Transformation of cyclic α-phenylthio aldehydes by stereoselective aldol reactions and phenylthio migration into spirocyclic lactones and ethers, and E-allylic alcohols with 1,4-related chiral centres

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Varinder K. Aggarwal, Iain Coldham, Sara McIntyre and Stuart Warren


syn- and anti-Selective aldol reactions between enolates of propionate esters and three α-phenylthio cycloalkanecarbaldehydes give single diastereoisomers of phenylthio alcohols which rearrange in acid with 5-hydroxy or 5-CO2H participation to give spirocyclic ethers or lactones. In the absence of internal nucleophiles, allylic sulphides are formed which are used to make allylic alcohols with an E double bond exo to the ring and two stereochemically defined 1,4-related chiral centres.


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