Issue 26, 2014

Polymorphs and co-crystals of haloprogin: an antifungal agent


Haloprogin is a topical antifungal agent. Its structure does not contain any of the functional groups typically exploited in hydrogen bond based co-crystal design. On the other hand, its 1-iodoalkyne moiety is nicely tailored to a crystal engineering strategy based on halogen bonding. Here we describe the formation of three polymorphs of haloprogin and of three co-crystals that this active pharmaceutical ingredient forms with both neutral and ionic co-crystal formers. The halogen bond plays a major role in all of the six structures and the interaction is thus confirmed to be a valuable tool which may complement the hydrogen bond when polymorphs and co-crystals of active pharmaceutical ingredients are pursued.

Graphical abstract: Polymorphs and co-crystals of haloprogin: an antifungal agent

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Article information

Article type
19 Feb 2014
16 Apr 2014
First published
17 Apr 2014

CrystEngComm, 2014,16, 5897-5904

Author version available

Polymorphs and co-crystals of haloprogin: an antifungal agent

M. Baldrighi, D. Bartesaghi, G. Cavallo, M. R. Chierotti, R. Gobetto, P. Metrangolo, T. Pilati, G. Resnati and G. Terraneo, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 5897 DOI: 10.1039/C4CE00367E

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