Iva M.
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Pfotenhauerstrasse 108, 01307 Dresden, Germany. E-mail: tolic@mpi-cbg.de; Tel: +49 351 210 2691
First published on 22nd February 2013
A cell can be viewed as a dynamic puzzle, where single pieces shuffle in space, change their conformation to fit different partners, and new pieces are generated while old ones are destroyed. Microscopy has become capable of directly observing the pieces of the puzzle, which are single molecules. Single-molecule microscopy in vivo provides new insights into the molecular processes underlying the physiology of a cell, allowing not only for visualizing how molecules distribute with nanometer resolution in the cellular environment, but also for characterizing their movement with high temporal precision. This approach reveals molecular behaviors normally invisible in ensemble measurements. Depending on the molecule, the process, and the cellular region studied, single molecules can be followed by conventional epifluorescence microscopy, or by illuminating only a thin region of the cell, as in Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) and Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM), and by limiting the amount of detectable molecules, as in Fluorescence Speckle Microscopy (FSM) and Photo-Activation (PA). High spatial resolution can be obtained by imaging only a fraction of the molecules at a time, as in Photo-Activated Localization Microscopy (PALM) and Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM), or by de-exciting molecules in the periphery of the detection region as in Stimulated Emission-Depletion (STED) microscopy. Single-molecule techniques in vivo are becoming widespread; however, it is important to choose the most suited technique for each biological question or sample. Here we review single-molecule microscopy techniques, describe their basic principles, advantages for in vivo application, and discuss the lessons that can be learned from live single-molecule imaging.
Insight, innovation, integrationSingle molecule imaging in vivo provides new insights into the molecular processes in cells. This approach is important not only to map the distribution of single molecules inside the cell with high spatial resolution, but also to analyze the movement of these molecules and their interactions over time. Single molecule imaging in live cells reveals transient molecular interactions that cannot be identified by conventional biochemical methods. Moreover, single molecule imaging allows for direct measurements of parameters of molecular reactions, including the number of molecules, concentrations, reaction rate constants and diffusion coefficients. These parameters can be used in building mathematical models of intracellular processes. |
While single-molecule imaging in vitro allows for studies of single molecules in controlled environments, this approach requires special substrates or imaging chambers, which are different from the cellular environment. Because the conditions reproduced in vitro differ from those inside the cell, cell-based approaches are required for understanding the localization and interactions of single molecules in vivo. To gain insight into the intracellular localization, fixation methods can be used to map the distribution of single molecules in the cell. However, observations on fixed cells do not yield information about the temporal dynamics of molecules, and artifacts may be induced by the fixation techniques. Contrary to imaging in vitro or in fixed cells, single-molecule imaging in vivo combines high spatial and temporal resolution to address the behavior of single molecules in their native environment.
In this review we focus on methods to label, visualize and follow single molecules in vivo. A chronological overview of the developments of single-molecule techniques and their applications in vivo is depicted in Fig. 1.
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Fig. 1 Timeline of single-molecule microscopy developments and their initial in vivo applications. In red, on the left side of the timeline, important technological discoveries that allowed for studying single molecules in vivo are shown. The use of naturally occurring fluorescent proteins, like the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria46 to label proteins endogenously, provided a major breakthrough in single-molecule labeling in vivo. Fluorescent molecules were used for the first time in vitro in 1976 to label and detect a protein, γ-globulin, as it diffused through a thin layer of illumination.47 Nanoparticle tracking was used to monitor microtubule dependent cell movement in 1985.14a In 1988, in order to describe how enzymes convert energy into mechanical work, kinesins, force generating ATPases, attached to plastic beads, were tracked along microtubules in vitro with a 1–2 nm precision.14b In 1993, the technique of orthogonal-plane fluorescence optical sectioning (ORFOS), based on the original idea published in 1903 by Siedentopf & Zsigmondy, was put into practice using a cylindrical lens.48 Later in 2004, this concept developed into selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) used in the same year to visualize living samples.24 In 1997, fluorescent speckle microscopy (FSM) allowed for mixing fluorescent and non-fluorescent molecules, reducing the fluorescence background.26 Stimulated emission-depletion microscopy (STED), developed by Hell and collaborators in 2000, was able to achieve resolutions below the Abbe diffraction limit.37 In 2002, a variant version of GFP was engineered to be excitable only after photo-activation, so that only a small fraction of GFP molecules is made visible.31 The precise mapping of molecules inside the cell can be obtained by repeating this photo-activation and imaging procedure, as was shown in PALM and STORM.33 In blue, on the right side of the timeline, we show the in vivo breakthroughs and applications of single-molecule microscopy techniques. A description of these studies can be found in Table 1. |
Fluorescent labeling of molecules can be achieved by coupling a fluorescent dye to the target molecule using covalent chemistry or antibody affinity. This approach is commonly used for imaging of cultured cells, by microinjecting fluorescently labeled molecules into live cells or by using antibodies on fixed cells. Fluorescent markers should interfere minimally with the biological function of the target molecule. Alternatively, genetic manipulations can be used to express a modified copy of the molecule of interest fused to a fluorescent protein. The expression of the fused molecule can be either transient, as in the case of transfection with plasmids that do not get integrated into the genome, or stable, when the manipulation alters permanently the genome of the cell and of its daughter cells. Such genetic manipulations are used for live imaging of cells, tissues and even whole animals. Transient transfection is easier to perform, but the level of expression varies among cells and the implementation becomes more challenging with an increasing complexity of the sample, moving from cells to tissues and animals. Stable transfection, in contrast, can be used irrespective of the complexity of the sample and offers a more homogeneous level of expression among cells, but the creation of stably transfected cell lines and especially organisms may require a longer procedure due to, for example, a low rate of recombination of the modified gene into the genome.
Genetic labeling is highly specific, as only the labeled proteins are fluorescent, and by using different fluorescent molecules it is possible to visualize different protein species simultaneously. Moreover, several copies of a fluorescent molecule can be fused to a single protein, enhancing the signal. The most commonly used fluorescent labels are green fluorescent protein (GFP) and its derivatives.3
However, it is not always possible to directly label molecules by using a genetic approach, either because the targets are not proteins (e.g., sugars, nucleic acids, lipids) or when the imaging requirements are not met by the fluorescent protein (e.g., fast imaging over an extended time period). In these cases, synthetic dyes or fluorescent nanocrystals (quantum dots) conjugated to antibodies can be used to label single molecules.4 In general, synthetic dyes are brighter than genetically expressed fluorescent proteins, while quantum dots offer a better photostability. Dye labeling might induce toxicity and quantum dot labeling requires a complex protocol.5 Organic dyes such as rhodamine,6 Alexa fluorophores (350–750 nm)7 and cyanine dyes (Cy3 and Cy5)8 are commonly used to label molecules in vivo. In addition, organic dyes can be delivered to GFP-tagged proteins by using small and high-affinity antibodies (nanobodies), in order to combine the molecular specificity of genetic tagging with the high brightness of organic dyes.9
The presence of a large fluorescent protein may interfere with the function of the target molecule, e.g. in the case of actin.10 To circumvent this issue, it is possible to use smaller genetic tags consisting of a motif (e.g., tetra-cysteine tag) that binds a chemical dye to label the target protein. The HaloTag11 and the SNAP/CLIP tags12 can bind and activate different fluorescent dyes in vivo. Analogously, the Flash-tag can act as a linker to a fluorescent dye, having the advantage of being much smaller (12 aminoacids) than conventional fluorescent molecules (>200 aminoacids).13
To detect the signal from single molecules, fluorescent markers must be bright and photostable (see Glossary). The brightness is important for single-molecule imaging in vivo because the signal of a single molecule must be above the background fluorescence generated by other molecular species present in the cell, which is not a concern when imaging single molecules in vitro. In comparison with non-single molecule imaging in vivo, single-molecule imaging in vivo requires higher sensitivity to detect fainter signals originating from single molecules, and higher speed of imaging because the dynamics of a single molecule occurs at a faster time scale than the dynamics averaged over an ensemble of molecules.
Single molecules can also be tracked by using video-enhanced brightfield or Differential Interferometric Contrast (DIC) microscopy, eliminating problems related to photobleaching. In this case, colloidal or gold nanoparticles with a diameter of 20–100 nm are attached to the molecule by antibody conjugation14 and tracking is achieved by Single Particle Tracking (SPT) algorithms.14b,15 These algorithms rely on image processing methods, such as centroid calculation or Gaussian fitting, to determine the position of a particle with sub-pixel resolution.
If the target molecule is labeled with a fluorescent marker, one strategy is to compare the intensity of the measured fluorescence signal to a reference intensity obtained on single fluorescent molecules. Alternatively, the reference intensity can be obtained by studying the bleaching kinetics, together with the knowledge of the number of fluorescent molecules labeling the target molecule. The amplitude of the intensity decrease (bleaching step) corresponds to the intensity generated by a single fluorescent molecule.16
When using SPT to track single molecules, it is important to ensure that only one molecule binds the nanoparticle. This issue can be solved by careful control of the particles functionalization, leading to nanoparticles carrying, on average, one linker per particle.17 In addition, when particles are used to label molecules, the diffusion coefficient or the activity of the protein should be compared to a control where the target molecule is instead labeled with a small non-interfering organic dye.18
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Fig. 2 Single-molecule techniques in the cellular landscape. Depending on the region of the cell, or on the biological process under study, different single-molecule labeling and microscopy techniques can be used. Cell components are shown schematically in the middle, and the methods typically used to study them are enclosed in surrounding boxes. (a) TIRF is useful for fast imaging of single molecules close to the cell surface, addressing receptor dynamics, diffusion and oligomerization. (b) HILO, (c) widefield or epifluorescence and (d) SPIM can be used to image deeper inside the cell, allowing for visualization of single molecules in the nucleus and other compartments that are not accessible by TIRF. In a similar fashion, (e) FSM is useful to image single molecules in crowded environments, such as microtubule or actin networks. (f) Photo-activation (PA) and photo-conversion (PC) can be used to track a subpopulation of single molecules. Other techniques such as (g) PALM/STORM and (h) STED have a higher spatial resolution but their in vivo application is limited by the time resolution. (i) Single-molecule FRET (smFRET) allows for detection of conformational changes in the same molecule, as well as interaction between molecules, based on the light emitted when a donor and an acceptor fluorophore get in close proximity. |
TIRF can be used in vivo to investigate the dynamics of single molecules. For example, using TIRF single E-cadherin–GFP molecules were imaged for the first time in vivo.16a By comparing the movement of E-cadherin–GFP monomers and oligomers it was observed that the diffusion coefficient of oligomers at the membrane was lower than what was expected. Thus, the existence of a membrane skeleton, which would trap the E-cadherin oligomers lowering their mobility, was proposed. In another example, Cy3-labeled cAMP molecules were visualized using TIRF as they bound and got released from their receptors in the membrane of Dictyostelium.20 It was observed that Cy3–cAMP receptor complexes dissociated faster in the anterior than in the posterior region, unveiling the dynamic properties of receptors involved in chemotaxis.
The nature of the evanescent wave, on which TIRF microscopy relies, limits the analysis to cellular structures lying in close proximity to the coverslip–sample interface. If the coverslip–sample interface is illuminated slightly below the critical angle, the refracted beam propagates into the sample at a high inclination (Highly Inclined and Laminated Optical sheet, HILO, Fig. 2b), allowing for imaging single molecules several micrometers deep in the sample.21 The lateral (i.e., on a plane perpendicular to the optical axis) resolution is similar to the resolution that can be achieved using TIRF; however, the S/N ratio is lower compared to TIRF because of the increased thickness of the illuminated volume, resulting in more out-of-focus fluorescence. The penetration depth of HILO is limited by the increase in the thickness of the illumination beam to around 20 μm. Accessing regions that are further away from the coverslip requires other approaches.
Using widefield microscopy it was possible to image single fluorescently labeled Ash1 mRNA molecules in budding yeast. A cell-cycle dependent movement of the Ash1 mRNA molecule, defined by a quick translocation from the bud tip to the cell division site immediately prior to cytokinesis, was observed.22 This pioneering work showed the potential of using fluorescent proteins to label and track single molecules other than proteins inside the cell. Another application of widefield microscopy is to count single-molecule events. Stochastic bursts of protein production were monitored by imaging of a membrane-targeting peptide labeled with Venus, a fast folding fluorescent protein.23 It was observed that four copies of the protein were synthesized from a single burst of protein translation per cell cycle. Hence, real-time assays of single-molecule synthesis allow for precise quantification of single-cell gene expression.
Unlike TIRF, widefield microscopy excites fluorescence through the entire sample: the molecules that are not in the focal plane still emit light that contributes to the background fluorescence, lowering the S/N ratio and increasing the photobleaching. This prevents widefield microscopy from achieving single-molecule resolution when a high number of molecules are present in the imaging volume.
A useful approach to image deeper inside the sample while retaining a low background is to use orthogonal illumination, as in Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM).24 Orthogonal illumination is achieved by illuminating the sample from one side with a thin sheet of light while collecting the fluorescence in the orthogonal direction (Fig. 2d). The thin sheet of light is typically achieved by focusing a Gaussian laser beam by means of a cylindrical lens. The illumination sheet is only a few micrometers thick, which minimizes the out-of-focus fluorescence and allows for observation of single molecules not only in regions inaccessible by TIRF inside cells, but also in tissues and embryos of animals.
Similarly to TIRF, HILO, and widefield microscopy, SPIM allows for characterization of fast processes, such as diffusion, and for studies of the dynamics of single molecules inside the cell. Only recently single-molecule imaging using SPIM has been achieved in vivo. To understand the behavior of the hrp36 ribonuclear protein inside messenger ribonucleoprotein particles, hrp36 labeled in vitro with the fluorescent molecule ATTO647-N was injected into the salivary glands of Chironomus tentans.25 By illuminating the larvae orthogonally, SPIM allowed for visualization and tracking of single messenger ribonucleoproteins 200 μm deep in the sample.
The first implementation of this approach was termed Fluorescent Speckle Microscopy (FSM, Fig. 2e).26 Microinjecting fluorescently labeled tubulin in cells, which is incorporated together with non-fluorescent endogenous tubulin into microtubules, results in a speckled fluorescence of the microtubule lattice. The speckled pattern originating from single fluorescent tubulin molecules is a landmark that allows for visualizing microtubule growth, shrinkage, and sliding, for example of kinetochore microtubules in the spindle.27 Using the same technique, actin movement during filament turnover was monitored, showing that the actin filaments in the lamellipodium were mostly generated by polymerization away from the tip.28
In a similar approach, Photo-Activation (PA) and Photo-Conversion (PC) allow for the detection of a sub-population of molecules inside the cell (Fig. 2f). Both photo-activation and photo-conversion are induced by irradiating the molecules with a pulse of light at a specific wavelength. The irradiation induces a conformational change that switches the molecules from a non-fluorescent to a fluorescent state (photo-activation) or modifies the absorption and emission spectra of the fluorescent molecule (photo-conversion). In the first case, the photo-activated molecules can be detected on a background of dark, non-fluorescent molecules. In the second case, the photo-convertible molecules, such as PS-CFP2 (cyan-green) and Dendra2 (green-red),29 shift their emission spectrum towards red upon UV excitation.30 The use of photo-convertible proteins as labels has the advantage that fluorescent detection of both the unconverted and converted states is possible.
Lysosomal protein trafficking was studied in vivo using photo-activation. Photo-activated molecules of Igp120 (Igp120–PA-GFP), a lysosomal membrane protein, were found to traffic from the photo-activated to non-photo-activated lysosomes.31 This demonstrates that Igp120 is exchanged between lysosomes.
In a recent work, a photo-convertible tag was used to test whether de novo nuclear pore synthesis was the only source of nuclear pores in the daughter cell of budding yeast. Using photo-conversion of Nic96 (Nic96-2xDendra2), a nuclear pore protein, a population of “old pores” (photo-converted, red) in the mother cell was visually distinguished from the de novo synthesized pores in the daughter cell (unconverted, green). By differentially labeling old and new molecules one can compare their behavior. In this case, it was observed that nuclear pores that were present in the mother were transmitted to the daughter cell upon division.32
The methods described so far are useful for studying the movement of individual single molecules and molecular complexes. Yet, mapping a large number of molecules inside the cell with higher spatial resolution requires a different approach.
In Photo-Activated Localization Microscopy (PALM) and Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM), a small random fraction of photo-activatable or photo-convertible fluorophores, typically apart from each other by a distance larger than the diffraction limit, is activated at a time (Fig. 2g). Fitting a Gaussian distribution to the accumulated distribution of photons, and taking the center of the fitted Gaussian as the position of the molecule, allows for the localization of each molecule at a higher resolution than the diffraction limit.33 The positioning accuracy scales roughly with the square root of the total number of detected photons (see Glossary). Therefore, PALM and STORM are most suitable for observing molecules that move slowly or that are bound to cell compartments. Repeating the process by activating a different set of molecules at a time leads to a complete reconstruction of the positions of the molecules in the sample down to 10 nm resolution.
As an example, time-lapse PALM was performed with enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP)-labeled version of MreB, the actin homolog of Caulobacter crescentus. With this approach, it was possible to monitor MreB treadmilling with a spatial resolution of 30–40 nm, well below the diffraction limit.34 Two distinct MreB superstructures were identified, a quasi helix in the stalked cell and a midplane ring that forms before division. Recently, pair-correlation analysis was combined with PALM, which allowed for the determination of the nanoscale organization of membrane proteins with distinctive membrane anchoring and lipid partitioning features in COS-7 cells.35 In another study, STORM was used to detect single actin filaments and their three-dimensional ultrastructure and organization in COS-7 and BSC-1 cells.36
A conceptually different approach to circumvent the diffraction limit is to shape the PSF of the microscope in order to detect the fluorescence emitted by molecules that are in a region smaller than the diffraction limit. In Stimulated Emission-Depletion microscopy (STED), the PSF of the microscope is reduced by de-exciting the fluorescent molecules around a central excitation peak by using a doughnut shaped beam (Fig. 2h). By exploiting nonlinearity, the spatial extent of the central region of the depletion beam can be made smaller than the diffraction limit, leaving molecules excited only in this small volume.37
The reduction of the excitation volume achievable by STED was used to detect the intensity fluctuations of single diffusing lipids, in regions one order of magnitude below the diffraction limit. This study showed that sphingolipids and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are transiently (10–20 ms) trapped in cholesterol complexes in areas smaller than 20 nm.38 The decreased diffusion in these areas supports the existence of membrane nanodomains.
Technique | Spatial resolution | Time resolution | Photo-toxicity | Measurable physical parameters | Cellular region | Compatible labels | Molecule imaged/label | In vivo applications | Ref. |
TIRF | 200–250 nm | 5 ms | Low | Position and movement | Cover slip interface | FPs, organic dyes | E-cadherin–GFP | Oligomerization dynamics | 16a |
cAMP–Cy3 | Chemotaxis | 20 | |||||||
PHD–GFP | Membrane binding | 49 | |||||||
Telenzepine–Cy3b | Membrane receptors | 50 | |||||||
G-protein YFP–CIOH-Ras | Membrane microdomains | 51 | |||||||
EPI | 200–250 nm | 5 ms | Medium | Position and movement | All | FPs, organic dyes, Q-dots, colloidal particles | Glycoprotein–gold | Membrane proteins | 52 |
Gly-receptor-Qdot | Neuronal receptors | 53 | |||||||
Viruses-Cy3/5 | Viral infection | 54 | |||||||
SPIM | 200–250 nm | 5 ms | Low | Position and movement | All | FPs, organic dyes | Kinesin-Qdot | Molecular motors | 55 |
Tsr-Venus | Protein synthesis | 23 | |||||||
Hrp36-ATTO647N | Ribonuclear particles | 25 | |||||||
FSM | 200–250 nm | ∼1 s | Medium | Position and movement | All | FPs, organic dyes | Tubulin–XRhodamine | Microtubule dynamics | 26 |
β Actin–EGFP | Actin dynamics | 28 | |||||||
Photo-activation/photo-conversion | 200–250 nm | ∼1 s | High | Position and movement | All | PA-FP, PC-FP, tetracysteine | Igp120–PA-GFP | Membrane diffusion | 31 |
Connexin43-Flash/ReAsh | Gap junctions | 56 | |||||||
Fibrillarin-Dendra2 | Nuclear transport | 29, 30 | |||||||
Nic95-2xDendra2 | Nuclear pore segregation | 32 | |||||||
Super resolution | 20 nm | ∼100 ms | High | Position | 5–10 μm from the cell surface | Organic dyes, FPs, PA-FP, PC-FP | MreB-PS-EYFP | Prokaryote cytoskeleton | 34 |
Atto647N-PE and sphingomyelin | Membrane microdomains | 38 | |||||||
FtsZ-mEos2 | Prokaryotic septum | 57 | |||||||
smFRET | 200–250 nm (Donor–acceptor 1–10 nm) | ∼100 ms | Low | Position, movement and conformation | All | Donor–acceptor fluorophores | SNAP25-A555/A647 | Membrane protein folding | 41 |
The lessons that can be learned from single-molecule techniques, when compared with ensemble imaging methods, derive from analyzing movement, dwelling, interactions and conformational changes of single molecules and identifying how different subsets of the same molecular species contribute to their global function in the cell. For example, by quantifying the localization, movement and dwell time of single molecules in vivo it is possible to understand how they get targeted to the sites of their function. Based on this knowledge, it is possible to design genetic and biochemical perturbations, such as mutations and chemicals, that affect a specific single-molecule characteristic, from the molecular interaction affinity to the movement and localization pattern of the molecules. This approach allows for distinguishing between different mechanistic models, leading to a deeper understanding of how collective behavior arises from the interactions between single molecules.
Single-molecule detection deep inside the tissue could benefit from the development of new fluorescent molecules emitting in the infrared, because most biological tissues are transparent at these wavelengths. Conversely, developing markers emitting in the deep UV or even at shorter wavelengths could enhance the positioning accuracy of TIRF or other methods accessing the cellular membrane.42
Together with the development of new fluorescent reporters, advances in the detection techniques that would allow for an increased image acquisition speed would facilitate studies of the movement of molecules from their synthesis to their incorporation into more complex structures, or while interacting with their substrates. An example of this is the use of super-registration. With this method, in which an internal registration signal is used to register spectrally different channels relative to each other, it is possible to measure fast transport of single molecules.43 In the era of quantitative biology, it would be important to develop high-throughput methodologies that allow for studying a high number of single-molecule events in real time, comparing the number, diffusion, and the binding of molecules for a large set of experimental conditions.44 This is especially important in drug design where the minimization of off-target secondary effects is desirable.
Light can also be used to control the behavior of single molecules. It would be useful to inactivate a molecule with a very precise spatio-temporal localization in the cell, and see how this would affect the process under study, especially in cases where constitutive genetic inactivation methods are not feasible, such as for genes affecting multiple processes or essential genes. Similar to Chromophore-Assisted Laser Inactivation (CALI),45 the development of methods to target a smaller volume of inactivation in vivo would facilitate a precise control of the number of inactivated molecules in a confined region of the cell. Such new developments in microscopy fostered by the need of in vivo quantification of molecular interactions will shed light on the life cycle of a molecule inside a cell.
The excitation spectrum defines the efficiency of excitation of a fluorescent molecule as a function of the wavelength of the exciting light. The wavelength of the exciting light is usually chosen close to the maximum of the excitation spectrum.
The emission spectrum defines the intensity of the emitted fluorescence as a function of the wavelength. The wavelength of the emitted fluorescence is longer than the wavelength used for excitation, and the detection is performed close to the maximum of the spectrum. The difference in wavelength between the excitation and the emission maxima is termed Stokes shift.
Quantum yield defines the efficiency of the excitation process as the ratio between the number of emitted photons and the number of absorbed photons. Fluorescent molecules with a quantum yield close to 1 will efficiently convert the absorbed energy into photons.
Molar absorption, also known as extinction coefficient, defines how strongly a fluorescent molecule absorbs light as a function of the wavelength. The product of the quantum yield and the molar absorption, measured at the absorption maximum, is the brightness.
Lifetime is the average time elapsing between the excitation of a fluorescent molecule and the emission of a photon from that molecule. Typically of the order of nanoseconds, it is strongly influenced by the environment in which the fluorescent molecules are.
Photostability is the ability of a fluorescent molecule to undergo repeated cycles of absorption and emission keeping its chemical structure intact. It depends on the molecular species present in the surroundings of the fluorescent molecule.
Photo-activation, photo-conversion, photo-switching: the process by which a molecule, undergoing a conformational change of its structure, becomes fluorescent (photo-activation) or changes its absorption and/or emission spectrum (photo-conversion). The conformational change can be permanent or reversible (photo-switching), and is achieved by irradiating the molecules with a pulse of light at a specific wavelength (usually UV).
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 |