Synthesis and structural characterization of a novel tin(II) phosphonate, Sn2(O3PCH3)(C2O4)

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Brian Adair, Srinivasan Natarajan and Anthony K. Cheetham


The title compound, Sn2(O3PCH3)(C2O4), was synthesized hydrothermally using methylphosphonic acid and tin oxalate in the presence of butylamine. It crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21 /m (no. 14) with the lattice parameters a=4.723(1), b=15.196(1), c=6.147(1) Å, beta;=102.1(1)°, V=431.3(1) Å3 , Z=4. The final R values are R=2.99, Rw=6.1 and S=1.04. The structure comprises a network of vertex-linked truncated square-pyramidal SnO4 units and tetrahedral O3PC units which gives rise to three-membered rings, via a three-coordinate oxygen, which are linked together forming one-dimensional chains. These chains are connected together via the oxalate group forming the structure.


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