Extensional rheology and elastic instabilities of a wormlike micellar solution in a microfluidic cross-slot device†‡
Wormlike micellar nom ≈ 635 s−1. By contrast, in the viscoelastic micellar solution the flow field remains symmetric only for low values of the strain rate such that
nom ≤ λM−1, where λM = 2.5 s is the Maxwell relaxation time of the fluid. In this stable flow regime the fluid displays a localized and elongated birefringent strand extending along the outflow streamline from the stagnation point, and estimates of the apparent extensional viscosity can be obtained using the stress-optical rule and from the total pressure drop measured across the cross-slot channel. For moderate deformation rates (
nom ≥ λM−1) the flow remains steady, but becomes increasingly asymmetric with increasing flow rate, eventually achieving a steady state of complete anti-symmetry characterized by a dividing streamline and birefringent strand connecting diagonally opposite corners of the cross-slot. Eventually, as the nominal imposed deformation rate is increased further, the asymmetric divided flow becomes time dependent. These purely elastic instabilities are reminiscent of those observed in cross-slot flows of