Issue 2, 2003

Improved preparations of ionic liquids using microwave irradiation


Controlled, multimode microwave irradiation has been employed in a generic solvent-free process to prepare a wide range of ionic liquids based on nitrogen-containing heterocycles. The developed method offers a flexible, small to large-scale approach to prepare ionic liquids, in either sealed or open vessels, in a faster and greener process than any previously described.

Graphical abstract: Improved preparations of ionic liquids using microwave irradiation

Article information

Article type
03 Jan 2003
First published
27 Mar 2003

Green Chem., 2003,5, 181-186

Improved preparations of ionic liquids using microwave irradiation

M. Deetlefs and K. R. Seddon, Green Chem., 2003, 5, 181 DOI: 10.1039/B300071K

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