AGANTG: a Microsoft EXCEL 5.0–Visual Basic routine for the analysis of dose–response data

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Peter J. Zielinski and Steve Buckner


A Microsoft EXCEL 5.0 program was developed to evaluate data from biochemical and functional bioassays, an important step in drug discovery. The program accommodates both agonist and antagonist data. The program, written entirely in Visual Basic, is compatible with both Macintosh and PC platforms. Data are conveniently entered into a worksheet following only a few simple rules. The program performs complex data analysis and outputs calculated and graphic results to EXCEL worksheets. A set-up routine with a convenient dialog box offers the user controls regarding data analysis and results formats. After determining if the data are from an agonist or antagonist assay, the program automatically performs the analysis and outputs results in the proper format. Calculations support Schild analysis for antagonists. An agonist and antagonist were analyzed to illustrate program usage and results generated by the analsis. EXCEL–Visual Basic is a useful and convenient tool for evaluating bioassay data. Data entry is greatly simplified and custom reports can be generated with relative ease. Data are stored in a format that allows for easy editing re-analysis.


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