Issue 37, 2019

Wrapping of a nanowire by a supported lipid membrane


Internalization of particles by cells plays a crucial role for adsorbing nutrients and fighting infection. Endocytosis is one of the most important mechanisms of particle uptake, which encompasses multiple pathways. Although endocytosis is a complex mechanism involving biochemical signaling and active force generation, the energetic cost associated with the large deformations of the cell membrane wrapping around a foreign particle is an important factor controlling this process, which can be studied using quantitative physical models. Of particular interest is the competition between membrane–cytoskeleton and membrane–target adhesion. This competitive adhesion mechanism can be reproduced to some extent by studying particle wrapping by a membrane adhered to a substrate. We propose a theoretical analysis of this process. Here, we explore the wrapping of a lipid membrane around a long cylindrical object in the presence of a substrate mimicking the cytoskeleton. Using discretization of the Helfrich elastic energy, which accounts for the membrane bending rigidity and surface tension, we obtain a wrapping phase diagram as a function of the membrane–cytoskeleton and the membrane–target adhesion energy, which includes unwrapped, partially wrapped and fully wrapped states. We provide an analytical expression for the boundary between the different regimes. While the transition to partial wrapping is independent of the membrane tension, the transition to full wrapping is very much influenced by the membrane tension. We also show that target wrapping may proceed in an asymmetric fashion in the full wrapping regime.

Graphical abstract: Wrapping of a nanowire by a supported lipid membrane

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
26 Mar 2019
20 Aug 2019
First published
21 Aug 2019

Soft Matter, 2019,15, 7490-7500

Wrapping of a nanowire by a supported lipid membrane

A. Khosravanizadeh, P. Sens and F. Mohammad-Rafiee, Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 7490 DOI: 10.1039/C9SM00618D

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