Book and software reviews on the Web

Reviews of the following items can be found on Web page:

Polymer Analysis (Analytical Techniques in the Sciences)

By Barbara H. Stuart. Wiley & Sons. 2002. Price: £70 (Hardcover). ISBN: 0471899267.

Measurement—Principles, Techniques and Applications

By Paul A. Baron and Klaus Willeke. Pp. 1160. Wiley and Sons. 2001. (2nd Edition). Price: £144 (Hardcover). ISBN: 0471356360.

Mass Spectrometry—Principles and Applications (Second Edition)

By Edmond de Hoffmann. Pp 420. Wiley and Sons. 2002. Price: £80 (Hardcover). Price: £32.50 (Paperback). ISBN: 0471485667.

Modern Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

By A. A. Christy, Y. Ozaki and V. G. Gregoriou. Volume XXXV in Wilson and Wilson′s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Pp 376. Elsevier. 2001. Price: £108 (Hardcover). ISBN 0444500448.

The Raman Effect: A Unified Treatment of the Theory of Raman Scattering by Molecules

By Derek A. Long, Pp. 624. John Wiley & Sons. 2002. Price: £120 (Hardcover). ISBN 0471490288.

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