Amperometric Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide With a Manganese Dioxide-modified Carbon Paste Electrode Using Flow Injection Analysis

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Klemens Schachl, Hailemichael Alemu, Kurt Kalcher, Jitka Ježkova, Ivan Švancara and Karel Vytřas


A carbon paste electrode bulk modified with MnO2 was investigated as an amperometric detector for hydrogen peroxide in flow injection analysis (FIA). With an operating potential of +0.46 V versus Ag/AgCl, H2O2 produces catalytic oxidation currents which can be exploited for quantitative determinations. Factors influencing the analytical performance of the electrode, such as paste composition and pH, were studied both for batch voltammetry and for FIA. For the flow system the influence of the injection volume and flow rate were examined. The amperometric signals are linearly proportional to H2O2 concentrations in the range 0.5–350 mg l-1, showing a detection limit (three times the signal-to-noise ratio) of 45 µg l-1.


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