Issue 14, 2016

A conductive polymer coated MoO3 anode enables an Al-ion capacitor with high performance


Electrochemical capacitors are becoming promising energy conversion/storage and power output devices. However, high cost and low energy density are two serious disadvantages. By integrating the advantages of Li-/Na-ion batteries and electrochemical capacitors, Li-/Na-ion capacitors have been explored recently. Al is very cheap and is the most abundant metal element on the earth. There are few reports on Al-ion capacitors due to the challenges in finding a suitable anode with large capacitance and good rate performance. Here, the feasibility of assembling an Al-ion capacitor with good electrochemical performance is demonstrated. The Al-ion capacitor is assembled by using a composite of MoO3 nanotubes coated by a conductive polypyrrole (PPy@MoO3) as an anode, which functions via a redox intercalation/deintercalation of Al3+ ions in aqueous solution. It delivers a capacitance of 693 F g−1, about 3 times higher than that of electrode materials for sodium-ion capacitors in aqueous solution. Combined with an activated carbon (AC) cathode, the Al-ion capacitor presents an energy density of 30 W h kg−1 and an excellent cycling life with 93% capacitance retention after 1800 cycles. This finding provides another energy storage device with low cost and promotes the application of capacitors.

Graphical abstract: A conductive polymer coated MoO3 anode enables an Al-ion capacitor with high performance

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
16 Feb 2016
01 Mar 2016
First published
01 Mar 2016

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,4, 5115-5123

Author version available

A conductive polymer coated MoO3 anode enables an Al-ion capacitor with high performance

F. Wang, Z. Liu, X. Wang, X. Yuan, X. Wu, Y. Zhu, L. Fu and Y. Wu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 5115 DOI: 10.1039/C6TA01398H

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