Issue 12, 2018

K-looping catalytic pyrolysis of unaltered and pelletized biomass for in situ tar reduction and porous carbon production


This paper studies the K-catalyzed pyrolysis of rice husk (RH) and its pelleted form (RHP) at a higher temperature (750 °C) for in situ tar reduction and porous carbon production. The mass ratio of KOH and biomass greatly affected the physicochemical property of bio-char. During carbonization with KOH, the in situ generated K2CO3 tailored the morphology and size of the self-templated SiO2, giving rise to RH-chars with open foam-like porous architecture enrich with micro- and meso-pores. KOH activation via this one-step pyrolysis could produce highly porous carbons (e.g., RH-char 1, RH-char 2, and RHP-char 1) with highly specific surface areas and high content of oxygen that have promising potential applications in energy storage and adsorption processes.

Graphical abstract: K-looping catalytic pyrolysis of unaltered and pelletized biomass for in situ tar reduction and porous carbon production

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Article information

Article type
16 Aug 2018
29 Sep 2018
First published
01 Oct 2018

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2770-2777

K-looping catalytic pyrolysis of unaltered and pelletized biomass for in situ tar reduction and porous carbon production

Y. Shen, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018, 2, 2770 DOI: 10.1039/C8SE00419F

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