Issue 16, 2013

Self-supported Pt nanoclusters via galvanic replacement from Cu2O nanocubes as efficient electrocatalysts


A novel synthesis method for self-supported Pt nanoclusters (Pt NCs) comprised of interconnected 2–3 nm Pt nanoparticles was developed by employing the galvanic replacement process between Cu2O nanocubes and PtCl42− ions. This discovered synthesis procedure eliminates the use of any polymer capping agents and enables a catalytically clean Pt surface. It is determined that the presence of H+ ions is crucial for initializing the galvanic replacement reaction. The electrocatalytic performances of the Pt NCs were tested for both oxygen reduction and methanol oxidation reactions, which showed higher electrochemical activity and greater long-term durability as compared with commercial Pt materials.

Graphical abstract: Self-supported Pt nanoclusters via galvanic replacement from Cu2O nanocubes as efficient electrocatalysts

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Article information

Article type
02 May 2013
04 Jun 2013
First published
07 Jun 2013

Nanoscale, 2013,5, 7397-7402

Self-supported Pt nanoclusters via galvanic replacement from Cu2O nanocubes as efficient electrocatalysts

Q. Li, P. Xu, B. Zhang, G. Wu, H. Zhao, E. Fu and H. Wang, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 7397 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR02243A

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