Issue 10, 2006

Atomic spectrometry update—X-ray fluorescence spectrometry


This annual review of X-ray fluorescence covers developments over the period 2005–2006 in instrumentation and detectors, matrix correction and spectrum analysis procedures, X-ray optics and microfluorescence, synchrotron XRF, TXRF, portable XRF and on-line applications, as assessed from the published literature. The review also covers a survey of applications, including sample preparation, geological, environmental, archaeological, forensic, biological, clinical, thin films, chemical state and speciation studies. The trend set in previous years continues with large numbers of papers published in the areas of environmental, industrial and biological/clinical applications, followed this year by a significant contribution in the area of archaeological science and cultural heritage. Notable contributions this year are in areas of topical societal interest, including the rapid throughput screening for combatorial materials. Interest continues in nanotechnological applications as well as the related micro-analytical instrumentation that permits profiling and mapping of samples, which was previously undertaken by non-XRF techniques.

Article information

Article type
Atomic Spectrometry Update
03 Aug 2006
First published
11 Sep 2006

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2006,21, 1076-1107

Atomic spectrometry update—X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

P. J. Potts, A. T. Ellis, P. Kregsamer, C. Streli, C. Vanhoof, M. West and P. Wobrauschek, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2006, 21, 1076 DOI: 10.1039/B611269M

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