Issue 33, 2021

How particle–particle and liquid–particle interactions govern the fate of evaporating liquid marbles


Liquid marbles refer to droplets that are covered with a layer of non-wetting particles. They are observed in nature and have practical significance. These squishy objects bounce, coalesce, break, inflate, and deflate while the liquid does not touch the substrate underneath. Despite the considerable cross-disciplinary interest and value of the research on liquid marbles, a unified framework for describing the mechanics of deflating liquid marbles—as the liquid evaporates—is unavailable. For instance, analytical approaches for modeling the evaporation of liquid marbles exploit empirical parameters that are not based on liquid–particle and particle–particle interactions. Here, we have combined complementary experiments and theory to fill this gap. To unentangle the contributions of particle size, roughness, friction, and chemical make-up, we investigated the evaporation of liquid marbles formed with particles of sizes varying over 7 nm–300 μm and chemical compositions ranging from hydrophilic to superhydrophobic. We demonstrate that the potential final states of evaporating liquid marbles are characterized by one of the following: (I) constant surface area, (II) particle ejection, or (III) multilayering. Based on these insights, we developed an evaporation model for liquid marbles that takes into account their time-dependent shape evolution. The model fits are in excellent agreement with our experimental results. Furthermore, this model and the general framework can provide mechanistic insights into extant literature on the evaporation of liquid marbles. Altogether, these findings advance our fundamental understanding of liquid marbles and should contribute to the rational development of technologies.

Graphical abstract: How particle–particle and liquid–particle interactions govern the fate of evaporating liquid marbles

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Article information

Article type
20 May 2021
12 Jul 2021
First published
19 Jul 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Soft Matter, 2021,17, 7628-7644

How particle–particle and liquid–particle interactions govern the fate of evaporating liquid marbles

A. Gallo, F. Tavares, R. Das and H. Mishra, Soft Matter, 2021, 17, 7628 DOI: 10.1039/D1SM00750E

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