Celebrating five years of Energy & Environmental Science

Energy & Environmental Science was launched in July 2008. Our mission and defining ethos was to act as community-spanning home and forum for researchers investigating a more energy-sustainable planet. We had bold ambitions – to publish very high quality, impactful international research spanning our broad scope, becoming a true journal of choice.

In 2013 we will celebrate five years of publication. We are delighted that Energy & Environmental Science has quickly established itself as the leading home for exceptional and insightful energy research. By any metric – submissions, citations, visibility of research, global support, rigour, fairness and efficiency of handling manuscripts – the success of the journal is apparent. I am especially glad we consistently continue to fulfil our broad-scope remit, facilitating the cross-fertilization of new ideas across traditional subject boundaries.

Competition is an inevitable fact of life, indeed a fundamental part of the human condition. Scientists compete to get published in leading journals like Energy & Environmental Science: top journals simultaneously compete to attract the most important new research. Competition spurs progress, leading us all to raise our game and try ever-harder to meet the needs of the communities we serve. I am well-aware there is a choice of high-profile journals to submit your research to, and I am very grateful for your support of Energy & Environmental Science. It is the dedication and support of our authors, readers, reviewers and Board members that has made the journal what it is.

Since the birth of Energy & Environmental Science I have been exceptionally fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet and interact with many of the worldwide community of researchers whose research our journal proudly features. The determination, dedication, kindness, judgement, ambition and indeed constructive competitiveness shown by scientists around the world leaves me humbled, joyful and optimistic.

At Energy & Environmental Science we also look to the future with optimism. I am committed to ensuring the journal continues to meet the needs and surpass the expectations of the communities we serve. Please do send your feedback, suggestions and ideas to E-mail: ees@rsc.org at any time.

On behalf of the whole Energy & Environmental Science team, I offer my very best wishes for 2013.



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Philip Earis

Managing Editor, Energy & Environmental Science

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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013