose, 5% mannitol pH 7.4 |
gp41 | 18.9 | 6.8 | β (68%), α (11%) | Human cells | 10 mM NaH2PO4, pH 4.7 |
MA | 15.5 | 9.1 | α (63%), β (10%) | E. coli | 50 mM Tris, 200 mM NaCl, 1 mM β-met, 20% glycerol, pH 5.3 |
CA | 26.5 | 6.6 | α (57%), β (12%) | E. coli | 10 mM Na-phosphate, 150 mM NaCl, 10% sucrose, pH 5.0 |
NC | 7.2 | 10.2 | β (34%), α (5%) | E. coli | 50 mM Na-phosphate, 50 mM NaCl, 1 mM β-met, pH 5.5 |
PR | 24.6 | 6.2 | β (27%), α (14%) | E. coli | 10 mM Na-phosphate, pH 4.7 |
RR | 12.2 | 9.0 | β (29%), α (12%) | E. coli | 10 mM Na-phosphate, pH 4.7 |
IN | 23.7 | 10.5 | β (32%), α (12%) | E. coli | 10 mM Na-phosphate, pH 4.7 |
NEF | 11.7 | 8.7 | β (42%), α (6%) | E. coli | 20 mM Tris, 0.5 M NaCl, 15 mM β-met, pH 7.4 |
TAT | 65.1 | 6.8 | β (28%), α (17%) | E. coli | H2O |
VIF | 33.2 | 7.4 | β (25%), α (19%) | E. coli | 10 mM Na-phosphate, 150 mM NaCl, 20% glycerol, pH 6.0 |
Microarray component | Allergen source | Recombinant/natural | |
Phl p 2 | Phleum pratense | Timothy | R |
Phl p 5a | Phleum pratense | Timothy | R |
Bet v 1 | Betula verrucosa | Birch | N |
Art v 1 | Artemisia vulgaris | Mugwort | N |
Bos d 4 | Bos domesticus | Cattle | N |
Bos d 6 | Bos domesticus | Cattle | N |
Bos d 8 | Bos domesticus | Cattle | N |
Can f 2 | Canis familiaris | Dog | R |
Der p 1 | Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus | House dust mite | N |
Der p 2 | Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus | House dust mite | R |
Jug r 2 | Juglans regia | Walnut | N |
Ses i 1 | Sesamum indicum | Sesame | N |
Ves v 5 | Vespula vulgaris | Wasp | R |
Control components included: i) calibration components for which the amount of IgG antibodies contained in a calibrator serum had been determined by quantitative ImmunoCAP measurements (Table 3); ii) detection system controls, consisting of sequential dilutions of purified human antibody preparations (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE) and purified monoclonal human IgG subclasses (IgG1–4); iii) positive controls (e.g. allergens showing IgE, IgG1, IgG4, IgG2 reactivity, human rhinovirus-derived VP1 showing IgG1, IgG3, IgA, IgM reactivity with the calibrator serum) and negative controls (HSA, BSA); iv) fluorescence-labelled BSA molecules as “guide-dots” for software-based evaluation (Fig. 1c).
The identity and quality of each of the produced peptides and proteins were examined before spotting. Mass spectrometry analyses showed that the peptides had the correct molecular mass; SDS-PAGE followed by Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining and Western-blot confirmed the identity and purity of the recombinant proteins (i.e., >95%). Furthermore, circular dichroism measurements showed that each of the recombinant HIV-1 clade C proteins was folded (Table 2). Thus, the current HIV microarray contained 147 components, of which 72 were derived from 14 different HIV proteins. All components were spotted in triplicates in order to obtain three independent determinations in each experiment (Fig. 1c).
Fig. 2 exemplifies the specificity of the HIV microarray. A sample volume of 30 μl was sufficient to detect specific antibody responses against each of the micro-arrayed components. The following serum volumes were needed for detection of the antibody classes/subclasses: IgG (dilution 1:
50; 0.6 μl), IgG1 (1
50; 0.6 μl), IgG2 (1
10; 3 μl), IgG3 (1
10; 3 μl), IgG4 (1
10; 3 μl) IgA (1
50; 0.6 μl), IgM (1
50; 0.6 μl), IgE (undiluted; 30 μl). Thus, less than 50 μl of serum allowed determining the specificities of all antibody classes and subclasses to 72 HIV derived proteins and peptides in triplicate analyses.
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Fig. 2 (a) Scan images obtained from a microarray tested for IgG reactivity with serum from a HIV-positive subject (upper panel), a control serum sample (middle panel) or sample diluent (lower panel). IgG-reactive vertical antigen triplicates are visualized with fluorescent-labelled antibodies. Increasing fluorescence intensities from blue to red/white correspond to the amount of bound IgG. The layout of spotted antigens is shown in Fig. 1c. (b) IgG levels of HIV-infected patients and controls are shown together with ROC curves for antigens with AUC > 0.99. Median IgG levels (horizontal lines), P-values of test significance and AUC values are indicated in each figure part. |
On scan-images the bound antibodies could be clearly identified as dots of varying intensities and HIV-specific profiles could be used to discriminate HIV-positive from control samples (Fig. 2a, upper and mid panels). Tests performed with sample diluent alone showed specific binding of the IgG detection system towards the spotted antibody controls (IgG, IgG1–4, IgE-containing preparation) but no non-specific binding towards any of the other components (Fig. 2a, lower panel). To relate scanned fluorescence levels to amounts of antibody present in serum samples, we determined specific IgG levels of a calibrator serum with the HIV microarray and with quantitative ImmunoCAP (Fig. 3a). The results obtained were used to generate calibration curves and to convert fluorescence levels into ISAC standardized units (ISU). When the calibration curve could be approximated to a linear function, the amount of IgG (μg) per ml of serum could be calculated with the formula [μg IgG per ml = ISU × serum dilution factor/1000]: this was observed for values up to 6 ISU, which corresponds to 0.3 μg IgG per ml of serum (Fig. 3a).
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Fig. 3 (a) Fluorescence levels determined by microarray (x-axes) for calibration components (i.e., allergens listed in Table 3) are shown with corresponding IgG levels measured by ImmunoCAP (y-axes). (b) Reactivity of anti-human IgG detection antibody with spotted preparations of human antibody isotypes (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE) and human monoclonal IgG subclasses (IgG1–4) measured by microarray (expressed as ISAC standardized units, ISU). Reactivity is shown for antibody controls spotted at 0.25 mg ml−1 (x-axes, left) as well as mixed with BSA at decreasing concentrations (0.125, 0.062, 0.031, 0.016, 0.008, 0.004 mg ml−1, x-axes, right). (c) IgG levels determined by microarray (ISU) towards spotted components in serum titration analyses of an HIV-infected sample (#8c) at sequential serum dilutions (1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Intra- and inter-assay replicates of calibrator serum were measured with high reproducibility, as characterized by mean coefficients of variation (CV) <1 ISU (i.e., 0.36 and 0.38) and signal to noise ratios (SNR) >1 ISU (i.e., 8.3 and 5.5). Intra- and inter-assay variation were even lower when analysed for IgG levels greater than 35 ISU (CV = 0.15, SNR = 12.4 and CV = 0.13, SNR = 33.6, respectively).
Background reactivity was measured by incubating arrays with sample diluent alone (n = 7). The signals ranged between 0.0 and 0.14 ISU, confirming the absence of non-specific binding of the detection system. Assessment of the reactivity of anti-huIgG detection antibodies towards spotted antibody controls of different isotype and IgG subclasses showed specific and concentration-dependent binding of the fluorescence-labelled anti-huIgG antibody (Fig. 3b).
We then performed serum titration experiments with HIV-positive sera at dilutions of 1:
10, 1
50, 1
100, 1
200, 1
400 that identified 1
50 as a suitable serum dilution (Fig. 3c). Thus, 0.6 μl of serum were sufficient for the determination of IgG reactivities towards the panel of spotted components.
Next we tested 62 HIV-positive sera and 15 control sera, replicates of the calibrator serum (n = 2) and sample diluent (n = 2). Ranges and median IgG levels for each of the HIV components are shown in Table S1.† IgG levels to micro-arrayed HIV-derived peptides and proteins were significantly higher in HIV-positive samples than in controls for all components, except 120/01, 120/07 and VIF/08 (Table S1†). To estimate the use of microarrays for diagnostic purposes, we analysed sensitivity and specificity for each HIV-derived component with ROC curves (Table S1†). The highest areas under the curve (AUC) were measured for: 120/15, 120/16, 41/04, 41/05, 41/06, gp120 and CA (AUC > 0.99, Fig. 2b) and followed by 120/09, 120/17, 120/24, 41/07, 41/16, MA and IN (0.98 < AUC ≤ 0.99). Thus, determination of IgG levels towards these micro-arrayed HIV-derived components may be useful for diagnosis.
IgG levels against gp120 were lower when detected on the microarray than by ELISA and were lower than envelope peptide-specific responses (Fig. 5). This could be due to the fact that proteins and peptides were immobilized at the same concentration. Thus, a smaller number of molecules was spotted in case of high molecular weight proteins such as the proteins gp120 and gp41, in comparison to low molecular weight peptides. Another possible explanation for the low reactivity compared to ELISA could be a lower binding of gp120 and gp41 to the chip surface. Finally, it is possible that the carbohydrate moieties on gp120 and gp41 blocked reactivity of peptide-specific antibodies or that these peptides represent cryptic epitopes which were not fully accessible on the intact glycosylated proteins used by us.
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Fig. 6 IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE and IgG1–4 reactivities to micro-arrayed antigens. Scan images obtained by testing serum from an HIV-positive subject (left panel) and control serum (right panel) for IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE and IgG1–4 reactivity towards micro-arrayed HIV peptides/proteins and control proteins. Increasing fluorescence intensities from blue to red/white correspond to the amount of bound antibodies. The layout of spotted antigens is shown in Fig. 1c. HIV peptides and proteins are boxed and control antigens are surrounded by a broken line. |
For patient #8 (Fig. 7a) four serum samples, taken over a period of 21 months, were analysed. Despite drops of the CD4 counts at the times when the second and third blood samples were taken, the IgG recognition profiles remained almost unchanged and there were no strong alterations regarding the levels of IgG responses towards the tested peptides and antigens. Only a few changes were noted. For example, IgG levels towards 120/24 and 41/02 decreased over time and 120/16-specific IgG levels went down in the second serum sample and increased in the third and fourth sample. gp41-specific IgG was only detectable in the third serum sample but not in the others. In patient #9 (Fig. 7b), who had a stable treatment response (CD4 counts >500 cells mm−3 and VL decreasing <50 copies ml−1), we also observed a rather conserved antibody recognition profile. Again, only a few changes were noted. For example, in the second serum sample IgG levels towards 41/11 and 41/17 decreased (60-fold and 4-fold, respectively) and high IgG levels were measured towards 120/14, 120/24, 41/07, gp120, MA and REV/01, although IgG was absent or low to these peptides/proteins at the other time-points.
The results thus demonstrate that HIV microarray allows detecting changes of epitope specificity in longitudinal assessments in given individuals.
The HIV microarray may well be used also for serological diagnosis of HIV infections but it must be born in mind, that currently available screening procedures that combine different antigen–antibody assays and nucleic acid based assays offer extremely high sensitivity and specificity.27–31 Nucleic acid-based tests and tests focusing on the p24 antigen are particularly important for testing when antibody production is not yet detectable in patients shortly after infection and when the host's immune system is compromised.32,33 Another focus in diagnostic testing is the discrimination of HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections33 and the availability of tests that can be used for point of care testing and in countries under difficult conditions where laboratory facilities are lacking and costs are an important issue.34,35
Fast and comprehensive immunoassays such as the HIV microarray may therefore address another increasing need of the scientific HIV-research community. Multiplex tests will be useful for the screening of large numbers of samples in prevalence, population studies and vaccine trials. In fact it has been shown that multiplex assays deciphering immune antibody signatures towards a large panel of HIV antigens and epitopes may allow identifying protective immune responses.9,36 One possibility to assess simultaneously antibody responses towards several antigens and epitopes as well as towards antigenic structures from different microorganisms is the use of various forms of microbeads containing different antigens.37–40 However, with bead technology only a limited number of different antigens can be tested whereas the use of micro-arrays allows testing simultaneously for much larger numbers of antigens.
The HIV microarray developed by us contained 147 different components, which may be further increased by number. We noted that the micro-arrayed HIV-1 clade C peptides and proteins not only allowed mapping of HIV-specific antibody recognition profiles both in HIV-infected patients from an African region where clade C is endemic, but also in patients from Europe where clade B predominates. At present our micro-array comprised only clade C peptides and proteins but it may be considered to expand the repertoire of spotted components to include also antigens and peptides from other strains in order to test if we can identify strain-specific antibody signatures. At present the chip contains structurally folded recombinant HIV proteins as well as unfolded peptides and thus allows detection of antibody responses towards conformational as well as sequential epitopes. It may be also considered to expand the antigen repertoire regarding carbohydrate epitopes and glycoproteins. We think that the HIV microarray is a suitable tool for the mapping of antibody responses towards HIV-derived peptides and also HIV recombinant proteins in large patient cohorts and trials and in populations from different geographic regions. The possibility to measure various isotypes and IgG-subclasses against a comprehensive set of HIV antigens and peptides in serum samples and other body fluids may also provide new information for the development of new therapeutic strategies. For example, the assessment of different Ig isotypes and IgG subclasses may be important because they are relevant for the effector functions of these antibodies and thus in virus defense (e.g., complement activation, ADCC, etc.). Several studies indicate that certain isotypes/subclass responses may be associated with infection control or bad prognosis. For example, protective effects were suggested for gp120-specific IgG3 in the RV144 vaccine trial41 or for gp41-specific IgG2 antibody responses regarding persistence of long-term non-progression.42 HIV-specific IgA responses are found in sera and mucous secretions of HIV-infected patients (e.g. genital secretions, saliva) and in breast milk of infected mothers.43,44 Micro-arrayed HIV components may therefore be interesting to study the fine specificities of these responses and to relate them to clinical findings.
First results from our study indicate that the HIV microarray can be used to detect changes of epitope specificity in longitudinal assessments in given individuals. Interestingly, we found changes in antibody recognition profiles even when plasma viral loads were undetectable. It is thus possible that the presence of HIV cellular reservoirs in anatomical compartments other than blood boosts antibody production and/or that long-lived plasma cells continuously secrete HIV-specific antibodies.45–48 Unfortunately detailed PCR data from the investigated subjects were not available for a comparison with the antibody signatures. However, any direct comparison of nucleic acid-based tests and tests measuring specific antibodies must be considered difficult because nucleic acid-based tests will measure already the presence of a microorganism whereas antibody-based tests reflect the host immune response against the microorganism.
In summary we believe that the HIV chip will be valuable for the analysis of isotype and subclass responses towards a comprehensive panel of HIV components and thus may be useful for gaining new insights into HIV-specific immune responses, for diagnosis and monitoring of treatment strategies.
α-huIg | anti-human Ig |
AUC | area under the curve |
BSA | bovine serum albumin |
CA | capsid |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
gp120 | glycoprotein 120 |
gp41 | glycoprotein 41 |
huIg | human immunoglobulin |
HAART | highly-active anti-retroviral treatment |
HSA | human serum albumin |
IN | integrase |
ISAC | immuno solid-phase allergen chip |
ISU | ISAC standardized unit |
MA | matrix |
NC | nucleocapsid |
NEF | negative factor |
OD | optical density |
PBS | phosphate buffered saline |
PR | protease |
REV | regulator of virion expression |
ROC curve | receiver operating characteristic curve |
RR | reverse transcriptase + RNaseH |
SD | standard deviation |
TAT | trans-activator of transcription |
VIF | virus infectivity factor |
VPR | viral protein R |
VPU | viral protein U |
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c4lc01510j |
‡ Author contributions: DG: conception and design of the study, data generation, analysis and interpretation of the data, preparation and critical revision of the manuscript. EW, CL, TS, DE, CH, KN, KS, WP, EP, ES: data generation and critical revision of the manuscript. RV: conception and design of the study, analysis and interpretation of the data, preparation and critical revision of the manuscript. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |