Photoluminescent oxygen sensing using palladium tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin self-assembled membrane on alumina

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Yutaka Amao, Keisuke Asai and Ichiro Okura


An optical oxygen sensor based on the photoluminescent quenching of palladium tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin (PdTCPP) self-assembled membrane on an alumina plate has been developed. The luminescence intensity of PdTCPP membrane decreased with increase of oxygen concentration, indicating that this membrane is a highly sensitive device for oxygen concentration. The signal changes of this membrane are large enough to allow quantification of oxygen with good sensitivity (I0/I100 > 3). The response times of the sensor are 36 s on going from argon to oxygen and 148 s from oxygen to argon. This is a photostable sensing membrane that exhibits minimal decrease (ca 5%) in initial intensity after continuous irradiation for 24 h.


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