Issue 2, 2015

Mapping the performance of amorphous ternary metal oxide water oxidation catalysts containing aluminium


An extensive series of ternary amorphous catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction are synthesized by a facile photochemical metal–organic deposition method. The electrocatalytic activity of catalyst films containing aluminium with a combination of iron, nickel, and/or cobalt are mapped out to determine how composition affects reactivity in these novel ternary amorphous metal-oxide oxygen-evolving catalysts. An important outcome of this work is the finding that the Al/Fe/Ni series of materials delivered strikingly low Tafel slopes of 11–27 mV dec−1, which are among the lowest values reported to date.

Graphical abstract: Mapping the performance of amorphous ternary metal oxide water oxidation catalysts containing aluminium

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Article information

Article type
29 Aug 2014
12 Nov 2014
First published
21 Nov 2014

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015,3, 756-761

Mapping the performance of amorphous ternary metal oxide water oxidation catalysts containing aluminium

C. Zhang, R. D. Fagan, R. D. L. Smith, S. A. Moore, C. P. Berlinguette and S. Trudel, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 756 DOI: 10.1039/C4TA04495A

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