William R.
Urs F.
William H.
von Delius
Michael D.
*b and
Christoph J.
aMaterials Science and Engineering, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. E-mail:
bMaterials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, California, USA. E-mail:
cBelectric GmbH, Germany
dDepartment of Chemistry and Pharmacy, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
eEnergy Campus Nürnberg, Germany
fBavarian Center for Applied Energy Research, Erlangen, Germany
First published on 25th November 2015
Fullerene dimerization has been linked to short circuit current (Jsc) losses in organic solar cells comprised of certain polymer–fullerene systems. We investigate several polymer–fullerene systems, which present Jsc loss to varying degrees, in order to determine under which conditions dimerization occurs. By reintroducing dimers into fresh devices, we confirm that the photo-induced dimers are indeed the origin of the Jsc loss. We find that both film morphology and electrical bias affect the photodimerization process and thus the associated loss of Jsc. In plain fullerene films, a higher degree of crystallinity can inhibit the dimerization reaction, as observed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) measurements. In blend films, the amount of dimerization depends on the degree of mixing between polymer and fullerene. For highly mixed systems with very amorphous polymers, no dimerization is observed. In solar cells with pure polymer and fullerene domains, we tune the fullerene morphology from amorphous to crystalline by thermal annealing. Similar to neat fullerene films, we observe improved light stability for devices with crystalline fullerene domains. Changing the operating conditions of the investigated solar cells from Voc to Jsc also significantly reduces the amount of dimerization-related Jsc loss; HPLC analysis of the active layer shows that more dimers are formed if the cell is held at Voc instead of Jsc. The effect of bias on dimerization, as well as a clear correlation between PL quenching and reduced dimerization upon addition of small amounts of an amorphous polymer into PC60BM films, suggests a reaction mechanism via excitons.
Broader contextOrganic photovoltaics (OPV) enable light weight, flexible and semi-transparent devices with the potential for large scale power production. After a recently established world record of 11.5% power conversion efficiency for single junction organic bulk heterojunction solar cells and amplified interest in applications like building integrated OPV, the device stability is turning into key factor for the success of this technology. While highly crystalline donor polymers with relatively pure fullerene phases currently achieve the highest efficiencies, these pure fullerene phases can be prone to dimerization that causes performance losses. We investigate a wide range of polymer:fullerene blend systems and demonstrate how dimerization can be controlled by tuning the morphology of fullerene domains, leading to improved solar cell stability. |
Photoinduced transformation of fullerenes into dimers, oligomers and polymers was first studied by Rao et al. in 1993.7 Using laser desorption mass spectrometry, clusters of cross-linked fullerene molecules (C60)N with N up to 20 were found in photoirradiated fullerene films.7,8 Raman spectroscopy of cross-linked fullerenes shows a shift of the characteristic “pentagonal pitch” mode from 1469 to 1460 cm−17,9–11 and high resolution infrared spectroscopy measurements suggest that dimers12,13 are the main reaction product for photo-crosslinking of fullerenes.14–16 After dimerization, a reduced room temperature electron mobility of C60 films was observed.10,17
More recently, photo-induced dimerization of PC60BM has been observed in organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices. Dimers in plain PC60BM can be detected using Raman1,18,19 or FTIR20 spectroscopy. In polymer–fullerene blends, overlapping peaks21 complicate the analysis and make liquid chromatography3,18 the method of choice. A less direct, but more facile method to monitor dimerization is UV-vis absorption where a characteristic feature around 320 nm can be observed in dimerized fullerenes.3,4 Dimerization of fullerenes22 and crosslinking23,24 in general is a pathway to prevent morphological changes25–27 and stabilize the bulk heterojunction (BHJ) morphology. Durrant18 and Manca19,28 independently showed that illumination of polymer–fullerene blends significantly reduced large scale phase separation upon thermal annealing. Morphological control using dimers was also observed to improve performance in some cases.29,30 Conversely, dimerization was found to deteriorate the electronic properties of organic solar cells during operation in the light.3 In polymer–fullerene bulk heterojunctions3,31 and planar small molecule–fullerene devices,32 significant Jsc losses were observed due to photo-induced dimerization in the absence of oxygen. Reduced charge carrier mobility due to trap formation3,33 and reduced exciton lifetimes20 are proposed to explain these performance losses. Dimerization was shown to be negligible for bis-PC60BM due to steric hindrance by the substituents.3 Steric hindrance is also suggested to be the reason why PC60BM mainly forms dimers and not higher oligomers.1
Herein, we report an investigation of the amount of light-induced dimers formed in multiple polymer–fullerene blends processed and aged under different conditions. After directly linking fullerene dimerization with light induced Jsc losses, the Jsc losses are investigated in several polymer–fullerene systems. While optimized P3HT:PC60BM devices cast from chlorobenzene do not show photo-induced Jsc losses, we observe significant dimerization in P3HT:PC60BM solar cells cast from chloroform. The possibility to turn light induced Jsc losses on and off by changing only the processing conditions demonstrates the effect of morphology on fullerene dimerization. Quantifying the amount of dimers formed in crystalline and amorphous fullerene films with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) reveals a morphological control of fullerene dimerization that is also observed in solar cells annealed for different times. Besides morphology, the electrical bias during illumination and the degree of polymer–fullerene mixing are identified as critical factors controlling fullerene dimerization. These observations allow us to understand under which circumstances fullerene dimerization will affect OPV stability and how stability can be improved.
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Fig. 1 Light (solid lines) and dark (dashed lines) JV curves of fresh and aged (120 h) KP115:PC60BM solar cells along with KP115:PC60BM solar cells containing 16% PC60BM dimers, added during cell production. PC60BM dimers were isolated using HPLC from photo-irradiated PC60BM films. The structure of KP115 (PDTSTzTz)3,33,34 is given in the ESI.† |
The shape of the IV curve for the device with added dimer is very similar to the IV curve of a solar cell aged under one sun equivalent LED illumination for 120 hours. There is no significant Voc loss observed when using dimerized PC60BM, suggesting that the charge transfer energy is not significantly altered, which is consistent with sensitive photocurrent spectroscopy measurements (FTPS, see ESI†). Averaged values of more than 10 devices are shown in the ESI.† Also when adding dimer to P3HT:PC60BM solar cells, we observed a strong Jsc loss, while Voc was barely affected (see ESI†). We thus conclude that fullerene dimerization has no significant effect on the open circuit voltage but directly impacts the Jsc of organic solar cells.
To investigate which factors affect the dimerization related Jsc losses, we performed burn-in tests for a variety of polymer–fullerene systems under inert conditions with a one sun equivalent white light source. The solar cells were held at open circuit conditions between periodic IV measurements and were cast from 1,2-dichlorobenzene (DCB) unless noted otherwise. A comparison of the amount of Jsc loss after 40 hours reveals significant differences between similar systems (Fig. 2).
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Fig. 2 Normalized Jsc losses during illumination for a variety of polymer–fullerene solar cells. P3HT:PC60BM loses much more Jsc when cast from chloroform instead of dichlorobenzene. All other devices were cast from dichlorobenzene. For PCDTBT35 and KP115 reduced Jsc losses for PC70BM compared to PC60BM are observed. Operating a KP115:PC60BM solar cell at Jsc instead of Voc significantly reduces the Jsc losses. One representative device is shown for each system/condition. |
There is a wide spread of dimerization related Jsc loss among different material systems and even for the same material systems when processed or aged in different ways. We make several important observations that are listed here and will be discussed in the following sections. First, when casting P3HT:PC60BM devices from chloroform instead of chlorobenzene, we do observe substantial photo-induced Jsc losses (Fig. 2) that are not present in optimized devices. As the used solvent affects film formation, this observation suggests that the fullerene morphology plays an important role in the dimerization process. Second, changing the electrical bias from Voc to Jsc significantly reduces the Jsc losses in KP115:PC60BM solar cells. This is also true for all other systems investigated and suggests that the dimerization reaction proceeds via excited species that are present in higher concentrations at Voc conditions. Third, there is a wide spread of Jsc losses between solar cells that contain the same fullerene, PC60BM, but are made from different polymers. As the crystallinity of the used polymers and the consequent film morphology is very different, the degree of polymer–fullerene mixing seems to be critical for fullerene dimerization. Finally, a clear reduction of the Jsc losses is observed for KP115 when changing the fullerene from PC60BM to PC70BM. This is consistent with a reduced tendency of the C70 framework to dimerize2,4 and is also observable in PCDTBT. The PCDTBT device made with PC70BM shows barely any Jsc losses, which partially explains the high photovoltaic stability6,36,37 reported for this material system.
HPLC analysis of the reference sample shows a sharp peak at 4.6 min retention time, which is associated with monomeric PC60BM (Fig. 3). A special HPLC column, Cosmosil Buckyprep, was chosen for this study, because on this type of column one generally observes a good separation between fullerene monomers and dimers, with the former eluting first and the latter eluting later from the column. In the amorphous illuminated film, we observe a range of new peaks between 4.8 and 7.0 min retention time. Using HPLC-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS), we could demonstrate that these new peaks indeed correspond to PC60BM dimers. The selected-ion-monitoring trace for m/z 1822 u, which is twice the PC60BM molecular mass of 911 u, (Fig. 3) clearly confirms that these compounds are PC60BM dimers and not other potential photodegradation products. The broad shape of the HPLC trace in the ‘dimer region’ (5 to 7 minutes retention time) can be attributed to the presence of multiple regioisomers3 of the PC60BM dimer, which all have slightly different shapes and are thus retained to a varying degree by the HPLC column. In the illuminated crystalline film, the dimer content is significantly reduced compared to the amorphous film. Furthermore a distinct isomer peak at 5.9 min is visible for the crystalline film that is at best present as a shoulder in the HPLC trace of the amorphous film. We propose that the ordering due to crystallization favors the formation of specific dimers with a configuration similar to the structure of the crystal and impedes the formation of isomers that do not align with the crystal structure.41 This suggests that the reduced dimerization in the crystalline film is due to geometric restrictions that are imposed by solid state packing. A comparatively small amount of dimer is also found in the reference film that was only exposed to ambient light in the glovebox. This finding could suggest that already small amounts of light can induce dimerization of PC60BM.18
Importantly, P3HT:PC60BM solar cells cast from chloroform and annealed for 2 min will still have amorphous fullerene domains, while solar cells annealed for 10 min or longer will have crystalline fullerene domains. By fabricating solar cells annealed for different periods of time (Fig. 4c and d), we compared the behavior of devices containing amorphous fullerene with devices containing more ordered or crystalline fullerene. To ensure good crystallization of the fullerene in solar cells, we annealed the active layer for 20 min. Data for 10 min annealing can be found in the ESI.† All solar cells in Fig. 4c and d were fabricated in the same batch and aged side by side in a highly pure36 nitrogen atmosphere with an oxygen content of less than 0.1 ppm. The cells were illuminated with a sulfur plasma lamp that has no UV component in the spectrum and IV curves were taken automatically every hour. After 300 hours, the solar cells with crystalline fullerene showed significantly less Jsc losses for samples degraded at Voc.
Two important points can be observed from the degradation curves shown in Fig. 4c and d. First, the amount of Jsc loss depends on the electrical bias during degradation. And second, the difference in Jsc loss between samples degraded at Voc and Jsc conditions (ΔJsc between the orange and blue curve in Fig. 4c and d at 300 h) is three times larger for the solar cell annealed for 2 min, which has amorphous fullerene domains, compared to the solar cell annealed for 20 min with more crystalline fullerene domains.
From the measurements of solar cells made with fullerenes that were previously dimerized, we concluded that PC60BM dimers lead to Jsc losses in organic solar cells, which is in agreement with previous reports.3,33 The correlation of reduced Jsc losses with a higher degree of fullerene ordering (Fig. 4) suggests that fewer dimers are formed in solar cells with more ordered fullerene domains. This is fully consistent with the observation of reduced dimerization in crystalline films of plain fullerene (Fig. 3). Besides the reduced tendency of crystalline fullerenes to dimerize, a high degree of crystallinity could also play another beneficial role. A high mobility in crystalline domains would make such devices less sensitive to energetic traps which are likely to be caused by fullerene dimerization.
In order to investigate the generality of the bias dependence of dimerization, we also studied PCDTBT:PC60BM devices and KP115:PC60BM devices with inverted architecture (see ESI†). A dependence of photo-induced performance losses on the electrical bias during degradation was observed in both systems and is independent of the device architecture. This highlights the generality of the observed degradation effects.
Using diode array UV-vis detection during an HPLC run of illuminated fullerene, we obtained the absorption spectra of the PC60BM monomer and dimer at 4.6 min and 5.3 min retention time, respectively (Fig. 6a and b). The dimer shows significantly increased absorption around 320 nm and can thus be distinguished from the monomer by the spectral shape of the absorption profile. This allows monitoring the temporal progression of fullerene dimerization upon illumination (Fig. 6c).
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Fig. 6 UV-vis absorption of (a) PC60BM dimer and (b) PC60BM monomer as obtained from HPLC data at 4.6 min and 5.3 min retention time, see also Fig. 3. (c) Spectral changes during illumination of a PC60BM film indicate the formation of dimers. |
After an initially fast dimerization rate, the increase in absorption at 320 nm becomes slower with time and levels out on long timescales, which is consistent with the time evolution of Jsc losses observed during burn in. We used several polymers that have a stronger or weaker tendency to aggregate. Polymers that do not aggregate very well usually have a high solubility for fullerene in the amorphous phase and consist of only mixed domains.43 For polymers that aggregate well, like P3HT, a high degree of polymer crystallinity44 leads to the formation of relatively pure fullerene domains. Besides P3HT, KP115 has also been shown to have a high degree of aggregation.45 Si-PCPDTBT is less ordered but still shows clear diffraction peaks,46 while PCPDTBT is largely amorphous.47
The highly aggregated polymers P3HT and KP115 show the highest amount of fullerene dimerization in blend films during illumination (Fig. 7a). In contrast, the amorphous polymer PCPDTBT shows negligible fullerene dimerization. We propose that for fully amorphous systems with good mixing between polymer and fullerene, the probability of two fullerenes being in close proximity and in the right alignment40 for dimerization is low. Thus, dimerization is preferred for polymers with high aggregation. Polymer aggregation drives fullerenes out of the polymer phase and results in the formation of fullerene clusters. In such pure fullerene clusters dimerization is likely to occur. Besides geometric restrictions, an increased triplet lifetime in pure fullerene clusters48 seems to play an important role for dimerization. Assuming that photo-induced fullerene dimerization proceeds via the triplet state,4,40,49–51 the dimerization reaction is competing with charge transfer to the polymer.
We investigated the influence of fullerene exciton dissociation on dimerization in the PCPDTBT:PC60BM system by monitoring fullerene photoluminescence quenching. A series of fullerene films with increasing content of PCPDTBT was illuminated for 100 hours in inert conditions and dimerization was monitored using absorption measurements (Fig. 7b). Addition of only 0.5% polymer reduces the change in absorption at 320 nm to half the value of a plain PC60BM film. For more than 5% polymer content, no significant dimerization is occurring. The corresponding PL quenching data shows the same trend as the absorption measurements. This direct correlation of PL-quenching data with fullerene dimerization upon addition of PCPDTBT to PC60BM suggests that excitons on the fullerene drive dimerization, and that an efficient mixing of polymer and fullerene reduces dimerization. This is consistent with the observations of Morse et al.31 who showed a reduction of light induced Jsc losses when lowering the fullerene content.
More insight on the underlying mechanisms for dimerization induced Jsc losses can be gained from EQE measurements. The EQE data for the aged device (ESI†) shows current losses across the whole spectral range. Nevertheless, those losses are higher between 350 nm and 450 nm where most of the absorption is contributed by the fullerene domains. This can be seen more clearly in normalized EQE curves, see Fig. S9 (ESI†). A significant change of absorption after degradation or when adding fullerene is not indicated from reflectance measurements on full devices (see ESI†). The observed current losses from fullerene domains suggest that excitons on larger fullerene clusters cannot be harvested efficiently in the presence of dimers. This result is consistent with the observations of Forrest et al.20 who showed that the exciton diffusion length in the 50 nm C60 layer of a planar architecture SubPc/C60 solar cell is significantly reduced upon light induced dimerization. We suggest that in bulk heterojunction polymer–fullerene solar cells, exciton harvesting from domains on the length scale of several tens of nanometers is also reduced by light-induced dimerization.
Nevertheless, those effects cannot account for all of the Jsc loss that is observed after degradation. Polymer photo-luminescence (PL) quenching data on KP115:fullerene blends showed that with a PC60BM monomer:
dimer mixture of 1
1, the PL quenching is reduced compared to blends with pristine PC60BM, see ESI.† While a detailed study is beyond the scope of this work, this finding may suggest that exciton splitting at the polymer–dimer interface is less efficient than at the polymer–monomer interface. Further, we propose that another part of the current losses in aged KP115:PC60BM solar cells is caused by inefficient extraction of charge carriers. EQE measurements with and without light bias, see ESI,† show a significant increase of the EQE under light bias for aged solar cells. This result suggests that those cells are transport limited and a partial trap filling due to bias illumination can improve the transport properties. We measured photo-CELIV (charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage) for fresh and aged devices, see ESI,† and observed a much more dispersive transport in aged solar cells, as well as in solar cells with dimers added. Dispersive transport means that there is a large fraction of charge carriers with a lower mobility. This transport can be well described with a multiple trapping and release model.53 Reduced electron mobility was also observed by McCulloch et al. when adding synthetic fullerene dimers with alkyl bridges to PC60BM films.22 The presence of traps is further supported by the fact that after a delay time of 100 μs in photo-CELIV, more charge can be extracted from aged cells and cells with dimers than from the reference cells. This observation is consistent with findings from Mozer et al.33 who observed trapped carriers in aged KP115 solar cells with transient absorption and charge extraction. It is surprising that the fill factor is only slightly affected by those traps and that in other systems traps are observed that don't affect Jsc but Voc.45 Besides the energetic level and the lifetime of a trapped carrier, also the positon of traps with respect to transport paths,54 the polymer–fullerene interface or the electrode interface could play a crucial role in determining how a trap will affect device performance. In bulk heterojunctions with three phase morphologies,54,55 charge carrier generation and transport occur in different regions and the presence of traps in one or the other region is expected to influence the impact on device performance.
The high sensitivity of fullerene dimerization on the electrical bias during degradation enables an easy measurement to characterize this degradation mechanism. As most known degradation mechanisms are independent of the electrical bias, differences in performance losses between ageing at Voc and Jsc are a strong indication for fullerene dimerization.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c5ee02912k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |