Happy New Year from The Analyst and RSC Publishing

Happy New Year from The Analyst and RSC Publishing. We take this opportunity to highlight the latest developments in the journal and RSC Publishing.

Hot research

We are delighted to announce that The Analyst's impact factor has increased to 3.198, continuing its impressive rise of recent years. This reinforces The Analyst's position as the leading European general analytical chemistry journal publishing primary research. Calculated annually, ISI® impact factors provide an indication of the quality of a journal – they take into account the number of citations in a given year for all the citable documents published within a journal in the preceding two years.

We are delighted to let you know also that at 0.925 The Analyst has the highest immediacy index of all general analytical chemistry journals. By this measure The Analyst is the home of the most urgent and topical general analytical chemistry research. The immediacy index is a measure of how quickly articles are cited after publication.

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We are committed to publishing the best research in all areas of interdisciplinary (bio)analytical science including molecular recognition, analytical nanoscience, systems analysis, multidimensional analysis and advanced analytical systems. As well as topical reviews and original research articles, The Analyst publishes Communications which present innovative chemical concepts with important analytical implications. In 2007 we published more Communications reporting urgent preliminary results than ever before. To find out more and read some recently-published Communications visit our webpage www.rsc.org/analyst/communications. You can also read about all the great reasons to choose The Analyst for your next article at www.rsc.org/analyst/whypublish

Editorial board news

Paul Bohn
Plate1 Paul Bohn
We are pleased to welcome Paul Bohn as our new North American Editor. Paul is Arthur J. Schmitt Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Notre Dame. Manuscripts from North American authors can be submitted to Paul through ReSourCe www.rsc.org/resource
José Pingarrón
Plate2 José Pingarrón

We also welcome José Pingarrón from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, to the Editorial Board. We are looking forward to working with all of our Editorial Board members over the coming year.

We would like to thank Lars Andersson, Ryszard Lobinski, Elisabeth Verpoorte and our former North American Editor Luis Colón who have retired from the Editorial Board during 2007.

Award-winning technology and enhanced HTML articles

Launched in February 2007, RSC Project Prospect has had an exceptional first year. Bringing science alive via enhanced HTML articles in RSC journals, the project delivers: hyperlinked compound information (including downloadable structures) in text; links to IUPAC Gold Book terms; ontology terms linked to definitions and related articles; plus RSS feeds that include structured subject and compound information, enabling at-a-glance identification of relevant articles. As the only publisher able to offer these enhancements, we were delighted to be awarded the 2007 ALPSP/Charlesworth Award for Publishing Innovation, where judges described RSC Prospect articles as “delightfully simple to use … benefits to authors and readers are immediately obvious”. Around 1400 articles have now been published with enhanced HTML – to see for yourself, look out for the RSC Prospect icon on our website. Further developments to the project will be announced in 2008. Many of you have already told us how impressed you are with the project – http://www.projectprospect.org has examples of enhanced articles, feedback from the scientific community, plus the latest news.

Following feedback from journal readers a number of changes have been introduced across all RSC Journals. The Analyst homepage now contains the contents list for the current issue, delivering the content you want to see as soon as you arrive at the site. Graphical abstracts are included as standard, allowing you to browse content much more conveniently. A more prominent and easy-to-use search box also makes finding published research much more intuitive. Advance Articles will soon also be available in PDF format.

For authors, the RSC Journal templates have been revised and updated to assist submission in a format similar to the journal layout. The guidelines for the use of colour in the printed versions of RSC Journals will be relaxed in 2008, and the decision on the free use of colour will be based on whether the use of colour enhances the scientific understanding of the figure (the old policy required the colour to be essential). In addition, for the online version of the journals, colour will be provided at no cost in both the PDF and HTML versions.

Energy & Environmental Science

RSC Publishing will be launching a new journal in summer 2008. Energy & Environmental Science will cover all aspects of the chemical sciences relating to energy conversion and storage and environmental science. Visit the website for the latest news: www.rsc.org/ees

Molecular BioSystems spin out

It's official, Molecular BioSystems has separated from host journal, Chemical Communications, and is now a fully fledged solo publication. Its availability since launch to readers of Chemical Communications and the online hosts, Organic & Bimolecular Chemistry, Lab on a Chip, The Analyst and Analytical Abstracts has ensured that Molecular BioSystems received a large and interdisciplinary audience from the outset. The Analyst readers wishing to continue to read Molecular BioSystems now need to recommend the journal to their librarian. Fill in the online recommendation form at www.rsc.org/libraryrecommendation

The Analyst book of choice’ scheme

Launched in Spring 2007, the RSC eBook Collection offers scientists across the globe online access to a prestigious and wide-ranging portfolio of chemical science books which span 40 years of research and opinion.

The RSC eBook Collection is testament to RSC's publishing innovation as well as the high quality of the content contained in our books. With further technical developments and new 2008 content being uploaded throughout the year the RSC eBook Collection is set to become a key resource. To search the collection or for further information visit www.rsc.org/ebooks

Scientists from all four corners of the globe are taking advantage of the free first chapter downloads and from January 2008, The Analyst will regularly highlight a book specifically for our readers through our ‘Analyst book of choice’ scheme. More information is available on the Analyst website.

25% Book discount for RSC authors, editors and referees

If you would like to buy a print copy of the ‘Analyst book of choice’ or other titles from the RSC, and you are an RSC author, editor or referee you can enjoy a special 25% discount on your book purchase. You can redeem this offer online through the RSC Online Shop. To find out how to claim your exclusive discount, visit www.rsc.org/shop

Final remarks

2008 promises to be an exceptional year for The Analyst. We thank all of our authors, referees and readers for their continued support. On behalf of the Editorial Board and The Analyst team at the RSC, we would like to wish you a happy and successful 2008. We look forward to receiving urgent and topical interdisciplinary work in analytical, bioanalytical and detection science over the coming year. Your comments and feedback about the journal are also very welcome, please e-mail the Editorial Office at analyst@rsc.org

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Niamh O'Connor, Editor

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Elizabeth A. H. Hall, Chair, Editorial Board

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008