Issue 46, 2017

Near-UV-to-red light conversion through energy transfer in Ca2Sr(PO4)2:Ce3+,Mn2+ for plant growth


A series of Ca2Sr(PO4)2:Ce3+,Mn2+,Na+ phosphors were synthesized by a high-temperature solid-state reaction. Under ∼320 nm excitation, the Ce3+ and Mn2+ co-doped phosphors exhibit two emission bands peaking at 370 and 645 nm, which originate from 5d–4f and 3d–3d transitions of Ce3+ and Mn2+, respectively. Luminescence properties, diffuse reflectance spectra, and decay curves indicate that energy transfer (ET) occurs from Ce3+ to Mn2+, and the ET efficiency reaches its maximum (91%) at an Mn2+ content of 0.35. The diffuse reflectance spectrum shows that the co-doped phosphors have strong absorption around 320 nm, which is good for the anti-aging ability of an agricultural film. The absolute quantum efficiency of the Ca1.6Sr(PO4)2:0.15Ce3+,0.10Mn2+,0.15Na+ phosphor is ∼94%. And the co-doped phosphors exhibit good stability in water. Therefore, Ca2Sr(PO4)2:Ce3+,Mn2+,Na+ phosphors have potential application as a light conversion material in agricultural films.

Graphical abstract: Near-UV-to-red light conversion through energy transfer in Ca2Sr(PO4)2:Ce3+,Mn2+ for plant growth

Article information

Article type
18 Sep 2017
30 Oct 2017
First published
31 Oct 2017

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017,5, 12069-12076

Near-UV-to-red light conversion through energy transfer in Ca2Sr(PO4)2:Ce3+,Mn2+ for plant growth

J. Zhang, X. Zhang, J. Zhang, W. Ma, X. Ji, S. Liao, Z. Qiu, W. Zhou, L. Yu and S. Lian, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 12069 DOI: 10.1039/C7TC04262K

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