Issue 28, 2015

Carbon coating stabilized Ti3+-doped TiO2 for photocatalytic hydrogen generation under visible light irradiation


Self-doping by Ti3+ is a useful method to expand the light response of TiO2 into the visible light region. However, to obtain a stable Ti3+-doped TiO2 seems to be a challenge due to the easy oxidation of Ti3+ during the heterogeneous reaction. Here, we propose a simple carbon coating route to stabilize the Ti3+-doped TiO2, in which both the Ti3+ and precursor of the carbon coating layer were in situ formed from the hydrothermal hydrolysis of titanium isopropoxide. The carbon coated Ti3+-doped TiO2 exhibited excellent stability for photocatalytic hydrogen production. Based on electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis, the proposed stabilizing mechanism is that the conductive carbon coating layer as a barrier layer prevents the H2O and O2 from diffusing into the surface of the photocatalyst, which can oxidize the surface O vacancies and Ti3+ in TiO2. Our findings offer a simple route to prepare a highly stable TiO2-based photocatalyst with visible light response.

Graphical abstract: Carbon coating stabilized Ti3+-doped TiO2 for photocatalytic hydrogen generation under visible light irradiation

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 Mar 2015
27 May 2015
First published
29 May 2015

Dalton Trans., 2015,44, 12812-12817

Author version available

Carbon coating stabilized Ti3+-doped TiO2 for photocatalytic hydrogen generation under visible light irradiation

G. Fu, P. Zhou, M. Zhao, W. Zhu, S. Yan, T. Yu and Z. Zou, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 12812 DOI: 10.1039/C5DT01204J

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