Issue 5, 2014

Paper-based microfluidics with high resolution, cut on a glass fiber membrane for bioassays


In this report, we describe a simple, low-cost, straight forward and highly reproducible fabrication method of microfluidic systems. This system was cut on a glass fiber membrane by a common cutter without using any other sophisticated equipment or organic solvents. This format represents a novel type of paper-based microfluidics with high resolution of the microchannel down to ~137 μm, comparable to those made by conventional photolithography. We successfully applied this method to microfluidics to create a star micro-array format of multiplexed urine tests in this study.

Graphical abstract: Paper-based microfluidics with high resolution, cut on a glass fiber membrane for bioassays

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Article information

Article type
06 Nov 2013
13 Nov 2013
First published
08 Jan 2014

Lab Chip, 2014,14, 911-915

Paper-based microfluidics with high resolution, cut on a glass fiber membrane for bioassays

X. Fang, S. Wei and J. Kong, Lab Chip, 2014, 14, 911 DOI: 10.1039/C3LC51246K

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