Issue 21, 2011

Morphology and organization of tissue cells in 3D microenvironment of monodisperse foam scaffolds


Here we demonstrate an efficient method to fabricate large-domain monodisperse foam scaffolds made of gelatin for 3D cell culture. We tested three distinct tissue cell types cultured in foam scaffolds composed of uniform spherical pores. The cells displayed appropriate morphological and physiological characteristics: epithelial cells formed cyst-like structures and were polarized inside pores, myoblasts adopted a tubular structure and fused into myotubes, and fibroblasts exhibited a wide variety of morphologies. Scaffolds with uniform pores can thus provide a platform for systematic study of 3D cell–matrix interactions.

Graphical abstract: Morphology and organization of tissue cells in 3D microenvironment of monodisperse foam scaffolds

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
03 Mar 2011
04 Aug 2011
First published
01 Sep 2011

Soft Matter, 2011,7, 10010-10016

Morphology and organization of tissue cells in 3D microenvironment of monodisperse foam scaffolds

J. Lin, W. Lin, W. Hong, W. Hung, S. H. Nowotarski, S. M. Gouveia, I. Cristo and K. Lin, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 10010 DOI: 10.1039/C1SM05371J

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