Structural change and complexation of strictly linear amylose induced by sealed-heating with salicylic acid

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Toshio Oguchi, Hiroaki Yamasato, Sontaya Limmatvapirat, Etsuo Yonemochi and Keiji Yamamoto


Strictly linear amyloses have been heated in a sealed ampoule in the presence of salicylic acid (SA). When using an amylose of molecular weight 1310000 (AS-1310), two types of inclusion complexes, differing in helix structure, were formed, depending on the amount of SA. With 10% SA a complex with 71-helix structure was obtained, with one SA molecule tightly accommodated per helical turn of AS-1310. With 30% SA an 81-helix complex was obtained, in which two SA molecules were assumed to be loosely accommodated per helical turn.