New Advisory Board members

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Maria Betti was born in 1960. She received her doctorate in chemistry from the University of Pisa (Italy) in 1984, where she returned in 1998 to lecture as Contract Professor in Instrumental Analytical Chemistry. From 1985 to 1991 she worked at the University of Pisa and at the Italian National Research Council as a researcher. In 1991 she became head of the Analytical Chemistry section (Nuclear Chemistry division) at the Institute for Transuranium Elements (EC-JRC) in Karlsruhe. Her main field of research is the development and implementation of instrumental analytical methods for detection of traces of radioisotopes and characterisation of radioactive microparticles (hot particles) by plasma mass spectrometric techniques. She is the author of more than 70 publications in peer-reviewed international scientific journals in the field of analytical, radioanalytical and environmental chemistry.
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Bente Gammelgaard holds a masters degree in pharmaceutical sciences, a PhD in analytical chemistry and is an Associate Professor at the Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Copenhagen, Denmark. Her main field of research concerns hyphenation of separation methods with ICP and electrospray ionisation methods for selenium speciation, focused on the human metabolism of selenium. This involves improving sample preparation methods for human biological samples and combining different chromatographic principles and electrophoretic methods for better separations, with the final aim of identifying human metabolites. A part of this is improvement of the hyphenation of the separation methods with the mass spectrometric detector using different interfaces. More recently she has become interested in using ICP-MS as an alternative detection method in drug metabolism studies.

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Erik Huusfeldt Larsen was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1950. He obtained both his MSc degree (1976) and his PhD degree in analytical chemistry (1993) from the Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Following his MSc degree he was employed by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA), where he is currently Leader of the Metals and Minerals team. During his PhD Dr. Larsen studied arsenic speciation in seafood, and spent time in Canada with Professor Jean-Simon Blais at McGill University and with Professor W. Cullen at the University of British Columbia. His work included development of methods for the extraction and selective separation of arsenic species in biological samples by ion exchange HPLC, as well as characterisation of ICP-MS as a chromatographic detector. Since then his interest has gradually turned to the analytical chemistry of selenium species and stable isotopes in food, food supplements and human biological material in relation to cancer prevention by selenium, using HPLC coupled to ICP-DRC-MS or ES-MS/MS.

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Vahid Majidi earned his BS degree in chemistry from Eastern Michigan University and his PhD degree from Wayne State University. After his graduate work, Dr. Majidi spent two years as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Texas (Austin) and then was a tenured associate professor at the University of Kentucky, where he conducted research on laser-based techniques, gas phase chemistry, and solid substrates, from 1989–1996. Dr. Majidi was the Group Leader for Actinide Analytical Chemistry Group (C-AAC) at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), developing new technologies for materials characterization, development of in-situ sensors, fiber-optic based analysis and process analytical chemistry for the intelligence community. Dr. Majidi was also the Group Leader for the Analytical Chemistry Sciences Group at LANL, developing new technologies for biological detection, hand-held sensor platforms, biological mass spectrometry, process analytical instrumentation and real-time analyzers. In February 2003 he was appointed the Chief Science Advisor for the Department of Justice (DOJ). Dr. Majidi is responsible for coordinating science and technology policy among the Department's component agencies and with state and local law enforcement entities. He also serves as a Department liaison to the scientific community.

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Andreas Prange is Analytical Chemist and Head of the Department for Marine Bioanalytical Chemistry in the Institute for Coastal Research at the GKSS Research Centre in Geesthacht, Germany. He also teaches in the Department of Chemistry of the University of Hamburg. His current research interests are in bioanalytical chemistry at the interface between instrumental analytical chemistry and molecular biology. His research interests include development and application of hyphenated systems, combining chromatographic/electrophoretic and mass spectrometric methods for the identification and structural characterization of chemical substances, with a focus on their biomolecular effects in the coastal environment, as well as on the ecological chemistry of marine natural substance with respect to their chemical communication in inter- and intra-species relationships. More information is available at:

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2004