Happy New Year from MedChemComm

The MedChemComm Editorial Board and Editorial Team welcome you to this first issue of 2012

High-impact science

MedChemComm's mission is to publish research that pushes the boundaries of what is possible in medicinal chemistry, and which tackles key challenges facing the community. As well as high quality research in traditional areas of medicinal chemistry, MedChemComm includes research in key interdisciplinary areas, such as nanotechnology.

Top articles from 2011 included: ‘Molecular obesity, potency and other addictions in drug discovery’ by Michael M. Hann (DOI: 10.1039/C1MD00017A), ‘Intramolecular hydrogen bonding to improve membrane permeability and absorption in beyond rule of five chemical space’ by David S. Millan et al. (DOI: 10.1039/C1MD00093D) and ‘Identification of target family directed bioisosteric replacements’ by Anne Mai Wassermann and Jürgen Bajorath (DOI: 10.1039/C1MD00066G).

The first issue of 2012 features articles from a broad range of topics. Highlights include: ‘Structure–activity relationships of methyl-lysine reader antagonists’ by Stephen V. Frye et al. (DOI: 10.1039/C1MD00195G), ‘The development of quinolone esters as novel antimalarial agents targeting the Plasmodium falciparum bc1 protein complex’ by Paul M. O′Neill et al. (DOI: 10.1039/C1MD00183C) and ‘Polyamine-based small molecule epigenetic modulators' by Patrick M. Woster et al. (DOI: 10.1039/C1MD00220A)

There are many ways to stay abreast of the latest research in MedChemComm, including contents alerts, the MedChemComm newsletter, the journal blog and our Twitter feed.*

Themed issues

Following on from the ISMC web theme in 2011, MedChemComm will be publishing a number of themed issues in 2012. These themed issues pull together articles published in MedChemComm on a particular topic or theme, highlighting high-profile work in the area to the community. The first theme of 2012, which will be published shortly, will feature research and reviews on the latest advances in Epigenetics. Look out for other themes later in the year, including an issue dedicated to Natural Products research.

Accepted Manuscript publication

October 2011 saw the introduction of Accepted Manuscript publication to MedChemComm. This optional service allows authors to have the unedited version of their manuscript published shortly after acceptance, making their results available to the community even sooner than before.

Working in partnership with the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry

MedChemComm is the official journal of the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC), which represents 25 scientific organisations from 23 European countries. This partnership exemplifies both the EFMC's and MedChemComm's passion for advancing the field of medicinal chemistry. The EFMC's newsletter, MedChemWatch, is featured in issues of MedChemComm, and you can read the latest edition in this issue.

This year we welcome new EFMC President Dr Uli Stilz to the MedChemComm Editorial Board. We are delighted that the EFMC will continue to be represented on the MedChemComm Editorial Board by their President and we look forward to working with Dr Stilz in the coming years. EFMC Past President Professor Gerhard Ecker, who represented the EFMC on the MedChemComm Editorial Board between 2009 and 2011, will continue as a member of the Board in an independent capacity.

We hope that you enjoy reading this first issue of 2012.

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RSC Publishing news

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RSC Conferences and Events 2012

The RSC organises a broad range of conferences and events to promote the advancement of the chemical sciences. Please visit the website for the most up to date listing: www.rsc.org/events

The major scientific meetings planned for 2012 include:

Challenges in Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology (ISACS7)

12–15 June 2012, Edinburgh, UK


Directing Biosynthesis III (DBIII)

19–21 September 2012, Nottingham, UK


* Subscribe to MedChemComm contents alerts and newsletters: http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/forms/V5profile.asp. MedChemComm Blog: http://blogs.rsc.org/MD. MedChemComm Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/MedChemComm

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012