News from the Green Chemistry Editors

Membership of the Editorial Board

During the middle of last year Martyn Poliakoff finished his term as Chair of the Editorial Board and wrote an Editorial (DOI: 10.1039/C2GC90027K) to mark this occasion. Martyn worked closely with both of us during his term as Chair of the Editorial Board, providing inspiration, enthusiasm and leadership to the Editorial Board.

Interviews with both Martyn and Walter, as outgoing and incoming Chairs of the Editorial Board can be found on the Green Chemistry blog at

Mike Green also retired from the Editorial Board in August last year, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his input into developing the Journal during his term on the Editorial Board. Both Martyn and Mike have agreed to join the Journal Advisory Board through which they will continue to support the development of the Journal.

This year we are pleased to welcome two new members to the Green Chemistry Editorial Board: Alessandra Quadrelli, who is the Sustainable Development Chair at ESCPE in Lyon, France, and Paul Anastas who is the Director for the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale University, USA. We look forward to working with both of them in developing the Journal.

Highlights from 2012

Last year when the Thomson Reuters 2011 Journal Citation Reports was released Green Chemistry's impact factor went over 6 for the first time to 6.3. This was great news for the Journal, reflecting the support from our authors, referees and readers, highlighting the great work we are publishing.

Last year also saw a number of new features introduced on our Green Chemistry blog: The first being a regular ‘Meet our Authors’ posts where contributors to our Journal have been interviewed, and there are some very interesting answers to the question ‘If you could not be a scientist, but could be anything else, what would you be?’ To date Franck Dumeignil, Pedro Lozano, James Mack, Michael Meier, Andrew Abbott, Francesca Kerton, Liang-Nian He, Ken-ichi Shimizu and François Jérôme have been interviewed and there will be more added over the coming year so please check the blog for regular updates.

We have also introduced a number of article collections on the Green Chemistry blog – a collection of articles around a key topic that are published in the Journal, and its sister RSC publications, which are made freely available for a limited period of time that are widely promoted. Topics covered have included biocatalysis, renewable energy and ionic liquids, to name a few, full details are available on our website.

During 2012 Green Chemistry was pleased to sponsor poster prizes at the following conferences: Ghent Bio-Economy Summer School; 4th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry; EUCHEM 2012 – Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids XXIV; Sustainability in Chemical Synthesis Conference; Green Solvents for Synthesis Conference; Frontiers in Biorefining 2012. Full details about the poster prize winners and details about their posters can be found on the Green Chemistry blog. This year the Journal will be sponsoring more activities and full details will be given on the Journal website.

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Green Chemistry 15 years on…

In January 1999 the first issue of Green Chemistry was published with an Editorial written by James Clark, setting out his vision for the Journal (DOI: 10.1039/GC9900G1).

To mark the occasion of the Journal entering its fifteenth year of publication we will be asking those scientists who have contributed to the Journal strategy to reflect on how the subject has changed over the last 15 years, and asking them for their vision on the subject in the future. We will also be highlighting the authors of the papers that have been most cited over the years – the papers that you as readers have been citing the most. Further information about all of these activities can be found on the Green Chemistry blog in the ‘15 years of Green Chemistry’ category (

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of Green Chemistry. If you have any comments about the Journal please do contact us at E-mail:

Wishing you all a very successful 2013.

Walter Leitner, Chair of the Editorial Board


Sarah Ruthven, Editor

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013