Issue 1, 1990

Determination of tin in organotin compounds by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry in organic media


A method is described for the determination of tin in organotin compounds (RnSnX4–n: R = butyl, phenyl; X = Cl, acetate, laurate; n= 2–4; and R4Sn: R = phenyl). The compounds were initially treated with bromine in CCl4 to separate the organic radicals bonded to tin. The reaction of the organotin compounds with bromine was of particular importance because the atomic absorption signal, without pre-treatment of the sample with bromine, depended on the organometallic compound studied. Hence, when R = butyl or phenyl, no atomic absorption peak was obtained, due to the low volatility of the alkyl (or aryl) tin hydrides formed (RnSnH4–n). Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry followed by direct atomisation in an electrically heated quartz tube was used for the determination. A detection limit of 1.5 ng ml–1 of tin was obtained and the precision was 3% for the determination of 4 µg of tin (n= 7).

Article information

Article type

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 1990,5, 45-47

Determination of tin in organotin compounds by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry in organic media

J. M. Rabadan, J. Galban, J. C. Vidal and J. Aznarez, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 1990, 5, 45 DOI: 10.1039/JA9900500045

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