Michael T.
Vitaliy V.
*b and
aFood and Nutritional Science, University of Reading, Reading, RG6 6AD, UK. E-mail: D.Charalampopoulos@reading.ac.uk; Tel: +44 (0) 118 378 8216
bSchool of Pharmacy, University of Reading, Reading, RG6 6AD, UK. E-mail: V.Khutoryanskiy@reading.ac.uk; Tel: +44 (0) 118 378 6119
cClasado Research Services Ltd, Science and Technology Centre, University of Reading, Earley Gate, Whiteknights Road, Reading, RG6 6BZ, UK. E-mail: George.Tzortzis@clasado.com; Tel: +44 (0) 118 378 8978
First published on 5th November 2012
The oral administration of probiotic bacteria has shown potential in clinical trials for the alleviation of specific disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. However, cells must be alive in order to exert these benefits. The low pH of the stomach can greatly reduce the number of viable microorganisms that reach the intestine, thereby reducing the efficacy of the administration. Herein, a model probiotic, Bifidobacterium breve, has been encapsulated into an alginate matrix before coating in multilayers of alternating alginate and chitosan. The intention of this formulation was to improve the survival of B. breve during exposure to low pH and to target the delivery of the cells to the intestine. The material properties were first characterized before in vitro testing. Biacore™ experiments allowed for the polymer interactions to be confirmed; additionally, the stability of these multilayers to buffers simulating the pH of the gastrointestinal tract was demonstrated. Texture analysis was used to monitor changes in the gel strength during preparation, showing a weakening of the matrices during coating as a result of calcium ion sequestration. The build-up of multilayers was confirmed by confocal laser-scanning microscopy, which also showed the increase in the thickness of coat over time. During exposure to in vitro gastric conditions, an increase in viability from <3 log(CFU) per mL, seen in free cells, up to a maximum of 8.84 ± 0.17 log(CFU) per mL was noted in a 3-layer coated matrix. Multilayer-coated alginate matrices also showed a targeting of delivery to the intestine, with a gradual release of their loads over 240 min.
The most popular probiotic encapsulation matrix is based on calcium cross-linked alginate.14 Alginate, a naturally occurring polysaccharide, is composed of randomly 1–4 linked β-D-mannuronic acid and α-L-guluronic acid.18,19 Guluronic acid interacts very strongly with divalent cations, forming an ‘egg-box’ junction, which results in the formation of cross-links between the alginate macromolecules.18,20,21 On a macroscopic level this produces a hydrogel matrix with some highly desirable properties, resulting in its popularity in the fields of bacterial encapsulation, stem cell encapsulation22 and biomaterials.23 Additionally, alginate-based capsules have been shown to target delivery of the encapsulated material to the intestine by in vitro24,25 models and to increase the numbers of viable bacteria in the colon in vivo.26,27 Delivery of encapsulated cells from these materials is not governed by diffusion processes, as for small molecules, but by dissolution of the bulk matrix. This is a result of the large size of the bacteria (>1 μm) relative to the pores of the gel (<200 nm).28 Retention of bacteria at low pH is aided by the acid-gel character of alginate19 which allows the formation of a gel by aggregation of the polymer chains below the pKa of the acid groups in the monomers (∼3.3–3.5), whilst dissolution is governed by sequestration of calcium from within the alginate matrix by agents such as phosphates and citrates, and competition for binding sites on the alginate chain by monovalent cations, such as sodium.20,29
The coating of alginate matrices with oppositely charged polymers is an effective way of modulating the properties of the material.30–32 It has been shown that coating alginate with the cationic polysaccharide chitosan increases the survival of microorganisms entrapped in the alginate matrix when the formulation is exposed to solutions simulating gastric passage.12,24 In addition, there has also been noted a slight retardation of release with the addition of this polymer coat.24 The aim of our research is to produce a multilayer alginate–chitosan coat on alginate matrices using a layer-by-layer (LBL) approach guided by electrostatic self-assembly. The potential benefit of this coat is improved protection and controlled release of probiotic cells under gastrointestinal conditions.
Chitosan is produced by the deacetylation of chitin,33 a polysaccharide that is present in various natural materials. This modification results in a structure mostly comprised of 1 → 4 linked glucosamine (2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose) residues,33,34 with the minority of the macromolecules in the acetylated form (N-acetylglucosamine) due to incomplete deacetylation. The amine functionality means that chitosan is a weak base, which in this application will allow electrostatic interaction with the acidic residues on the alginate matrix. Though chitosan is a known antimicrobial agent,35 it only associates to the periphery of alginate matrices, penetrating into the bulk gel very slowly. This means that any encapsulated bacteria should be shielded from interaction with the polymer. The high recovery of cells from these materials, in multiple publications, reflects this.36–38 Chitosan is biodegraded by microbial action in the body by a variety of enzymes.39 However, hydrolysis by the enzyme chitosanase has been shown to decrease over twenty-fold when the chitosan is ionically bound to the surface of an alginate matrix.40 As a result, this is unlikely to be a concern in our application. Chitosan has been noted for its mucoadhesive properties, which are retained after the association with alginate gels.41
Layer-by-layer technology has often been utilised in research for the production of novel materials with tailorable properties dependent in part on the number of layers formed.42,43 Though fundamentally a time-consuming process, the materials produced can impart some unusual properties, different from their constituent polymers, without the need for chemical modification. These LBL assemblies may be produced by a large range of materials through a variety of different interactions such as hydrogen-bonding44,45 or, as in our case, electrostatics.46 For the most part, LBL research focuses on application to materials science,42 biosensing47 and controlled release.48–50 LBL processing may be automated, in order to ease this fundamentally laborious process.51 For our application we intend to study the effect of increasing numbers of polyelectrolyte layers on both the survival and controlled release of the probiotic bacterium, Bifidobacterium breve, after encapsulation in an alginate matrix. Additionally, the protective effect of alginate encapsulation alone has been shown to decrease with the particle size,14 so further formulation which improves the potency of these capsules in protecting acid-sensitive probiotics would be greatly advantageous to counter this effect.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the production of alginate matrices coated with multilayers of alternating alginate and chitosan as a viable oral formulation to protect probiotic bacteria from low pH, as well as to target their release to the intestine. These multilayer coated alginate matrices (MCAMs) will be studied using various physicochemical methods and the efficacy of the formulation tested in vitro. Whilst there has been the study of layer-by-layer deposition of polyelectrolytes directly upon probiotic cells,52,53 to our knowledge there has not been any investigation on the ability of these multilayers to protect and deliver encapsulated cells.
For encapsulated cells, 3 batches of MCAMs containing B. breve were produced from the same broth of cells, as only 1 mL was needed to prepare each batch. Two of these batches containing B. breve were placed into the simulated gastric solution and incubated (37 °C, with shaking at 100 rpm). The remaining batch of matrices was placed directly into a 100 mL PBS solution and incubated (1 h, with shaking at 100 rpm). These half dissolved MCAMs were then made homogenous using a stomacher (Seward stomach 400 circulator, 20 min) and enumerated as described previously to give a starting cell concentration. During this procedure one of the two batches of matrices in the simulated gastric solution was removed from the gastric solution at 1 and 2 h incubation. These matrices were then dissolved and enumerated using the same method as for the starting cell concentration reading.
Recently, Biacore™ has been shown to be an effective method for monitoring the production of polymer multilayers.7,8,60 The sensorgram produced by alternating injections of alginate and chitosan is shown in Fig. 1A. Upon injection of the chitosan solution, there was a response associated with the binding of chitosan to the CDX; this was followed by a gradual increase in RU after binding, associated with the rearrangement of the polymer chains and adaptation to the new buffer system (Fig. 1B). After allowing the newly formed layer to settle for 60 min, alginate was injected across the channel. There was a detectable response associated with this injection, showing the association of alginate to the chitosan layer on the chip (Fig. 1C). After alginate injection, there was a much quicker settling of the system, so only 10 min was required before the next injection. Though this response was much lower than that given by chitosan, this is likely to be mainly a consequence of the much lower concentration used. The reason for this lower concentration is due to processing issues, which will be highlighted later in the text. It is important to note that there are solvent effects seen in Biacore™, so the response for each layer should be taken as the difference in RU before and after injection (shown in Fig. 1C). This data allow us to confirm that there is build-up of alginate–chitosan multilayers on the CDX chip, so the association of these to the exterior of an alginate matrix should be achievable.
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Fig. 1 Biacore sensorgrams demonstrating the production of alginate–chitosan multilayers onto a carboxymethyldextran surface (A). Enhanced regions of the sensorgram showing the individual injections of chitosan (B) and alginate (C). The notation ‘ρ’ in (C) demonstrates that the real response for association should be taken as the difference in RU before and after the injection of an analyte, and not during the injection. |
It was noted that with the repeated injection of chitosan alone into the channels of the Biacore™ a similar trend to the multilayer case can be observed. It appears that chitosan was able to associate to the previous layer of chitosan, probably as a result of some nonspecific hydrophobic interactions and the high viscosity of the sample. However, the responses for the alginate–chitosan system were of a higher relative magnitude than those for chitosan alone (Fig. 2).
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Fig. 2 Control, showing the ratio of responses during the injection of alternating alginate–chitosan (purple circles) and repeated injection of chitosan alone (green squares) using Biacore™. The ratio was calculated as the response of an injection divided by the total response of the alginate–chitosan injections. Data given as mean (n = 3) ± standard deviation. |
Once the polymers had been associated to the CDX surface, the stability of their interaction could also be studied using Biacore™ (Fig. 3), and is done so for the first time in this publication. Removal of the layers would result in a loss of RU corresponding to their dissociation from the chip. Repeated injection of the simulated gastric solution (pH 2.0) over 110 min resulted in only a small loss in RU, indicating a relatively good stability of the layers. This loss corresponded to the removal of less than 1 layer of chitosan from the surface of the chip. This indicates that when associated to the surface of the alginate matrix and orally ingested, the complex should remain stable in the pH of the stomach. The multilayers also showed a similar stability after the injection of the simulated intestinal fluid at pH 7.2. Should dissolution of the MCAMs occur, they will do so with the multilayers still present on the surface.
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Fig. 3 Injection of simulated gastric (purple) and intestinal (red) solutions into channels containing alginate–chitosan multilayers. |
It was noted that during the coating of alginate matrices with alternating layers of alginate and chitosan there was swelling and softening of the material. The swelling of the matrices was quantified using a light microscope and expressed as percentage volume change. It was seen that as the number of layers on the surface of the alginate matrix increased from 1 to 5 there was a final increase in the volume of 130.61 ± 21.16%. This swelling was met with a decrease in strength, as determined by texture analysis (Fig. 4). The strength of the uncoated alginate capsules was reduced from 5.46 ± 0.31 N to 0.97 ± 0.35 N after coating with 5 layers of the polymer. The compression testing carried out gave a force–displacement relationship, which was comparable to that previously shown, and modelled, for alginate microcapsules.61
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Fig. 4 Swelling (purple diamonds) and strength (green circles) of polymer matrices during the deposition of alginate–chitosan multilayers. Data given as mean (n = 5) ± standard deviation. Fit on strength data intended as a guide to the eye. |
It was hypothesized that the reduction in strength of the MCAMs was a result of the removal of calcium ions from the bulk matrix by the coating polymers. Alginate has a particularly high affinity for calcium so it may be able to draw the metal ions out of the gel during exposure to the calcium cross-linked alginate matrix. It was for this reason that a 0.04% (w/v) alginate solution was used, while chitosan was kept at a 0.4% (w/v) concentration. Prior experimentation showed that using a 0.4% (w/v) solution of alginate to build-up layers resulted in very weak, deformed matrices; we hypothesize that this is a result of increased calcium ion sequestration. Suspension of the LBL-coated matrices in a 0.05 M CaCl2 solution led to a re-hardening of the MCAMs, confirming that the loss of strength was due to removal of calcium ions from the bulk alginate gel (Fig. 5).
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Fig. 5 LBL-coated matrices regaining strength after exposure to a 0.05 M CaCl2 solution, adjusted to pH 6.0. Data given as mean (n = 5) ± standard deviation. |
The build-up of multilayers could also be confirmed by methods previously utilized for imaging chitosan association to alginate gels (Fig. 6).24 This method allowed us to view the distribution of FITC-labelled chitosan within the multilayer-coated matrices using CLSM. These images showed the appearance of fluorescence around the periphery of the gels, confirming the presence of chitosan only on the surface of the microcapsules. Bands of the polymers were not seen, indicating that the polymers interpenetrate on the surface of the matrix. The thickness of this coat can be quantified using image analysis software. It was seen that as layers were built up from 1 to 5 there was an increase in the thickness of the chitosan layer on the surface of the MCAMs from 7.2 ± 0.6 μm to 13.0 ± 3.3 μm. This increase in the coat thickness will be a result of both the increased quantity of chitosan on the surface, and swelling of the materials. The localization of chitosan on the periphery of the MCAMs is crucial to the survival of microbes within the alginate matrix, as chitosan is a known antimicrobial agent. Chitosan has a relatively high molecular weight and exists in solution as only a semi-flexible chain.62 This gives chitosan a relatively large hydrodynamic radius, and as a result its diffusion into the alginate network is very slow.
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Fig. 6 Thickness of combined chitosan layers in multilayers visualized by CLSM. Insets: example images of the chitosan coat for 1, 3 and 5 layers. Data given as mean (n = 3) ± standard deviation. |
In order to assess the efficacy of these MCAMs to protect probiotics from the low pH of the stomach, an in vitro method was used (Fig. 7). Exposure of the free cells to a simulated gastric solution resulted in a loss of viability from 9.23 ± 0.02 log(CFU) per mL to numbers below the limit of detection (3 log(CFU) per mL) after 1 h. Alginate matrices coated with multilayers displayed much improved survival of the cells over 2 hours exposure to the simulated gastric solution. A single coat of chitosan increased the viability up to 7.7 ± 0.40 log(CFU) per mL after two hours, which rose to 8.24 ± 0.58 log(CFU) per mL and 8.84 ± 0.17 log(CFU) per mL for 2 and 3 layers of chitosan, respectively. The increase in cell survival can be attributed to the increased buffering of acid as it penetrates into the capsules.
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Fig. 7 Viability of free and MCAM encapsulated B. breve during exposure to the simulated gastric solution. Limit of detection: 3.0 log(CFU) per mL. Data given as mean (n = 3) ± standard deviation. |
It is also possible that the alginate–chitosan complex reduces the rate of diffusion of water in and out of the alginate matrix. These experiments indicate that MCAMs have the potential to greatly improve the survival of cells during gastrointestinal transit. However, at numbers of layers above 3, there was a decrease in the survival of cells, with numbers of viable cells after 2 hours dropping to 7.12 ± 0.75 log(CFU) per mL for 4 layers and 4.72 ± 0.02 log(CFU) per mL for 5 layers of chitosan. This drop in survival can be attributed to the increased swelling and reduced cross-linking density of the capsules allowing a greater influx of gastric fluid. It is possible that this loss of viability may be avoided by the re-hardening of the capsules in CaCl2 solution, but is beyond the scope of this publication.
In order to be an effective oral delivery device, MCAMs must retain the encapsulated cells in the stomach and deliver them to the intestine. The variety of theorized modes of action of probiotics make specific targets difficult to select, but in the case of inflammatory bowel conditions the colon is often the preferred target.63 The produced MCAMs were tested for their ability to target delivery of cells in vitro (Fig. 8). MCAMs with 1, 3 and 5 layers were chosen to attempt to see any trends emerging. Exposure of these matrices to the simulated gastric solution for 60 min resulted in the loss of less than 5 log(cells) per mL from the capsules. This is important as cells released in the stomach will be swiftly killed by the pH of the gastric contents. Moving these capsules into a pH 6.0 simulated intestinal solution, to approximate the pH of the proximal small intestine, resulted in a sudden release of 6.89 ± 0.53 log(cells) per mL in the case of 5 layer matrices, but nothing was detected in the case of 1 and 3 layer coated alginate matrices. After 1 h in the pH 6.0 simulated intestinal solution all MCAMs had released a small percentage of their entrapped cells. The MCAMs were then moved into a pH 7.2 solution simulating the distal portion of the small intestine. Exposure to this solution led to a gradual release of cells over 3 hours in the case of 1 and 3 layer coated matrices, but for those coated with 1 layer of chitosan release continued only for ∼2 h. There is no significant difference in the rate of release from the 3 and 5 layer matrices. The dissolution of these materials will be a combination of effects dependent on the degree of cross-linking of the alginate matrix, particle size and stabilization of the matrices by the multilayers of alginate and chitosan on the surface. These results show that these matrices will most likely deposit the encapsulated probiotic across the length of the small intestine, with a preference to the distal regions.
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Fig. 8 Release of B. breve from MCAMs under simulated gastrointestinal conditions. Limit of detection: 5 log(cells) per mL. Data given as mean (n = 3) ± standard deviation. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Strength analysis of the alginate matrix. See DOI: 10.1039/c2tb00126h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 |