Issue 32, 2016

Lowering the charge voltage of Li–O2 batteries via an unmediated photoelectrochemical oxidation approach


We here demonstrate an unmediated photoelectrochemical oxidation approach to address the overpotential issue of Li–O2 batteries during the charge process. We show that photoexcited holes from the photoelectrode provide a direct oxidation of solid Li2O2, without the use of a redox mediator. The Li–O2 battery composed of carbon nitride on carbon paper as a cathode and also as a photoelectrode exhibits an ultralow charge voltage of 1.96 V resulting in a ‘negative’ overpotential and good cycling performance. These results could represent a new and promising avenue for the future development of photo-charging all-solid-state batteries.

Graphical abstract: Lowering the charge voltage of Li–O2 batteries via an unmediated photoelectrochemical oxidation approach

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Article information

Article type
29 Apr 2016
16 Jun 2016
First published
16 Jun 2016

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,4, 12411-12415

Lowering the charge voltage of Li–O2 batteries via an unmediated photoelectrochemical oxidation approach

Y. Liu, N. Li, K. Liao, Q. Li, M. Ishida and H. Zhou, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 12411 DOI: 10.1039/C6TA03583C

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