Non-classical FeII spin-crossover behaviour leading to an unprecedented extremely large apparent thermal hysteresis of 270 K: application for displays

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Yann Garcia, Petra J. van Koningsbruggen, Epiphane Codjovi, René Lapouyade, Olivier Kahn and Louis Rabardel


[Fe(hyetrz)3 ](anion)2 ·3H2O [hyetrz=4-(2′-hydroxyethyl)-1,2,4-triazole, anion=3-nitrophenylsulfonate] is a novel linear polynuclear FeII spin-crossover compound. The low-spin to high-spin transition accompanied by a pronounced thermochromic effect occurs at 370 K in a very abrupt way. Just before this temperature, the three non-coordinated water molecules are removed. The dehydrated high-spin form remains stable down to ca. 100 K, where it transforms into a new low-spin form, implying that this material shows an apparent thermal hysteresis width of 270 K. Applications of this material are discussed.


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