Energy & Environmental Science: a community-spanning journal

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Welcome to the first issue of Energy & Environmental Science in 2012. The journal has had another great year and we are looking forward to building on these achievements in the coming months and years. In this Editorial we would like to share some of our recent highlights with you, as well as looking forward to the exciting future of Energy & Environmental Science.

High impact research

Energy & Environmental Science recognises the complexity of issues and challenges relating to energy production and storage, and global environmental science. Since its launch in 2008, we have strived to make Energy & Environmental Science a truly community-spanning journal, and as such we particularly welcome work of an interdisciplinary nature across both the (bio)chemical and (bio)physical sciences and chemical engineering disciplines.

The journal's scope is intentionally broad, covering all aspects of energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies, and the science of environmental impacts and mitigation that are related with energy conversion processes, such as global atmospheric science, climate change, carbon capture, and environmental catalysis. The broad range of research which Energy & Environmental Science publishes is unique, and can be seen both in this current issue and in the list of most-read articles in 2011 shown in Table 1.

Table Top 10 most accessed articles in 2011
Title Author(s) DOI
Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security Mark Z. Jacobson 10.1039/b809990c
Graphene based new energy materials Yiqing Sun, Qiong Wu and Gaoquan Shi 10.1039/c0ee00683a
Organic tandem solar cells: A review Christoph J. Brabec et al. 10.1039/b817952b
Low-platinum and platinum-free catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction at fuel cell cathodes Adina Morozan, Bruno Jousselme and Serge Palacin 10.1039/c0ee00601g
Bulk nanostructured thermoelectric materials: current research and future prospects A. J. Minnich, M. S. Dresselhaus, Z. F. Ren and G. Chen 10.1039/b822664b
Recent developments in nanostructured anode materials for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries Liwen Ji, Zhan Lin, Mataz Alcoutlabi and Xiangwu Zhang 10.1039/c0ee00699h
Development and challenges of LiFePO4 cathode material for lithium-ion batteries John B. Goodenough et al. 10.1039/c0ee00029a
Carbon nanotubes for lithium ion batteries Brian J. Landi et al. 10.1039/b904116h
Graphene-based nanomaterials for energy storage Martin Pumera 10.1039/c0ee00295j
Highly active cobalt phosphate and borate based oxygen evolving catalysts operating in neutral and natural waters Arthur J. Esswein, Yogesh Surendranath, Steven Y. Reece and Daniel G. Nocera 10.1039/c0ee00518e

This year it was announced that the journal’s latest (2010) Impact Factor is 9.49, which officially ranks Energy & Environmental Science as #1 of all 192 journals in the field. This has been coupled with impressive growth for the journal, which can be seen in Fig. 1. These are great results for the journal, however we remain aware that it is important we continue to attract and publish only the highest quality research, and the Editorial Office is working hard to ensure Energy & Environmental Science remains the best home for high impact research.

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          Energy & Environmental Science's impressive growth.
Fig. 1 Energy & Environmental Science's impressive growth.

An international profile

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Energy & Environmental Science is supported by world-class international Editorial and Advisory Boards, led by Editor-in-Chief Professor Nathan Lewis. This year we were delighted to welcome a number of new members to the Energy & Environmental Science Advisory Board: Rodney Ruoff (UT Austin, USA) whose research includes the study of graphene, supercapacitors and materials for energy conversion and storage; Yang Shao-Horn (MIT, USA), who specialises in materials for electrochemical energy conversion and storage; Emilio Palomares (ICIQ, Spain) an expert in molecular photovoltaic devices; Chang-jun Liu (Tianjin, China) whose research covers catalysis and the utilization of greenhouse gases; and Markus Antonietti (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces) whose research interests include energy materials and artificial photosynthesis. We welcome them all to the Board and look forward to working with them over the coming months and years. We also wish to thank our retiring Board members for their support of the journal.

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In April 2011, Energy & Environmental Science co-organised the 1stInternational Conference on Clean Energy Science, which was held in Dalian, China. This high-profile international event had over 300 registrants and 65 speakers including Energy & Environmental Science Advisory Board member Kazunari Domen, as well as Peidong Yang, Can Li, James Durrant, Jaephil Cho and Changming Li. This exciting meeting was chaired by Advisory Board member Professor Xinhe Bao—we thank him for helping to coordinate such a successful meeting.

Energy & Environmental Science continues to support the scientific community by sponsoring a variety of international meetings through awarding poster prizes to some of the best up-and-coming new scientists. In 2011, we supported a range of conferences covering areas such as photovoltaics, solar fuels, artificial photosynthesis and CO2 utilization. Further sponsorship is planned over the next year, so if you have any suggestions of conferences where we could offer Energy & Environmental Science prizes please let us know at

We will be attending more conferences throughout this year to ensure we are always aware of the latest cutting-edge research. So if we are at a conference you're attending please do come and say hello—we always welcome feedback from our authors, readers and referees.

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High visibility

The Editorial Office continues to work hard to make sure the work published in Energy & Environmental Science has the highest visibility possible. The journal has a very broad readership appealing to chemical scientists, engineers, energy researchers, bio-scientists and environmental scientists from across academia, industry and government. To promote our content further, as well as our EESblog, we also have a dedicated Facebook page and Twitter feed to highlight the latest high-quality research and news from the journal. We encourage you to sign-up and follow us today!/ees_journal.
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Our Press Office also promotes Energy & Environmental Science articles to the wider scientific press, meaning work from the journal has featured in leading international scientific magazines, such as New Scientist, C&EN, Science and The Engineer, as well as newspapers including The Times and The Guardian. Articles featured include a life cycle analysis of algae-derived biodiesel by David A. King, Oliver Inderwildi and co-workers (DOI: 10.1039/C1EE01791H) and a Communication by Philipp Adelhelm and colleagues on sodium-ion batteries (DOI: 10.1039/c1ee01744f).

Going forward

We are committed to ensuring Energy & Environmental Science remains the #1 journal in its field, and we want to thank everyone in the scientific community who has contributed to this achievement; our authors, Board members, readers and referees—your dedication and support are invaluable to the success of the journal.

We always welcome your comments and suggestions; so please contact us at

With our best wishes for the New Year,

Jane Hordern

Deputy Editor,

Philip Earis

Editor, Energy & Environmental Science

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RSC Conferences and events 2012

The RSC organises a broad range of conferences and events to promote the advancement of the chemical sciences. Please visit the website for the most up to date listing:

The major scientific meetings planned for 2012 include:

Challenges in Inorganic and Materials Chemistry (ISACS8)
19–22 July 2012, Toronto, Canada
Inorganic Photophysics and Photochemistry—Fundamentals and Applications (Dalton Discussion 13)
10–12 September 2012, Sheffield, UK

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012