Issue 4, 2008

Digital microfluidics for cell-based assays


We introduce a new method for implementing cell-based assays. The method is based on digital microfluidics (DMF) which is used to actuate nanolitre droplets of reagents and cells on a planar array of electrodes. We demonstrate that this method is advantageous for cell-based assays because of automated manipulation of multiple reagents in addition to reduced reagent use and analysis time. No adverse effects of actuation by DMF were observed in assays for cell viability, proliferation, and biochemistry. A cytotoxicity assay using Jurkat T-cells was performed using the new method, which had ∼ 20 times higher sensitivity than a conventional well plate assay. These results suggest that DMF has great potential as a simple yet versatile analytical tool for implementing cell-based assays on the microscale.

Graphical abstract: Digital microfluidics for cell-based assays

Article information

Article type
19 Nov 2007
24 Jan 2008
First published
25 Feb 2008

Lab Chip, 2008,8, 519-526

Digital microfluidics for cell-based assays

I. Barbulovic-Nad, H. Yang, P. S. Park and A. R. Wheeler, Lab Chip, 2008, 8, 519 DOI: 10.1039/B717759C

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