Issue 27, 2017

Synthesis, structure and photocatalytic activity of layered LaOInS2


Indium oxychalcogenides would be attractive semiconductors considering the practical use of indium oxides and sulfides such as indium–tin oxides (ITO) and copper–indium–gallium diselenides (CIGS). In this work, a novel layered indium oxysulfide, LaOInS2, was synthesized by a metathesis reaction between LaOCl and NaInS2. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction showed that LaOInS2 consisted of alternately stacked rocksalt-type In–S and PbO-type La–O layers. The InS6 octahedron had split In sites with abnormally large anisotropic atomic displacement factors. LaOInS2 was found to be a direct semiconductor. Density functional theory calculations exhibited well-dispersed bands composed of In 5s/5p and S 3p/O 2p orbitals with a band gap of ∼2.4 eV, which was close to the experimental value estimated by optical absorption (2.64 eV). Under visible light irradiation this visible-light absorption, LaOInS2 exhibited photocatalytic activity for H2 and O2 evolution from water with the aid of Pt and IrO2 cocatalysts, respectively.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis, structure and photocatalytic activity of layered LaOInS2

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Article information

Article type
22 May 2017
08 Jun 2017
First published
09 Jun 2017

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017,5, 14270-14277

Synthesis, structure and photocatalytic activity of layered LaOInS2

A. Miura, T. Oshima, K. Maeda, Y. Mizuguchi, C. Moriyoshi, Y. Kuroiwa, Y. Meng, X. Wen, M. Nagao, M. Higuchi and K. Tadanaga, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 14270 DOI: 10.1039/C7TA04440B

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