Issue 7, 2016

Bio-inspired synthesis of N,F co-doped 3D graphitized carbon foams containing manganese fluoride nanocrystals for lithium ion batteries


A work combining biological engineering, chemical science and energy storage application is demonstrated here. In particular, recombinant elastin-like polypeptides containing metal binding motifs (ELK16-FLAG) were constructed using genetic engineering techniques and were crosslinked to form a 3D porous matrix to direct the assembly of precursors. With the assistance of the ELK16-FLAG protein hydrogel template, a novel, facile and environmentally friendly synthesis approach is developed by successful synthesis of N,F co-doped three-dimensional porous carbon supported MnF2 nanocrystals (MnF2@N,F–C). Here, we used an ionic liquid (BmimBF4) to preserve the porous structure of the protein matrix, and serve as a fluorine source for carbon doping and the formation of MnF2 nanocrystals. After annealing at 600 °C in argon, three-dimensional N,F co-doped porous graphitized carbon-supported MnF2 nanocrystals (MnF2@N,F–C) were obtained. The annealed MnF2@N,F–C products were tested as anodes in rechargeable lithium ion batteries and high rate capabilities were obtained as a result of the nano-sized MnF2 crystallites and N/F-doping in the 3D graphitized structure.

Graphical abstract: Bio-inspired synthesis of N,F co-doped 3D graphitized carbon foams containing manganese fluoride nanocrystals for lithium ion batteries

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
13 Nov 2015
25 Jan 2016
First published
01 Feb 2016

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,4, 2691-2698

Author version available

Bio-inspired synthesis of N,F co-doped 3D graphitized carbon foams containing manganese fluoride nanocrystals for lithium ion batteries

Y. Lu, Y. P. Zhou, Q. Y. Yan and E. Fong, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 2691 DOI: 10.1039/C5TA09185C

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